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hey, I'm kana.

trying to fill character pages; then hopefully move on to the abnormality and miscellaneous pages.

busy with life rn so editing is Extremely slow.

"to-do" list

character pages:

  • add artbook information into CharacterInfo template.
  • fill out Appearance section.
  • replace current content in Combat Info with the ReceptionUnitTab template.
  • add idle sprites for all guests(?)

abnormality, faction, etc pages:

  • to be determined.

(will move everything below to a sandbox page later on)

Template stuff

Infobox + Quote

the infobox will be here temporarily, i think.


Combat Info

Denis’ Page
it denis
HPIcon.png 89 StaggerIcon.png 47 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Ranged
Can use Ranged Combat Pages
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Ammo Supply
After every three successful attacks with Melee Combat Pages, add a random Ammunition to hand.
SkillBlueIcon.png Additional Supplies
Every time the character exhausts 3 Ammunition, add a random Ammunition to hand at the end of the Scene.
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Has no Combat Pages.
Has no Combat Pages.
Combat Dialogue
Has no combat dialogue.

Harold’s Page
it harold
HPIcon.png 103 StaggerIcon.png 51 SpeedIcon.png 1~8
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed Ⅲ
Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
SkillPurpleIcon.png Four Trigrams
Gain four special Combat Pages that benefit the user for the Scene they're used. Only one of the Four Trigrams' pages can be played per Scene, and once a Four Trigrams' page is used, it cannot be reused until all four have been utilized.
SkillOrangeIcon.png All for Hana
If the character took damage from attacks on the previous Scene, change this character's resistances against the type that dealt the most damage to "Endured" for the Scene. (Applies separately for physical and Stagger damage)
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Has no Combat Pages.
Has no Combat Pages.
Combat Dialogue
Has no combat dialogue.

Lesti’s Page
it lesti
HPIcon.png 79 StaggerIcon.png 41 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillBlueIcon.png Reaction Force
If the character did not use any pages for a Scene, gain 1 Strength and Endurance next Scene
SkillGreenIcon.png Dimensional Sections
On a successful hit, deal 10 bonus damage at a 10% chance
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Has no Combat Pages.
Has no Combat Pages.
Combat Dialogue
Has no combat dialogue.