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Dear Guests, this Page is currently undergoing realization. Please bear with us as we fully realize the Page of Myo!
For information on Myo in Lobotomy Corporation, see Rabbit Team on the Lobotomy Corporation Wiki.

Why do we always have to eat shit.


Myo (묘, Myo) is the Captain of the Rabbit Team of RCorpIcon.png R Corp's Fourth Pack. She first appears in the same Chapter, Episode 1.


Myo has, more or less, the same appearance she had in Lobotomy Corporation, her hairstyle cut into blunt fringes with two longer bangs framing her face, giving the appearance of droopy rabbit ears. She wears body armor with R Corp's brown and orange color scheme, along with a shoulder guard with an orange cape, signaling her status as Captain.


Myo has a chatty, cynical, and proud to nigh-arrogance personality. Even during combat or dangerous situations like the prospect of her pack being culled, she constantly pokes fun at those around her in a casual and relaxed way.

Nonetheless, she still holds a deep admiration for the Legendary Fixer Kali, seeing her as her own hero after being saved from a Syndicate by her when she was young.


First Reception

The Fourth Pack's captains discuss the prospect of their squads being snuffed.

Second Reception

Several clones of Myo fight for survival within R Corp's Hatchery.

Key Page stories

Myo’s Page

Ever since that day, I trained myself, aspiring to become like the hero that saved me that day; and landed a job at R Corp. I wanted to become a hero myself and save the lives of others… What I wanted more than anything, though, was to meet that person once more. R Corp. participated in most large battles in the City, so I expected to see her someday. I thought she’d have been alive all along since she was tough. I was going to thank her and show her how much stronger I had gotten since then if I did get to see her again.

But, I… well, yeah, I couldn’t tell her. Not just because I never saw the Red Mist again… or Gebura, as she is called now. We did meet each other after a long time, but that’s another story. I wouldn’t have been able to say it even if I met the Red Mist when she was alive and well. I got embarrassed of myself again. I thought I’d saved everyone, but after all, what I’ve been doing was far from being a hero.

Hey, what do you think a hero is?

Myo’s Complete Page

Long ago, there was a battle between huge Syndicates. I won’t bother saying when. Those kinds of things happen all the time in the Backstreets. And I had the misfortune of getting caught up in the middle of one. The fight was so fierce and intimidating, the young little Myo had to shiver in a corner. I couldn’t find a gap to run through, and there weren’t any hiding spots around me, either. All I did was crawl to a wall, crouch into a ball, and pray that no eyes fall on me. Stupid, wasn’t I?

My prayers didn’t work. A Syndicate member spotted me, and I closed my eyes tight, thinking this was the end. When I took a short breath in, I heard the sound of a sword cutting through flesh followed by the sound of a person collapsing to the floor. I thought swords like that would hurt a lot, but I felt pretty okay. The situation was so surreal, I was starting to believe that I didn’t feel my body hit the floor because a person’s senses are dulled moments before death. Then I realized I was staying conscious for too long for someone that just got cut with a sword. I mustered up the courage to open my eyes. I’ve got to see what’s going on at least, y’know what I mean? I slowly opened my eyes… to a scene I’ll never forget. A person covered in red massacring all the Syndicate members in front of me. She was literally chopping them up with her massive blade, and they were helpless against it. I was looking at it in awe, I didn’t even think to check my body.

Thud. With the last Syndicate member down, the street was open. She looked around, turned to see me, and… Wow… My face would’ve looked so dumb. I don’t even wanna remember that. Anyway, she pointed at an alleyway with that weird sword of hers and told me that I’ll be able to save myself if I ran that way, and that the rest is up to me. Instead of thanks, all that got out of my mouth was a stupid mumble like “Ah…” I leaned on a wall and barely stood up with shaky legs. I need to run before more people come this way… But I was so terrified. Even the person who saved me, she was red all the way and looked so scary.

While I was dithering, she sighed at me and approached me. Did I frustrate her? Is she gonna kill me now? Was my savior an impatient and ill-tempered freak after all? I collapsed on the floor. I mean, think about it. A scary humanoid thing fully covered in armor, walking toward you with a greatsword decorated with red flesh… It was a miracle I didn’t faint on the spot. She grabbed my arm, set me up right, and said in a dry voice: “It’s not the strong who survive, it’s the survivors who are strong.” Then she shoved my back, and I started running before I could thank her. I didn’t look back once. I was so embarrassed, comparing myself to her.

Ever since that day, I trained myself, aspiring to become like the hero that saved me that day; and landed a job at R Corp. I wanted to become a hero myself and save the lives of others… What I wanted more than anything, though, was to meet that person once more. R Corp. participated in most large battles in the City, so I expected to see her someday. I thought she’d have been alive all along since she was tough. I was going to thank her and show her how much stronger I had gotten since then if I did get to see her again.

But, I… well, yeah, I couldn’t tell her. Not just because I never saw the Red Mist again… or Gebura, as she is called now. We did meet each other after a long time, but that’s another story. I wouldn’t have been able to say it even if I met the Red Mist when she was alive and well. I got embarrassed of myself again. I thought I’d saved everyone, but after all, what I’ve been doing was far from being a hero.

Hey, what do you think a hero is?

Combat Info

Myo appears in RCorpIcon.pngR Corp. during Act 3 alongside 3 Rabbits and Nikolai, and the 3rd and 4th Acts of RCorpIcon.pngR. Corp II, the 3rd with 4 Rabbits, and the 4th with the rest of the captains. (Rudolph, Maxim, and Nikolai)

HPIcon.png 156 StaggerIcon.png 82 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rabbit Augmentation
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene. (Up to 3)
SkillBlueIcon.png Compressed Charge-stimulated Muscleforce
If the character has 11 or more Charge at the start of the Scene, gain 1 Haste.
Book of the Rabbit Team 70% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Book of Myo 30% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
Concentrated Fire ×2
Pinpoint Shot ×2
Quick Suppression ×2
Graze the Grass ×3

Combat Dialogue

Combat Entrance
  • Hippity hop~! The Rabbits have come to graze the grass!
  • Just leave it to the Rabbits!
  • We’re ready to go anywhere the grass is!
Victory Cry
  • Thank you for the meal, it was satisfying.
  • Phew~ That was tiring. Shall we get back now?
  • Khrf… Haha… I let my guard down…
On Ally Death
  • Another Rabbit returned to the grasslands.
  • This place is just as dangerous as before.
  • An expedition to the Outskirts might’ve been more fun.
On Kill
  • There’s still a lot of grass left to munch on!
  • DIE! Hahah! That was nothing.
  • The creatures in the beyond would be tougher than this!

Combat Entrance
  • Still being a puppet for that machine lady?
  • My younger self wouldn’t have guessed this is what’s become of my hero.
Victory Cry
  • Yeah. The past is in the past.
  • …You aren’t half bad.
On Ally Death
  • Cock up your ears, Rabbits.
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • Another Rabbit returned to the grasslands.
On Kill
  • You’re working for THE Red Mist… You should be stronger than that.
  • I haven’t been idling around all these years.
  • Let’s show ‘em how strong the Rabbits are.
Special Event
  1. Remember what you said? It’s the survivors who are strong.
  2. Shoulda realized that the situation is different now.

Special Event line notes

  1. Occurs if Myo kills Gebura.
  2. Occurs if Myo kills Gebura.

HPIcon.png 186 StaggerIcon.png 92 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rabbit Augmentation
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene. (Up to 3)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Myo’s Prowess
When using a Combat Page, all dice on the page gain Power against targets with slower Speed. (+1 Power per 2 points of difference, up to 5)
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
Concentrated Fire ×2
Pinpoint Shot ×2
Quick Suppression ×2
Graze the Grass ×3

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Hippity hop~! Rabbits! Do your best if you don’t wanna lose again!
  • How’s it feel to see us again?
  • I’m gonna chew on every single one of you this time.
Victory Cry
  • Thank you for the second course, it was satisfying.
  • Phew~ That was really tiring. Shall we get back now?
On Ally Death
  • Rabbit down.
  • Those crazy asses…
  • Use more firepower!
On Kill
  • There’s still a lot of grass left to munch on!
  • Thought you’d get me in the same way as before? Not a chance.
  • Let’s graze the rest of ‘em and go back!

Combat Entrance
  • Hello again. How does it feel to see me once more?
Victory Cry
  • Right. The past is in the past.
On Ally Death
  • Cock up your ears once more, Rabbits.
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • Another Rabbit returned to the grasslands.
On Kill
  • You’re still working for THE Red Mist… You should be stronger than that.
  • I haven’t been idling around all these years.
  • I’ll show you how vicious a Rabbit’s revenge can be.
Special Event

Special Event line notes

  1. Used if Myo kills Gebura.

HPIcon.png 186 StaggerIcon.png 92 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rabbit Augmentation
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene. (Up to 3)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Myo’s Prowess
When using a Combat Page, all dice on the page gain Power against targets with slower Speed. (+1 Power per 2 points of difference, up to 5)
SkillGreenIcon.png Slash Mastery
Slash Dice Power +1
SkillGreenIcon.png Pierce Mastery
Pierce Dice Power +1
Book of Nikolai 70% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Complete Book of Myo 30% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
Feral Knives
Quick Suppression ×4
Graze the Grass ×3

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Sigh… I’m not a fan of dry grass.
Victory Cry
  • Thank you for the third course, it was satisfying.
  • Phew~ That was tiring. Shall we get back now?
  • Khrf… I guess I’ll never graze… another grassland.
On Ally Death
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • It’s a bitter farewell.
  • I won’t stand back…
  • Those sick bastards…
  • Use more firepower!
On Kill
  • There’s still a lot of grass left to munch on!
  • Thought you’d get me in the same way as before? Not a chance.
  • Let’s graze the rest of ‘em and go back!

Combat Entrance
  • This is our last battle, so I’ll do my best.
Victory Cry
  • Both of us gave it our best shot.
  • …To die at the hands of a hero.
On Ally Death
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • It’s a bitter farewell.
  • I won’t stand back…
On Kill
  • You’re still working for THE Red Mist… You should be stronger than that.
  • I haven’t been idling around all these years.
  • I’ll show you how vicious a Rabbit’s revenge can be.
Special Event
  1. …Thank you.

Special Event line notes

  1. Used if Myo kills Gebura.


  • Myo is the only returning character from the game, Lobotomy Corporation, who wasn't an employee of LobCorpIcon.png L Corp.
    • Though due to R Corp.'s Singularity, it is unknown if the first iteration of Myo seen during R Corp.'s Reception was specifically the one that debuted in Lobotomy Corporation (Video Game), but it is unlikely.
  • In Distortion Detective, it is stated that, Eye Augmentations Glow Red when activated or Under Pressure, thus Myo's Eye Glow, and other fixers as well.
    • It is unknown if all Eye Augmentations glow red, or the ones Myo uses do.


Main Story Angela - Roland - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma
CanardIcon.png Canard (Pete - Lenny - Mang-chi) • (Finn - Yun - Eri) • (Mo - Consta - Arnold) • (Taein - McCullin - Naoki)
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth (Pierre - Jack) • (Mars - Lulu - San)
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend (Walter - Isadora - Julia) • (Dino - Gyeong-mi - Zulu) • (Olga - Mika - Rain)
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague (Alpha - Beta - Gamma) • (Sayo - Yang - Gin) • (Tamaki - Stephan - Liwei) • (Philip - Salvador - Yuna) • (Dalloc - Alloc - Bono) • (Meow - MuMu - Oink) • (Oscar - Pameli - Pamela) • (Tommy - Merry - Jae-heon - Elena - Tomerry) • JikanHanafuda
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare (Valerie - Lyla - Anton) • (Yujin - Valentin - Tenma - Thelma) • (Oswald - Emma & Noah) • (Jin - Mi - Wang) • (Rose - Sen - Lesti) • DanteBamboo-hatted Kim
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City (Kalo - Katriel - Denis - Boris) • (Lowell - Cecil - Mei - Xiao - Miris - Chun) • (Nemo - Bada - Martina) • (Nikolai - Maxim - Rudolph - Myo) • (Yan - Esther - Hubert - Gloria - Moirai - 얀샋ㄷ요무) • Dong-hwanAllenBayardIrinaYae
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis (Mirinae - Harold - Olivier) • (Zena - Baral - Luda)
Colors The Blue ReverberationThe Purple TearThe Red MistThe Black SilenceThe Vermilion Cross
The Reverb Ensemble The Conductor - Church of Gears Leader - Yesterday's Promise - L'heure de Loup - The 8 o'Clock Ringmaster - The Crying Children - The Puppeteer - Blood-red Night - The Eighth Chef - The Musicians of Bremen
Others The PianistAngelica • (Ayin - Carmen - Enoch) • ??? • (Astolfo - Ogier - Naimon - Renaud)
The Distortion Detective City Inhabitants:
Moses - Ezra - YuRia - Vespa Crabro - Han Hee-joon - Dias
The Photographer - The Mock Exam - Laundry of Dreams - The Human Thunderbolt - Marksman of the Mist - Larierre