Fervent Beats (Abnormality Page)

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"A heart without an owner; it still beats even after being removed from its body."
- Fervent Beats' Flavor Text

Fervent Beats is a Tier II CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown Abnormality Page obtained by defeating Heart of Aspiration and leveling up KeterIcon.png Keter's Floor to Level 3. Has a chance to be picked at total EmotionIcon.png Emotion Lv. 3-4.


When active, the Librarian will gain 4 StrengthIcon.png Strength, EnduranceIcon.png Endurance, HasteIcon.png Haste, and ProtectionIcon.png Protection each Scene, and all StaggerIcon.png Stagger Damage Resistances change to Ineffective (x0.25).

At the end of the third Scene after selecting this page, the target Librarian dies. If the battle does end by defeating all the enemies in the third Scene after choosing this page, the Librarian will die but the battle would be won anyway. If the battle ends before the Librarian dies, it will remember the number of Scenes that has passed in the next Act.

Abnormality Dialogue

  • "Yes, feel the rapid beating of your heart."
  • "If you keep craving and do nothing to sate it, it’ll become too big and burst eventually."
  • "Join me in this feverish and quick pulsation."
  • "Even if it means I must burst someday, I want to see the end of it."
  • "The more you aspire, the faster the beats will get."
