Lobotomy Corporation
- Company slogan
Lobotomy Corporation, or L Corp, was one of the twenty-six Wings in the City which has since collapsed, formerly in control of District 12. L Corp's Singularity was the ability to materialize the human mind, and the company used this to market itself as an eco-friendly energy producer for the City and the other Wings. Secretly, this was done through the creation and use of Abnormalities, monstrous and highly dangerous entities created from experiments with L Corp's Singularity.
L Corp. was the product of a radical plan to fundamentally change the mentality of City life, carried out by its founding members in its main facility, by collecting Light and using it to release the Seed of Light over the City. This would allow all individuals to come to terms with their emotions and subsequently manifest E.G.O. The success of the Light's collection and release led to the White Nights and Dark Days and caused the collapse of the Wing and its branches. However, the Light's release was interrupted by Angela, who sought revenge for the suffering the plan inflicted on her and also freedom from L Corp, indirectly causing the Distortion Phenomenon in the process. Angela proceeded to remake L Corp's main facility into the Library to bide her time and plan for her freedom, all while the City's many factions are beginning to eye the sudden power vacuum in L Corp's former Nest to make their own fortunes.
The prequel game Lobotomy Corporation takes place entirely within the main facility of L Corp, during the collection of the Light. Information about the prequel can be found on the Lobotomy Corporation Wiki.
As a Wing, L Corp. operated as an energy producer and supplier, entering mutual business relationships with a number of other Wings, including W Corp, R Corp, and T Corp. As much as L Corp. benefited each Wing, they also assisted it in turn (unknowingly allowing its plan to occur.) For example, T Corp. granted the use of its TT2 Protocol which was used to alter and loop the timescale of L Corp's main facility, while R Corp's Rabbit Team was contracted to act as security for the facility.