The Thumb

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Hierarchy is absolute for the Thumb. To us, it’s as natural as the fact of nature that spilt blood only flows downwards, not up.

–A Thumb Soldato's Page

The Thumb is one of the Five Fingers, the five most powerful Syndicates in the City with enough influence to rival the Wings. Of the Fingers, the Thumb is as known for its class and formality as it is feared for its fanatical devotion to hierarchy. Acting against or even questioning a superior is an offense to be punished with blood, and not even outsiders are exempt from these rules.

Embroiled in war for the territory of the former Nest L, the southern forces of the Thumb are inevitably drawn to the Library seeking to claim its power for an advantage over their rivals. The Thumb's forces under Sottocapo Kalo make up the first encounter of the leftmost column of Star of the City.


Episode 1

Character Description
Thumb Soldato
A common Soldato, wearing the maroon-and-gold Thumb overcoat and wielding a standard-issue Thumb rifle.

Episode 2

Character Description
A capo under Kalo's command, Denis is deadpan, short with his words, and is usually the one to remind others of the Thumb's rules. In spite of that, he expresses great mania and bloodlust when shooting, laughing madly. He wields a standard-issue Thumb rifle in combat.
A capo under Kalo's command, Boris has a tough and straightforward attitude, enforcing the Thumb's rules with brutal displays of physical strength. He's very confident in his fists, being the only encountered member of the Thumb not to utilize guns, instead relying on his steel knuckles to do the job.
A capo under Kalo's command, Katriel has a frigid and serious attitude, faithfully following the Thumb's rules while enforcing them on her subordinates. Her specialty is intelligence gathering, being the one keeping Kalo updated with the situation in their turf war during cutscenes. Wields a standard-issue Thumb rifle on combat.
The sottocapo managing the Thumb's war for L Corp's nest, second only to the Capo dei capi. While seemingly stoic in attitude, he is very strict and brutal, gruesomely punishing any step out of line. He deeply values good manners and hierarchy, enforcing and abiding to them at all times. He wields a flintlock pistol and an explosive cane in battle.
Thumb Soldato
A common Soldato, wearing the maroon-and-gold Thumb overcoat and wielding a standard-issue Thumb rifle.


For background information on the Thumb, see The Thumb/Story.

Urban Legend chapter prologue

The Thumb first appears in the prologue story for the UrbanLegendIcon.pngUrban Legend chapter. Set in a meeting room in the Thumb's Southern Base, Katriel is heard giving her analysis of the situation in LobCorpIcon.pngL Corp's Nest. Kalo asks Katriel who she believes will take control; she says she does not have enough info to decide, but she believes IndexProselytesIcon.pngThe Index cannot be allowed to win. Kalo agrees and notes that the other three Fingers are too busy with their own affairs to join the conflict. Finally, Katriel begins to inform Kalo about a mysterious new Urban Legend, "The Library", which may be crucial to their efforts in Nest L.

Episode 1


Kalo holds a meeting with the Thumb's subsidaries about the war for L Corp's Nest.

The scene starts off in a meeting room in the Thumb Southern Base as Kalo thanks the "families" (Thumb subsidiary Syndicates) under his command for arriving to their meeting. Noticing that only 19 of the 20 subsidiaries are present, Kalo inquires about the empty seat. Katriel tells him that the missing Syndicate is the Rumanos Cartel, which has yet to recover after it was attacked by BlackSilenceIcon.pngThe Black Silence. Kalo orders for the Rumanos Cartel to be "cut off" for its failure to reorganize despite how much time had passed.

Kalo announces the Thumb's message to the entire audience at large: the Thumb's subsidiaries should pull out of L Corp's Nest because the Thumb itself is going to enter the conflict. There is immediate backlash from members of the KurokumoClanIcon.pngKurokumo Clan and the Ramier Family, both of which had made great sacrifices to gain territory in the Nest. Kalo, Boris, and Denis all rebuff them for breaking the Thumb's conduct. The leaders of the Kurokumo and the Ramier Family are forced to apologize, while the Kurokumo Clan Patriarch asks for the rationale behind the decision. Kalo tells them he understands their concern, but they must obey the will of the capo dei capi. Kalo points out the "unexpected" involvement of the third party which stole their Nuovo Fabric; when the Kurokumo Patriarch apologizes, Kalo forgives him by "only" cutting off his left hand.

Kalo tells the assembled families that they cannot pay attention to such matters as a third faction, and that the capo dei capi's orders are absolute. The leader of the Night Awls questions the orders of the capo dei capi and is immediately beheaded for his insolence. For this offense, Kalo orders for every member of the Night Awls to be purged. Finally, Kalo explains the rationale. The capo dei capi has decreed that IndexProselytesIcon.pngThe Index cannot be allowed to gain any footing in Nest L. However, the families are not strong enough to fight the Proxies of the Index, so they are ordered to withdraw in order to regain their strength. Kalo gives the same warning to the other sottocapi and their families as well.

Back in the Library, Angela comments on the harsh hierarchy of the Thumb. Roland calls the Thumb's order "paranoid" and mentions that breaking their rules is tantamount to a death sentence, though the same can be said for the other Fingers as well. Angela notes that this unyielding structure is their means of surviving in the City, which Roland agrees with. As Roland concludes, the five Syndicates which were most able to adopt such harsh, rigid "shells" were the ones that climbed to the top of the Backstreets and became the Five Fingers.


Angela points out the Thumb's use of firearms and various types of ammunition, as well as the double use of their guns as melee weapons. Roland explains that although the Thumb makes its own bullets, it is still far too expensive for common use, so they will only fire their guns when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, the Thumb's guns are still formidable in close quarters.

Episode 2


Kalo announces their assault on the Library, but Yan tries to stop them.

The episode starts off in the same meeting room of the Thumb Southern Base as the Capos discuss the current situation in Nest L now that actual warfare has begun. Denis and Boris wonder about the bloodshed soon to be seen in the Nest. At the very moment, the Thumb's forces are fighting IndexProselytesIcon.png outside. However, they also have to contend with the LiuAssociationIcon.pngLiu Association and RCorpIcon.pngR Corp., and Boris laments that many of his subordinates have died because of attacks by Distortions. Katriel notes that the Distortion is a hot topic in the City, and people seeking information about it are drawn to Nest L because of the presence of the Library, which they have identified as a closely related phenomena—not to mention that Distortions have been occurring more frequently in Nest L than anywhere else.

Kalo arrives and all the Capos greet him. Katriel clarifies that TheBlueReverberationIcon.pngThe Blue Reverberation and ThePurpleTearIcon.pngThe Purple Tear have also been sighted in the Nest; Boris mentions that they know the Blue Reverberation's group was responsible for stealing their Nuovo Fabric. Kalo asks why the Blue Reverberation would be in Nest L, and Katriel tells him that it is because of the Library. Boris and Katriel believe that the winner of the war for Nest L will be whoever can take control of the Library, but they have not been allowed to use an Invitation yet. Kalo tells them that not even stealing others' Invitations had worked, but now he has directly received an Invitation which lists a book about the Liu Association. This would give them a major advantage over the Liu, and Katriel notes that defeating the Liu would guarantee they could claim half of Nest L.

At this moment, Yan enters to offer his perspective on the Thumb's following action. Boris and Denis confront Yan before he requests permission to speak with Kalo, who obliges. Yan advises Kalo to stay away from the Library, as his death would put the Thumb at a major disadvantage and easily lead the Index to victory in the Nest. If the Index retrieved his book, the entire Syndicate would suffer. Kalo rejects Yan's words and instead mocks him for giving his own opinion, a position unbefitting a Messenger of the Index. He is willing to accept the Index's Prescripts, but no more than that. He gives Yan a death threat to deliver to the Index before clarifying that Yan will not be alive to deliver it. Kalo and the Capos then engage Yan in combat.

Back in the Library, Angela comments on the Thumb's practice of purging anyone who offends their hierarchy. Roland explains how strict the Thumb's hierarchy is with some further detail; in the presence of a higher rank, subordinates are forced to have permission for any little action and cannot even look them in the eyes. He also briefly touches on the Thumb's practice of rank devolution. Roland calls both the Thumb and the Index insane for their fanaticism, though Angela says that she likes their straightforward approaches.

At the entrance of the Library, Kalo ensures that his subordinates are uninjured after their fight with Yan. Katriel questions whether it would be better for Kalo and the Thumb if he remained in the Thumb base, but he refuses. Angela greets them, and Katriel comments on her not-quite-machine, not-quite-human status, irritating her. Recognizing that Angela is of a higher rank than he is, Kalo warns Katriel to show proper respect, and she has Denis cut off her own tongue. Kalo apologizes for the disrespect. Sickened, Angela agrees with Roland's assessment of the Thumb and leaves.


Angela and Roland talk about the Thumb's devotion to its hierarchy. Angela wonders who the creator of the Thumb's rules was, though Roland answers that no one, probably not even the Thumb, remembers, comparing them to the "blind zealots" of the Index. In turn, he asks Angela whether she finds the Thumb idiotic for following rules without knowing the reasons for them. She does, but she also understands why they would do so regardless, believing that there is no use in "questioning things that have always stayed the same". As she was forced to understand from her time in Lobotomy Corporation, the aimless could not see any other alternative, and seeing it happen with the Thumb has helped her understand it more. She does note that different people would have different opinions about the Fingers' rules, but then turns her attention to the consequences of Kalo's death in the Library. The Thumb's position in Nest L is now under serious threat, though it's up to them whether they will try to keep their position or make a full retreat. Regardless, they are no longer of concern to the Library.

The Distortion Detective

Members of the Thumb appear in chapters 34-40 of The Distortion Detective. In the Backstreets of District 12, Moses, Ezra, and Vespa Crabro seek shelter from the Night in the Backstreets and are unwittingly saved by a squad of Thumb members who took over a house and killed its occupants before the Night began. Their leader, Capo Isabelle, intends to use the Fixers to collect information because of the thick fog covering L Corp's Nest. Vespa is seen as the leader of the group because he is a Grade 1 Fixer, a rank equivalent to a Thumb Capo. When Isabelle attempts to negotiate with him, he immediately devolves his authority to Moses. Isabelle insinuates that he is connected to the Thumb since he knows of their internal practices.

Moses is forced to negotiate with Isabelle in order to repay their debt of gratitude. Isabelle tells them there will soon be warfare over Nest L and tasks them with finding the workshops supplying the Thumb's ammo in the Nest, which have disappeared. In return, Isabelle agrees to let the Thumb regularly contact Moses with information about Distortions.

In fulfilling Isabelle's task, Moses discovers that the ammunition was stolen by an intelligent Distortion called the Marksman of the Mist. They capture the Distortion, but are also confronted by Edgar, a powerful Zwei Fixer who forces them to betray the Thumb to avoid future repercussions as Fixers. Aided by Edgar and the Marksman of the Mist, they kill Isabelle and all twenty Soldatos under her command.

Key Page stories

A Thumb Soldato’s Page

The Thumb is the most cultivated and humane of the Five Fingers. Just be polite, and know to respect others. But then, why did the Thumb top the list of Syndicates one would never want to get involved with in the survey for Fixers conducted by the Hana Association, in spite of such good manners? The reason is simple: Hierarchy is absolute for the Thumb. To us, it’s as natural as the fact of nature that spilt blood only flows downwards, not up. One is expected to give unconditional obedience to a higher authority. That’s where the relative courteousness of the Thumb comes from.

Kalo’s Page

Capo dei capi (Godfather), Sottocapo (Underboss), Capo (Captain), and Soldato (Soldier/Goodfella)… The Thumb is divided into these four echelons. This hierarchical structure is still effective outside of the Syndicate. For example, a common Fixer is comparable to a Soldato, an Associate Fixer to a Capo, a board member of a Wing to a Sottocapo… This is how the hierarchy is to be interpreted. No outsider is exempt from this rule. No matter how you usually behave, you must remember your place and respect our rules when you’re dealing with the Thumb. If a young, oblivious Fixer walks up to a Capo and speaks to them, that poor picciotto will be rolling in the street the next day with his jaw and teeth missing. On the other hand, someone with the right level of authority or person of a higher class would be a different story. If a person on the same echelon as ours were to approach us, we’d gladly greet them and hear what they have to say with an open mind. Conversations with them are to be conducted with courtesy and decorum. Furthermore, if the person you’re dealing with stands on a higher echelon than yours… They must be treated with utmost devotion and delicacy. Such is the rule of ours, and the respect to their position. Don’t be too bitter over it. Indeed, class is earned, not given for free; it’s only right to give it the respect it deserves.

Boris’ Page

The Thumb uses various types of bullets. We pick the right ammo for the right situation. But, as you can guess, the price of those bullets is a serious drawback. Not even the Thumb, one of the Five Fingers sitting at the apex of the Backstreets, can just waste bullets willy-nilly… That’s how costly it gets. You can’t get trigger happy. Because of that, the Thumb fight with the bayonet and buttstock of their guns most of the time, and only fire bullets when it’s absolutely necessary. The buttstock is built to be solid enough to crush most things to a pulp, and the bayonet is pretty handy as a sword. Some just stick to raw strength, though.

Katriel’s Page

The Thumb’s chain of command is simple: Obey the orders issued by your superior unconditionally, and do not question the intentions of your superior. Kill if you’re told to kill, and die if you’re told to die. You cannot defy the orders no matter how baffling it may seem. Those who violate them are punished on the spot. Even if the order is made by someone whose rank is only one step higher than yours, you’re still obligated to follow it. There’s nothing you can do about it, unless another person whose position in the pecking order is even higher than your commander’s decides to step in and take your side.

There is one exception, however; it’s when a high-ranking individual temporarily devolves their power to a subordinate of theirs. Usually, this occurs if they have urgent business that prevents them from joining a meeting, or when they need their peer to know something that the subordinate can explain more professionally… It’s still a rare occurrence even then. No one transfers their authority for the fun of simulated uprising or other trivial reasons. That’s how significant the hierarchy is to us.

Denis’ Page

Even in a powerful Syndicate, weaklings exist… Cowardice can surface among the strong, and chaos can ensue from the most faultless rules. Not everyone in the Thumb can abide the rules without a slip-up.

What happens when one violates the rules… If someone is trying to disrupt the hierarchy, they will be purged in a few days. It doesn’t matter if it’s a member of the Syndicate or an outsider… Every person must abide by the rules… The degree of violation is irrelevant; that doesn’t decide the weight of the purge. The one thing that matters the most is the fact that they showed insolence. The lesson is marked with blood so that no one… no one dares to break this rule again. That’s the most important one. It might seem like nitpicking, but there’s one basic principle to remember: Don’t get on the nerves of your superior. It’s such an elementary part of the basic decencies for human relationships, yet so many people seem to be oblivious of this…

Stats and Cards

All Guests from the Thumb start with 3 LightIcon.png Light, with the exception of Kalo, who starts with 4 LightIcon.png Light. All of them except Boris have the ability to use Ranged Combat Pages. All of them possess Passive Abilities.

  • Thumb Soldato's Passive Abilities:
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed: DiceSlotIcon.png Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap) (Cost: 4)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ammo Supply: After every three successful attacks with Melee Combat Pages, add a random Ammunition to hand. (Cost: 9)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Concentration: Gain +1 Power for the first scene. (Cost: 2)
  • Denis' Passive Abilities
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ranged: Can use Ranged Combat Pages
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed: DiceSlotIcon.png Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap) (Cost: 4)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ammo Supply: After every three successful attacks with Melee Combat Pages, add a random Ammunition to hand. (Cost: 9)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Additional Supplies: Everytime the character exhausts 3 Ammunition, add a random Ammunition to hand at the end of the Scene. (Cost: 2)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Concentration: Gain +1 Power for the first scene. (Cost: 2)
  • Boris' Passive Abilities
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed: DiceSlotIcon.png Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap) (Cost: 4)
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Grit: Reduce incoming damage and Stagger damage by 1 (Including damage from non-attacks) (Cost: 2)
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Respiration: At the start of the Scene, Restore 1 LightIcon.png Light if current Light is 0 (Cost: 2)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Concussion: On a successful Blunt attack, deal 2 bonus Stagger damage (Cost: 2)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Blunt Mastery: Blunt Dice Power +1 (Cost: 9)
  • Katriel's Passive Abilities:
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ranged: Can use Ranged Combat Pages
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed: DiceSlotIcon.png Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap) (Cost: 4)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ammo Supply: After every three successful attacks with Melee Combat Pages, add a random Ammunition to hand. (Cost: 9)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Empowered First Shot: When playing a Ranged Combat Page, its first Offensive die gains +1 Power. (Cost: 3)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Concentration: Gain +1 Power for the first Scene (Cost: 2)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Pierce Mastery: Pierce Dice Power +1 (Cost: 9)
  • Kalo's Passive Abilities:
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ranged: Can use Ranged Combat Pages
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed III: SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap) (Cost: 6)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Ammo Supply: After every three successful attacks with Melee Combat Pages, add a random Ammunition to hand.
      (Cost: 9)
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png The Boss's Orders: At the start of the Scene, give 1 ProtectionIcon.pngProtection to 2 random allies. (Cost: 4)
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Threefold Tenacity: Every third Offensive die gains +1 Power. Starting with the fourth Scene, all Offensive dice gain +1 Power instead. (Cost: 4)
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Unrelenting: Upon taking a lethal blow, reduce all incoming damage including what activated this passive by 25 for the Scene (Activates once per Act) (Cost: 2)
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Blind Fire: Gain +2 Power for the first Scene (Cost: 3)
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Pierce Mastery: Pierce Dice Power +1 (Cost: 9)

General Stats

Character HPIcon.png HP StaggerIcon.png Stagger EmotionIcon.png Max. Emotion Lv. LightIcon.png Lights DiceSlotIcon.png Dice Slots SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice
Thumb Soldato (Ep. 1) 98 46 5 3 2 2~6
Thumb Soldato (Ep. 2) 96 43
Denis 111 54
Boris 127 68
Katriel 109 55
Kalo 127 68 4 2~7


Character Damage Stagger
SlashIcon.pngSlash PierceIcon.pngPierce BluntIcon.pngBlunt SlashIcon.pngSlash PierceIcon.pngPierce BluntIcon.pngBlunt
Thumb Soldato SlashNormalIcon.pngx1.0
Denis SlashEndureIcon.pngx0.5
Boris SlashNormalIcon.pngx1.0
Katriel PierceEndureIcon.pngx0.5
Kalo PierceNormalIcon.pngx1.0


The members of the Thumb use their own Combat Pages, with decks themed around gaining Ammunition cards through their Passive Abilities and Combat Pages and then expending them to boost their Ranged Combat Pages. Kalo additionally supports his allies using the Combat Page Le Regole to apply the DamageUpIcon.pngDamage Up status effect that boosts their damage. Boris is the only exception, as he exclusively uses Melee Combat Pages with an emphasis on defensive and Blunt dice.

A Thumb Soldato's Deck (8 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
1x Reload
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add a random Ammunition to hand; draw 1 page

- 3~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

- 2~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Suppressing Shot
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit Inflict 1 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

- 4~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

3x Class and Respect
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Restore 2 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash
On Hit: Inflict 2 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

1x Bayonet Combat
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add 2 random Ammunition to hand

- 3~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 5~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 4~6 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Shock Round
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard 2 pages with the lowest Cost from hand, and draw a page
All dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded

- 5~10 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt
On Hit: Deal 3 StaggerIcon.pngStagger damage to target

- 5~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Focus Fire
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 3 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard up to four 0-Cost pages from hand
Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded this way

- 7~17 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit: Inflict 1 FragileIcon.pngFragile next Scene

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

Denis' Deck (9 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
3x Class and Respect
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Restore 2 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash
On Hit: Inflict 2 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

1x Reload
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add a random Ammunition to hand; draw 1 page

- 3~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

- 2~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Suppressing Shot
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit: Inflict 1 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

- 4~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Bayonet Combat
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add 2 random Ammunition to hand

- 3~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 5~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 4~6 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Summary Judgement
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 3~7 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

- 3~6 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

- 5~10 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Shock Round
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard 2 pages with the lowest Cost from hand, and draw a page
All dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded

- 5~10 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt
On Hit: Deal 3 StaggerIcon.pngStagger damage to target

- 5~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Focus Fire
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 3 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard up to four 0-Cost pages from hand
Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded this way

- 7~17 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit: Inflict 1 FragileIcon.pngFragile next Scene

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

Boris' Deck (9 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
2x Ferrous Guard
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

- 3~8 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 3~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 2~5 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

3x Class and Respect
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Restore 2 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash
On Hit: Inflict 2 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

2x Steel Knuckles
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Draw 1 page

- 4~8 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 3~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 2~6 SlashCounterDiceIcon.png Counter Slash

2x Discipline
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 4 LightIcon.png Light

Boris' Exclusive Page
Dice on this page and the page clashing with it are unaffected by Power gain or loss

- 2~6 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 4~8 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 3~5 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

Katriel's Deck (9 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
3x Class and Respect
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Restore 2 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash
On Hit: Inflict 2 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

1x Reload
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add a random Ammunition to hand; draw 1 page

- 3~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

- 2~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Suppressing Shot
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit: Inflict 1 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

- 4~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Bayonet Combat
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add 2 random Ammunition to hand

- 3~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 5~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 4~6 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Summary Judgement
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 3~7 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

- 3~6 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

- 5~10 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Shock Round
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard 2 pages with the lowest Cost from hand, and draw a page
All dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded

- 5~10 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt
On Hit: Deal 3 StaggerIcon.pngStagger damage to target

- 5~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Focus Fire
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 3 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard up to four 0-Cost pages from hand
Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded this way

- 7~17 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit: Inflict 1 FragileIcon.pngFragile next Scene

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

Kalo's Deck (8 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
2x Class and Respect
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Restore 2 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash
On Hit: Inflict 2 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

1x Reload
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add a random Ammunition to hand; draw 1 page

- 3~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

- 2~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Suppressing Shot
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 1 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
On Hit: Inflict 1 BleedingIcon.pngBleed next Scene

- 4~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

1x Bayonet Combat
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Add 2 random Ammunition to hand

- 3~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 5~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 4~6 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Summary Judgement
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard a page with the lowest Cost
If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power

- 3~7 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

- 3~6 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

- 5~10 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Shock Round
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 2 LightIcon.png Light

The Thumb's Exclusive Page
On Use: Discard 2 pages with the lowest Cost from hand, and draw a page
All dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded

- 5~10 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt
On Hit: Deal 3 StaggerIcon.pngStagger damage to target

- 5~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Le Regole
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost : 3 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: All allies deal +2 damage with their Offensive dice next Scene

- 5~11 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

- 5~10 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

- 3~8 BlockCounterDiceIcon.png Counter Block

Ammunition types
Name & Art Stats & Dice
Armor-piercing Ammunition
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 0 LightIcon.png Light

Exhausts when used or discarded; On Exhaust: Dice clashing against user's Ranged Combat Pages lose 1 Power for this Scene

- 3~7 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

Flame Ammunition
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 0 LightIcon.png Light

Exhausts when used or discarded; On Exhaust: On hit with Ranged Combat Pages this Scene, inflict 2 BurnIcon.pngBurnBurnIcon.png Burn X
At the start of the Scene, take X damage and subtract one third of the Burn stack. (Rounded down)

- 3~7 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

Frost Ammunition
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost : 0 LightIcon.png Light

Exhausts when used or discarded; On Exhaust: On hit with Ranged Combat Pages this Scene, inflict 1 ParalysisIcon.pngParalysis and DisarmIcon.pngDisarm next Scene

- 3~7 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

Resolvable Books

Book of the Thumb

The Book of the Thumb can be obtained by defeating any of the guests from this chapter. It is used in the invitations of TheThumbIcon.png The Thumb Episode 2 as well as the IndexProselytesIcon.png Index Proxies.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Thumb Soldato's Page (4)

Reload (5)
Bayonet Combat (4)
Suppressing Shot (5)
Shock Round (4)
Focus Fire (6)
Class and Respect (5)

Book of Denis

The Book of Denis can be obtained by defeating Denis.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Thumb Soldato's Page (3)
Denis' Page (3)

Reload (5)
Bayonet Combat (3)
Suppressing Shot (5)
Shock Round (3)
Focus Fire (3)
Summary Judgement (3)
Class and Respect (5)

Book of Boris

The Book of Boris can be obtained by defeating Boris.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Thumb Soldato's Page (4)
Boris' Page (3)

Ferrous Guard (7)
Steel Knuckles (6)
Discipline (1)
Class and Respect (7)

Book of Katriel

The Book of Katriel can be obtained by defeating Katriel.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Thumb Soldato's Page (3)
Katriel's Page (3)

Reload (5)
Bayonet Combat (3)
Suppressing Shot (5)
Shock Round (3)
Focus Fire (3)
Summary Judgement (3)
Class and Respect (5)

Book of Kalo

The Book of Kalo can be obtained by defeating Kalo. It is used in the invitation of the IndexProselytesIcon.png Index Proxies.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Thumb Soldato's Page (3)
Kalo's Page (1)

Reload (5)
Bayonet Combat (3)
Suppressing Shot (5)
Shock Round (3)
Focus Fire (6)
Summary Judgement (3)
Le Regole (1)
Class and Respect (5)

Drop Table

This table lists book drop rates based on EmotionIcon.png Emotion Level, along with the Guests which drop them.

Book Guest 0 I II III IV V
TheThumbIcon.png Book of the Thumb Thumb Soldatos 100%
1.4 Copies
2 Copies
2.6 Copies
3 Copies
3.5 Copies
4.2 Copies
2 Copies
2.2 Copies
TheThumbIcon.png Book of Denis Denis 30%
2 Copies
2.2 Copies
2.6 Copies
3.2 Copies
3.7 Copies
4.4 Copies
TheThumbIcon.png Book of Boris Boris 30%
2 Copies
2.2 Copies
2.6 Copies
3.2 Copies
3.7 Copies
4.4 Copies
TheThumbIcon.png Book of Katriel Katriel 30%
2 Copies
2.2 Copies
2.6 Copies
3.2 Copies
3.7 Copies
4.4 Copies
TheThumbIcon.png Book of Kalo Kalo 30%
2 Copies
2.2 Copies
2.6 Copies
3.2 Copies
3.7 Copies
4.4 Copies

Battle Symbols

There are 4 Battle Symbols related to this guest group.

Battle Symbol Name Slot
Absolute Obedience BattleSymbol.png Absolute Obedience Eye
4% chance to boost Defensive dice Power by +1 if the character discarded a page last Scene
In Star of the City-level receptions, discard Combat Pages 10 times through the effects of Thumb pages.

Rule Breaker BattleSymbol.png Rule Breaker Eye
5% chance to boost Stagger damage by +2 in a clash against an opponent with more HP
Defeat Kalo 1 times with Boris’ Key Page equipped.

The Thumb’s Underboss BattleSymbol.png The Thumb’s Underboss Mouth
5% chance to boost attack damage by +4 if the character discarded a page last Scene
Defeat Boris, Denis, Katriel, and Thumb Soldatos 1 times each with Kalo’s Key Page equipped.

Discipliner’s Steel Fist BattleSymbol.png Discipliner’s Steel Fist Mouth
5% chance to boost attack damage by +2 while unaffected by Power gain or loss
Defeat 3 enemies using the Combat Page 'Discipline' in Star of the City-level receptions.


Thumb Soldato (Episode 1)

Combat Entrance
  • Enough talk. What more needs to be said?
  • No need to hang back. Let’s get down to business.
  • Run your mouth, and you’ll end up being impolite, intentionally or not.
  • Their rank is higher than ours… Keep your manners.
  • We only need to do our job…

On Kill

  • My body’s aching already...
  • It would be better for the both of us to end this quickly...
  • In the end, this is work each of us has to do.
  • Going easy on the opponent for no good reason isn’t respectful behavior.
  • It’s wrong to not show full commitment when you pay respect.

On Ally Death

  • However bad the situation may be, we should do our job without complaint.
  • No need to pity a person who paid their dues.
  • My own safety is all I need to care about.
  • Wouldn’t be a good look if you didn’t gracefully accept your fate.
  • No problems yet.


  • ...Curses. This is how it ends.
  • ...
  • I put my life at stake under fair conditions... Shouldn’t be upset over death...
  • ...I’ve done my fair share of work.
  • Who can I blame... I just wasn’t quite skilled.

Victory Cry

  • The job is finished, so let’s head back and report this.
  • I’m feeling sore... It wasn’t an easy fight.
  • With this book... We’ll be able to overpower them.
  • They were tricky opponents...
  • The information written here could be useful.

Thumb Soldato (Episode 2)

Combat Entrance
  • ...

On Kill

  • ...

On Ally Death

  • ...


  • ...

Victory Cry

  • ...


Combat Entrance
  • Let’s get ready… Before our superiors with even higher authority have to intervene…
  • No need to rush…

On Kill

  • You made the even-handed offer… So don’t be too upset…
  • My final salutations to you…
  • I sincerely hope you did your best…

On Ally Death

  • Ensure you have no regret that will follow you to the grave…
  • Must focus on resolving the task at hand first…
  • Not too dangerous just yet…


  • …There’s nothing I can say anymore.

Victory Cry

  • They weren’t rude like some others, at least…
  • A fair reward… Not bad…


Combat Entrance
  • I’d be feeling pretty alright if it wasn’t for that puny Messenger.
  • Using underhanded tactics would be a disrespect to the battle…

On Kill

  • You were fierce, but you should’ve exerted that strength with restraint.
  • Battling with full force is how you show that you don’t belittle your opponent.

On Ally Death

  • I guess it’s the fair price we must pay for daring to accept the offer.
  • Both sides are just taking what was promised in the deal.
  • A silent tribute is the best kind of respect I could pay.


  • Can’t let myself be disoriented… till the last moment…

Victory Cry

  • Wouldn’t have started this in the first place if we had nothing to gain.
  • It looks like we’ve gathered all the intel we need.


Combat Entrance
  • ...

On Kill

  • ...

On Ally Death

  • ...


  • ...

Victory Cry

  • ...


Combat Entrance
  • We may be in enemy territory, but we’re dealing with a Star of the City… Mind your manners.
  • Declining was not an option for their offer. Consider it an honor.

On Kill

  • We’ve made a deal where neither side is losing out much.
  • We’re simply carrying out our job.
  • You mustn’t be hesitant when you see the path to victory.

On Ally Death

  • It was an inevitable situation.
  • I won’t blame any individual for the outcome of this battle.
  • Don’t be agitated by such trivial matters.


  • …Remember to be courteous until the last moment.

Victory Cry

  • How nice it is to have mutual respect for each other.
  • A clean reward with no strings attached.



  • All Thumb Key Pages have special animations when shooting at a target in close range.
  • The Thumb's hierarchy and ranking names are similar to those of the Sicilian Mafia.


Receptions The Thumb - The Thumb Ⅱ
Characters Denis - Boris - Katriel - Kalo
Key Pages Kalo’s Page - Denis’ Page - Boris’ Page - Katriel’s Page - A Thumb Soldato’s Page
Combat Pages Armor-piercing Ammunition - Flame Ammunition - Frost Ammunition - Reload - Class and Respect - Suppressing Shot - Ferrous Guard - Bayonet Combat - Shocking Round - Summary Judgement - Steel Knuckles - Focus Fire - Discipline - Le Regole
Wings A Corp.B Corp.C Corp.F Corp.G Corp.H Corp.I Corp.J Corp.K Corp.L Corp.M Corp.N Corp.O Corp.P Corp.R Corp.T Corp.U Corp.V Corp.W Corp. (WARP Cleanup Crew)
Syndicates Five Fingers (The ThumbThe IndexThe MiddleThe RingThe Pinky) • Finger Subsidiaries (Stray DogsKurokumo ClanNight AwlsRumanos CartelRamier Family) • Independent (Brotherhood of IronMusicians of BremenAxe GangThe CarnivalSmiling FacesRusted ChainsBlade LineageThe Reverberation EnsembleLittle Piggy's)
Associations Hana AssociationZwei AssociationTres AssociationShi AssociationCinq AssociationLiu Association (Liu Association Section 1Liu Association Section 2) • Seven AssociationDevyat AssociationDieci AssociationÖufi Association
Offices Yun's OfficeHook OfficeStreetlight OfficeMolar OfficeFull-Stop OfficeDawn OfficeGaze OfficeJeong's OfficeWedge OfficeCane OfficeThe UdjatBayard's OfficeClam OfficeCharles' OfficeMoses' OfficeAme OfficeDou Gui Combat OfficeRusk's OfficeBloom Office
Workshops Leaflet WorkshopYuRia AtelierAllas WorkshopZelkova WorkshopOld Boys WorkshopRanga Workshop
Others RatsBackstreets Butchers (Pierre's Bistro) • The Eight ChefsThe Church of GearsLove TownSweepersThe 8 o'Clock CircusPuppetsMirae Life InsuranceThe HeadThe EyeThe Claw