Tendon Chords

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Tendon Chords is a MeleeIcon.png Melee Combat Page obtainable from the Books of MusiciansofBremenIcon.png The Musicians of Bremen.

Card Effect

Tendon Chords costs 2 LightIcon.png Lights to use. Its Dice are:

  • 3~5 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt
    On Hit Give 1 StrengthIcon.png Strength to two random allies next Scene
  • 3~5 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash
    On Hit Recover 3 HPHealIcon.png HP of two random allies

Additional Info

Characters Oink - MuMu - Meow
Key Pages Oink’s Page - MuMu’s Page - Meow’s Page
Combat Pages Upbeat Performance - Tendon Chords - The Red Notes - Shrine to Music - Unforgettable Melody - Hard Rehearsal - Heavy Peaks