Builds and Decks/Impuritas Civitatis

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Builds and Decks

ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis Builds

Night Awl Spam
Combat Page List
Allen’s Page
Ominous Power

Brace Up

Ominous Power

Brace Up

Brace Up

333… 1973

HPIcon.png 95 StaggerIcon.png 49 SpeedIcon.png 3~6
SlashNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceEndureIcon.png ×0.5 BluntNormalIcon.png ×1
SlashStgNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceStgEndureIcon.png ×0.5 BluntStgNormalIcon.png ×1
Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed Ⅲ
Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
SkillPurpleIcon.png Mercy
Offensive dice gain +1 Power against targets with less than 10% HP.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Stiletto
Pierce Dice Power +2, Blunt and Slash Dice Power -2.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Chink in One’s Armor
When using a Melee Combat Page, if this character's Speed is greater than the target's by 3 or more, destroy a Block die the target has.
Passive Attribution (Cost: 12)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Wedge
Pierce Dice Power +1
SkillPurpleIcon.png Solidarity
At the end of the Scene, if all allies are alive, gain 1 Strength next Scene; if all other allies are dead, inflict 2 Feeble on self instead.
This passive ability is only active if the Act started with one or more other allies.
SkillPurpleIcon.png In Times Like These!
If 3 or fewer pages are in-hand at the end of the Scene, gain 1 Strength next Scene
Attributed Key Pages
Pamela’s Page
A Workshop-affiliated Fixer’s Page
Rain’s Page
Give +5 power to the best pierce card in the game. 333...1973 for deck-thinning. SkillBlueIcon.png Bottom Deal can be attributed instead, but its generally not needed.

Distorted Blade Spam
Combat Page List
Yan Keypage.png
얀샋ㄷ요무’s Page
Ominous Power

Brace Up

Sturdy Defense
Ominous Power

Brace Up

Field Mods
Ominous Power

333… 1973

Distorted Blade
HPIcon.png 103 StaggerIcon.png 55 SpeedIcon.png 3~6
SlashNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceNormalIcon.png ×1 BluntEndureIcon.png ×0.5
SlashStgNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceStgNormalIcon.png ×1 BluntStgEndureIcon.png ×0.5
Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed Ⅲ
Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
SkillOrangeIcon.png 얀샋ㄷ요무
If the character has more (Red) Breakdown Abnormality pages than (Blue) Awakening pages, all dice gain +1 Power. If Breakdown pages outnumber Awakening pages by 2 or more, increase the damage and Stagger damage of Offensive dice by +1 in addition.
SkillOrangeIcon.png The Messenger
Every Scene, gain a special Combat Page that can be used on allies.
The type of Combat Page is randomly determined each Scene. At Emotion Level 3 or higher, the owner can pick one out of two random options instead.
(There are four types of special Combat Pages with different functions: 'Give Strength', 'Give Protection and Stagger Protection', 'Page Draw', and 'Light Restoration'.)
Passive Attribution (Cost: 8)
SkillBlueIcon.png Bottom Deal
If the character discards a page, draw 1 page at the start of the next Scene.
SkillOrangeIcon.png Easygoing Breather
At Emotion Level 2 or above, each Scene, the Cost of a random Combat Page in hand whose Cost is 1 or higher is reduced by 1 for the Scene.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Singular Strike
When using a Combat Page with one non-Counter die, the die gains +2 Power, and it yields twice as many Emotion Points in a clash.
Attributed Key Pages
A Jeong’s Office Fixer’s Page
Gloria’s Page
Valentin’s Page
Field mods and 333...1973 to thin out the deck. At max emotion one can draw the entire deck every turn. The last passive slot can be SkillPurpleIcon.png Battle Ready for consistency or something like SkillPurpleIcon.png High-level Acrobatics for Power stacking.

The Weight of Sin
Combat Page List
Olivier’s Page
Graze the Grass

Energy Conversion

Will of the Prescript
Stay Calm


Sturdy Defense
Opportunity Spotted

333… 1973

True Trigram Formation
HPIcon.png 106 StaggerIcon.png 55 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceNormalIcon.png ×1 BluntEndureIcon.png ×0.5
SlashStgEndureIcon.png ×0.5 PierceStgNormalIcon.png ×1 BluntStgNormalIcon.png ×1
Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed Ⅲ
Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
SkillPurpleIcon.png Four Trigrams
Gain four special Combat Pages that benefit the user for the Scene they're used. Only one of the Four Trigrams' pages can be played per Scene, and once a Four Trigrams' page is used, it cannot be reused until all four have been utilized.
SkillOrangeIcon.png All for Hana
If the character took damage from attacks on the previous Scene, change this character's resistances against the type that dealt the most damage to "Endured" for the Scene. (Applies separately for physical and Stagger damage)
SkillOrangeIcon.png The Twelve Fixers
Boost the *minimum* roll value of all dice by +2. At Emotion Level 3 or higher, also boost the *maximum* roll value of all dice by +1.
Passive Attribution (Cost: 10)
SkillBlueIcon.png Health Hauler
Recover 2 HP on a successful attack
SkillOrangeIcon.png Bloodfiendish
On hit, recover 2 HP.
If the character recovered 3 or more HP in a single Scene, gain 1 Strength next Scene.
SkillOrangeIcon.png Raging Torrent
Draw a page every time the character uses 4 unique Combat Pages.
Attributed Key Pages
Lyla’s Page
Elena’s Page
Esther’s Page
Olivier's SkillOrangeIcon.png The Twelve Fixers procs "The Weight of Sin" abnormality page almost every time, consistently gaining around +10 strength every turn. A Rapid Gashes build using D-dried Up to proc The Weight of Sin is also effective.

Burning Flash
Combat Page List
Bamboo-hatted Kim’s Page
Ominous Power


Burning Flash
Ominous Power

Burning Flash

Violet Blade
Brace Up

Burning Flash

Field Mods
HPIcon.png 78 StaggerIcon.png 40 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceEndureIcon.png ×0.5 BluntNormalIcon.png ×1
SlashStgNormalIcon.png ×1 PierceStgNormalIcon.png ×1 BluntStgNormalIcon.png ×1
Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillPurpleIcon.png Singular Strike
When using a Combat Page with one non-Counter die, the die gains +2 Power, and it yields twice as many Emotion Points in a clash.
SkillOrangeIcon.png Unrelenting
Upon taking a lethal blow, reduce all incoming damage including what activated this passive by 25 for the Scene (Activates once per Act)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Swordplay of the Homeland
Slash Dice Power +2
SkillGreenIcon.png Razor Strike
Upon a successful Slash attack, inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
SkillBlueIcon.png Minimum Offense
Slash Stagger Damage +1
Passive Attribution (Cost: 8)
SkillPurpleIcon.png Battle Ready
Draw 2 more pages at the start of the Act
SkillPurpleIcon.png Dark Cloud Blade
Slash Dice Power +1
SkillBlueIcon.png Bottom Deal
If the character discards a page, draw 1 page at the start of the next Scene.
Attributed Key Pages
Sayo’s Page
A Jeong’s Office Fixer’s Page
Brace up and ominous allows us to forgo light restoration completely. Levels up emotion extremely fast and gives +5 power to both burning flash hits, but is vulnerable to mass attacks. A card like Moulinet or Duel can be used instead of violet blade to prevent that drawback. Works nicely with Unsigned Contract: Might.