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Assistant Librarians (Left to right: Floors of Gen. Works, History, Tech. Sciences, Literature, and Art)

The Librarians are the playable characters that form the teams of each Floor and are used for combat during the Receptions, being the personnel of the Library. They are used to fight against the Guests in the Floors they are respectively assigned to. Patron Librarians are the first unlockable Librarians of each Floor, followed by Assistant Librarians. Unlike Lobotomy Corporation, Librarians are not permanently lost when defeated, and do not lose any equipment either.

All Librarians use Key Pages which assign their Stats and are equipped with Combat Pages, forming their Combat Bookshelf or Deck. By default, they use the basic Key Page of their Floor. Patron Librarians wear the Patron Librarian of (Floor Name)'s Page and normal Librarians use Assistant (Floor Name) Librarian's Page. Each Key Page has its own appearance, changing the body of the Librarian it is equipped to. Appearance Projection allows Librarians to take the appearance of a different Key Page for cosmetic purposes only.

Librarians can obtain unique individual equipment called Battle Symbols which are unlocked through fulfilling specific conditions with the Librarians in Receptions. This equipment is permanent and can be equipped to grant minor beneficial effects, and its visual appearance can be toggled on and off.

Librarians are also able to use Abnormality Pages by increasing their EmotionIcon.png Emotion Levels during Reception. They last only for that Reception and the Floor they were picked from.

A Floor can have a maximum team of 5 Librarians deployed (the floor's Patron Librarian and 4 Assistant Librarians), but depending on the Reception, it may be limited to less. In most cases, to unlock a new Assistant Librarian for a Floor, the assignments of that Floor must be completed to gain access to their Abnormality Battle. Once completed, it will unlock an additional Assistant Librarian alongside the Abnormality Pages of that Abnormality.


The Librarians are the former personnel of LobCorpIcon.png Lobotomy Corporation's main facility, who were subjected to its endlessly-repeating time loop in order to carry out the plan of the company's founder, Ayin, and finish the Seed of Light project. The Patron Librarians, with the exception of Roland, were the Sefirot who helped manage the facility, while the Assistant Librarians were the employees of their respective departments. Following the completion of the project, the Seed of Light was released, but was then hijacked and interrupted by Angela. Unwilling to let their sacrifices be in vain, the Sefirot—aside from Binah, who sided with Angela—led the employees to fight Angela and restore the Light. They were ultimately unsuccessful, yet Angela did not finish them off, possibly due to her empathy for how they had also been exploited. With no other options, they accepted a deal offered to them by Angela and become part of the Library that she then created with the Light, becoming bound to the Library as entities made of Light, functionally immortal but unable to ever leave its confines.

Becoming Librarians, the personnel were put in stasis while Angela prepared for the Library's "opening." In order to maintain their physical form, Angela bound each of them to a Book, leaving them inactive but still partially aware of events in the Library around them. As the Library receives more Guests and grows in power, she is able to awaken more of both the Patron and Assistant Librarians. Ultimately, Angela aims to recomplete the Light by collecting the "One True Book" in the hopes of freeing not only herself, but also the rest of the Librarians from their cycle.

Despite being immortal, the Librarians can still be "killed," though they only dissolve into Light and revert to their Book forms as seen when they are defeated in a Reception. During Receptions, the Librarians are made to forget that they can revive in order to make them feel as if they are fighting for their own lives, thus maximizing their Emotion Levels to draw out the Library's full power. However, there is a limit to their immortality in that they are bound to the Library, thus the fate of the Library determines the fate of the Librarians.

From their combat dialogue, it can be seen that despite having differing outlooks and varying degrees of enthusiasm and confidence, the Librarians are all generally unfazed at the types of opponents they face and are also somewhat unaccustomed to fighting without the E.G.O. gear they had back in L Corp.



Main article: Stats

Librarians have a set of Stats used in combat, like Guests. These determine various aspects of the Librarian during Receptions, and are provided by the Key Pages they are equipped with.

  • HPIcon.png HP: The amount of Damage that Characters can take before being defeated. The initial value is their HPIcon.png Max HP. Can be HPHealIcon.png recovered up to their maximum by using certain effects. Defeating a target will make the user generate 1 LightIcon.png Light.
  • StaggerIcon.png Stagger: The amount of Stagger Damage that Characters can take before being DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggered. The initial value is their StaggerIcon.png Max Stagger. Can be StaggerHealIcon.png recovered up to their maximum by using certain effects. DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggering a target will make the user generate 1 LightIcon.png Light.
  • EmotionIcon.png Emotion Level: The maximum Level that the character can reach by gaining EmotionIcon.png Emotion Coins in combat. For each Level reached, the character gains 1 LightIcon.png Light Slot and refills all their Light. If all Librarians reached the same Level, the player can pick an Abnormality Page per Level reached. These effects last until the end of Reception and are conserved between Acts.
  • LightIcon.pngLights: The amount of LightIcon.png Lights that the Character starts with. Used for the cost of Combat Pages.
  • DiceSlotIcon.png Dice Slots: The amount of Combat Pages that the Character can use per Scene.
  • SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice: The Speed range of the Dice Slots, which determines how fast the Character will move.
  • Combat Bookshelf: The Combat Bookshelf is the individual deck of the Librarian, which contains the Combat Pages that the Librarian might draw during Reception. Combat Pages will return to the deck and shuffled after being used (Except if they 'exhaust'). When the Key Page is burned, any equipped Combat Pages left will be sent to the player's inventory.


Main article: Reception

When starting a Reception after sending an Invitation, you will be able to select an available Floor and their team of Librarians for the Act. Some Acts restrict the number of Librarians that you can use for combat, so you cannot have more than the limit number of Librarians.

Each turn of an Act is called 'Scene', and follows a set of steps (summarized).

  • Scene Start: If it is the first Act, all characters generate their maximum amount of LightIcon.png Lights. Else, all Librarians/Guests that aren't DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggered generate 1 LightIcon.png Light and draw 1 Combat Page from their deck. Status Effects are applied here. Characters will start DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggered if their StaggerIcon.png Stagger gauge is depleted from the previous turn.
  • Rolling SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice: The characters roll their SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice for DiceSlotIcon.png Dice Slots, determining their movement speed.
  • Choosing Combat Pages: The player must pick the Combat Pages to use for each Librarian. A Combat Page can be used for each DiceSlotIcon.png Dice Slot of the Librarian. Depending on the SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice order, they will execute from the highest to lowest, from left to right dice. Targeting the SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice of a Guest which has less SpeedIcon.png Speed than the attacking dice will redirect it.
  • Combat Stage: All characters start to move to their respective targets. Attacks performed will generate EmotionIcon.png Emotion Coins depending on the results of the attacks. Those who target each other in the same Dice will Clash. The Dice of their Combat Page will be rolled in order from the top and those who get the highest roll will perform the action of that Dice. If tied, both effects are negated.

Attacks against a target that doesn't have any Dice to use to respond are considered One-Sided Attacks and will apply their attacks according to their rolls.

Characters who become DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggered will discard the rest of their Dice and Combat Pages.

Once all attacks finish, the Combat Stage will end.

  • Abnormality Page Selection: If all the Librarians combined have generated enough EmotionIcon.png Emotion Coins, the player will be able to pick 1 Abnormality Page every EmotionIcon.png Emotion Level they reach. The options are 3 random Abnormality Pages from a pool of those that have been unlocked for that Floor. Depending on the Page chosen, the player might need to choose a Librarian to equip the Page to them. A Librarian can have multiple Abnormality Pages equipped at once. They last only for that Reception and Floor that they were picked from.
  • Scene Ends: The Scene ends and DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggered characters that were already DiceBrokenIcon.png Staggered during the Scene Start will recover all their StaggerIcon.png Stagger gauge. Status Effects will end here.

Once a side is defeated, the Act will end. The HPIcon.png HP of the characters and their EmotionIcon.png Emotion Level will conserve between Acts. If there are no more Floors for Reception available, then the Reception will end in Defeat.

Default Key Pages

The default Key Pages for all Assistant Librarians follow the naming structure of Assistant (Floor Name) Librarian's Page, share the same Stats, and also use the default Deck consisting of infinite Green Canard Combat Pages. While the Librarians of each floor have a different uniform fitting their floor's aesthetic, they all use the same type of weapon, a black baton or sword.

The initial Key Pages all have the following Stats: 30 HPIcon.png HP and 15 StaggerIcon.png Stagger, along with one SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice of 1~4 and starting at 3 LightIcon.png Lights. The initial Key Pages also do not possess any UniqueAbilityIcon.png Passive Abilities.

Assistant Gen. Works Librarian’s Page
HPIcon.png 30 StaggerIcon.png 15 SpeedIcon.png 1~4
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntVulnerableIcon.png Fatal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal

Passive Abilities
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Light Attack ×2
Light Defense ×2
Charge and Cover ×2
Focused Strikes ×3

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 1 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 2~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
(2 Copies) 1 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~5 
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~3 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~2 
(2 Copies) 2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 3~6 
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~6 
(3 Copies) 3 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 1~3 

Combat Dialogue
Has no combat dialogue.


The player has additional customization options for the appearance of their Assistant Librarians. Customization is completely free, and unlike Battle Symbols, these changes are purely aesthetic and do not influence gameplay.

Customization can be accessed from the Library main screen by selecting any Librarian, choosing the "Librarian Info" tab at the top of the screen, then selecting the "Customize Librarian" option seen next to the Librarian's sprite. There are three main sections within the customization screen: Name & Title, Appearance, and Dialogue.

  • Name: Modify the Name of the Librarian by typing one (17 letters long) or picking one from the randomized list.
    • Custom names are limited to a maximum of 17 characters.
    • The randomized list contains 15 choices from the preset list. It can be reshuffled to show a different selection of preset names.
    • The full list of available preset names can be found in the list below.
  • Titles: Make a Title, conformed by a Prefix and a Suffix. They are obtaining by leveling up the Floor and obtaining Battle Symbols for the Librarian.
    • Although the title prefixes and suffixes are unlocked in pairs, they can be chosen separately; for example, the prefixes and suffixes of "Library Newbie" and "General Librarian" can be used to form "Library Librarian" or "General Newbie."
    • The full list of unlockable Titles can be found in the list below.
  • Appearance: Change their aspect, able to pick options for their Hair Front, Hair Rear, Hair Color, Set of Eyes, Eyebrows, Mouth; Eye Color, and Skin Color. Appearance Projection can be used to change the body of the Librarian to that of whichever Key Page is selected. Custom content from the Workshop can be added into these options.
  • Dialogue: Write or select dialogue to be displayed when the Librarians are in combat. There are separate Dialogue options for Combat Entrance (when starting an Act,) Victory Cry (after winning an Act,) Death, On Ally Death, and On Kill.
    • Note that custom dialogue options are overridden by special dialogue during certain Receptions, such as Abnormality battles.
    • Custom-written dialogue is limited to a maximum of 70 characters.
    • The list of available preset dialogue options can be found in the list below.

Name List

A list of all 163 preset name choices which are available for Assistant Librarians can be found below; when a new Assistant Librarian is unlocked, they will come with one of these names.

Librarian Names





Title List

A list of all Titles available for Librarians can be found below. Most Titles are unlocked alongside Battle Symbols and share names with the Symbols. Certain Titles are exclusive to Patron Librarians or to specific Floors. For information on the Titles' corresponding Battle Symbols, see the specified page for more.

LibraryIcon.png Library Titles
Prefix Suffix Conditions
Library Newbie Default
Angela’s Servant Exclusive to Roland
Floor of History’s Patron Librarian Exclusive to Malkuth
Floor of Tech. Sciences’ Patron Librarian Exclusive to to Yesod
Floor of Literature’s Patron Librarian Exclusive to Hod
Floor of Art’s Patron Librarian Exclusive to Netzach
Floor of Nat. Sciences’ Patron Librarian Exclusive to Tiphereth
Floor of Language’s Patron Librarian Exclusive to Gebura
Floor of Soc. Sciences’ Patron Librarian Exclusive to Chesed
Floor of Philosophy’s Patron Librarian Exclusive to Binah
Floor of Religion’s Patron Librarian Exclusive to Hokma
General Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of General Works.
(exclusive to Gen. Works Librarians)
History Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of History.
(exclusive to History Librarians)
Tech. Science Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Technological Sciences.
(exclusive to Tech. Sciences Librarians)
Literature Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Literature.
(exclusive to Literature Librarians)
Art Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Art.
(exclusive to Art Librarians)
Nat. Sciences Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Natural Sciences.
(exclusive to Nat. Sciences Librarians)
Language Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Language.
(exclusive to Language Librarians)
Soc. Sciences Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Social Sciences.
(exclusive to Soc. Sciences Librarians)
Philosophy Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Philosophy.
(exclusive to Philosophy Librarians)
Religion Librarian Win 10 Receptions on the Floor of Religion.
(exclusive to Religion Librarians)
InvitationIcon.png Guest Titles
Prefix Suffix How to Obtain
The Pied Piper During the Rats encounter, defeat Pete, Lenny, and Mang-chi all with a single character.
Unskilled Amateur Take 3 hits with Finn's Key Page equipped.
Yun's Office Representative Win 1 battles with Yun's Key Page equipped.
Ironclad Brother During the Brotherhood of Iron encounter, gain Paralysis 3 times.
Rusty Hook During the Hook Office encounter, inflict Bleed 3 times.
Streets of Flavor Cook Inflict Bleed 5 times using Combat Pages from Pierre’s Bistro.
Midnight Streetlight During the first episode of Streetlight Office encounter, defeat San, Lulu and Mars all with a single character.
Lulu's Friend Get killed by Lulu 1 times in the second episode of Streetlight Office encounter.
Lonesome Outcast Defeat Lulu 1 times in the second episode of Streetlight Office encounter with Mars' Key Page equipped.
Zwei Honorary Member In an Urban Legend-level battle, have 5 or more Endurance at once.
Your Shield In a single battle, take 5 or more hits from Julia or Isadora.
Unburdened Subordinate Defeat Walter 1 times with Isadora's Key Page equipped.
Stray Dog Remove 10 dice in total using Stray Dogs Combat Pages.
Courageous Handler During the Stray Dogs encounter, deal 20 or more damage in a single Act.
Drunk Fixer Discard 10 pages using Molar Office pages.
Professional Hangover Helper Defeat Olga 1 times with the Key Pages of Mika or Rain equipped.
Backstreets Researcher Cleared Urban Myth-level general receptions 3 times.
Determined Challenger Stagger enemies 5 times in a single battle.
Hotblooded Brawler Win a battle with 5% or less HP remaining.
Twinkling Analyst Have 5 or more effects applied to the character at once (counts both buffs and debuffs).
Is Fascinating? Make 5 copies of Fascinating Fabric during battle.
Full-Stop to Life Defeat 10 enemies using Ranged Combat Pages.
Blazing Dawn In a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, inflict Burn 5 times using Combat Pages from the Dawn Office.
Imperfect Ego Survive through a complete Wedge Office reception.
Thrilling One Shot In a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, reduce the Cost of 'Binding Arms' to 1 without the help of other effects 3 times.
Ferocious Gaze In a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, use 'Opportunity Spotted' against a Paralyzed target 5 times.
Heterochromatic Pursuer Defeat 3 enemies of Urban Plague grade with Dalloc's Key Page equipped.
Pzzt Pzzt Buzzer Buzzer In a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, inflict Paralysis 5 times using Gaze Office pages.
Pointed Spear Clear an Urban Plague-level reception only using Combat Pages that only have Pierce and Defensive dice.
A New Corpus Defeat Pameli 5 times with Pamela's Key Page equipped.
Unrelenting Veteran Complete an Urban Plague-level reception after activating the 'Unrelenting' passive of Oscar's Key Page with no other allies present.
The One Who Pierces Deal damage to Oscar while his 'Unrelenting' passive is active.
Acuminate Wedge Defeat Philip in both Dawn Office and Wedge Office receptions with Oscar's Key Page equipped.
Miau Miau Kitty In an Urban Plague-level reception, have 5 Strength at once with Meow's Key Page equipped.
...? Bunny In a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, inflict Feeble 5 times with MuMu's Key Page equipped.
Oinkie-oink Piggy In a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, restore 6 Light from Combat Page effects.
Lily-livered Chick Using Ranged pages from the Full-stop Office, lose clashes 5 times against Melee Combat Pages. (Counted per page)
Dark Cloud In an Urban Plague-level reception, use the Combat Page 'Ink Over' with 7 pages in hand.
Sharpened Sword In Urban Plague-level receptions, defeat 1 enemies by Bleed.
Kurokumo Henchman During a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, inflict 20 or more Bleed to a single target.
Rusted Chainlink Inflict 10 or more Bleed to self with Jikan's Key Page equipped.
Bona Fide Gambler During a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, activate the effect of the Combat Page 'Sakura' 3 times.
Workshop Solidarity During a single Act of an Urban Plague-level reception, win 10 clashes with a Workshop-affiliated Fixer’s Key Page equipped.
Precious Family Activate the passive ability 'Corpse Cleanup' 9 times in a single reception.
Late Night Sweeper Recycle the last die of the Combat Page 'Trash Disposal' 7 times.
Persistent Vitality Activate 'Persistence' 1 times in a single reception.
Deadly Assassin During a single Act of an Urban Nightmare-level reception, defeat 3 enemies while the character's HP is at 25% or lower.
Shi Association Member During a single Act of an Urban Nightmare-level reception, lose HP through Combat Page effects 5 times.
Exhausted Comrade Win 10 clashes using Evade dice while the character's HP is at 25% or lower.
Enraged Striker Win 10 clashes against Ranged Combat Pages.
Boundary of Death Win 1 clashes against 'Boundary of Death' using said Combat Page.
Circus Trouper Defeat Noah 1 times with Emma's Key Page equipped.
Lifelong Companion Defeat Emma and Noah while they're together 1 times.
Keen Eyes Defeat Noah after Emma has been defeated 1 times.
Gigigig Creak Lose clashes against the Combat Page 'Creak' 10 times.
The Prescript’s Will During a single Act of an Urban Nightmare-level reception, use Combat Pages that include dice boosted by the passive ability 'Grace of the Prescript' 3 times.
The Smiling Face During a single Act of an Urban Nightmare-level reception, engage in a clash where both the character and the opponent have 10 or more Smoke.
Inconsolable Grief Survive through a complete reception of the Crying Children.
Overloaded Charge During a single Act of an Urban Nightmare-level reception, become Immobilized from the effect of the Combat Page 'Overcharge' 3 times.
Space Ripper Fail the ability of the Combat Page 'Rip Space' with 10+ Charge 1 times.
W Corp. Cleanup Agent During a single Act of an Urban Nightmare-level reception, draw 1 pages with the Combat Page 'Leap'.
Wandering Swordsman In a single reception, use the Combat Page 'To Claim Their Bones' 2 times.
Intelligence Gatherer Change damage resistances 5 times with the passive ability 'Information Assessment' of Dante's Key Page.
Meat Gear During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, deal 40 or more damage to a single target with 10+ Smoke in a single attack.
The Thumb’s Underboss 5% chance to boost attack damage by +4 if the character discarded a page last Scene
Rule Breaker Defeat Kalo 1 times with Boris' Key Page equipped.
Discipliner’s Steel Fist 5% chance to boost attack damage by +2 while unaffected by Power gain or loss
Absolute Obedience In Star of the City-level receptions, discard Combat Pages 10 times through the effects of Thumb pages.
Fluttering Heart With Xiao or Lowell's Key Page equipped, complete 1 Star of the City-level receptions alongside a librarian who has the significant other's Key Page equipped. (Both characters must survive)
Emotional Turbulence Complete a Star of the City-level reception with all allies having reached Emotion Level 5.
A Potential Color During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, inflict 30 or more stacks of Burn.
Scared Piss-and-Shitless! Destroy 3 dice using the Combat Page 'Energy Beam' in Star of the City-level receptions.
Harmonious Big Bro Defeat Bada 1 times with San's Key Page equipped.
Uncanny Grin During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, deal 36 Stagger damage through the ability of the Combat Page 'Uncanny Strike'.
Mission Possible ~★ Defeat 3 targets at once using the Combat Page 'Eradication' in a Star of the City-level reception.
Unlocked Blade 4% chance to boost Blunt dice Power by +1 when in the 'Blade Unlocked' state
Oppressive Prescripts Defeat 1 enemies using the Combat Page 'Decapitation' in Star of the City-level receptions.
Index Proxy Defeat 1 enemies using the Combat Page 'Castigation' in Star of the City-level receptions.
The Red Mist Defeat the Red Mist as Gebura. (Exclusive to Gebura)
Starved Rabbit In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rabbit Team Soldiers wearing a type-1 helmet.
Stuffed Bun In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rabbit Team Soldiers wearing a type-2 helmet.
Nimble Hare In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rabbit Team Soldiers wearing a type-3 helmet.
Bulky Ungulate In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rhino Team Soldiers wearing a type-1 helmet.
Brash Rhinoceros In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rhino Team Soldiers wearing a type-2 helmet.
Bold Rhino In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rhino Team Soldiers wearing a type-3 helmet.
Nervous Caribou In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Reindeer Team Soldiers wearing a type-1 helmet.
Tired Reindeer In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Reindeer Team Soldiers wearing a type-2 helmet.
Endangered Rangifer In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Reindeer Team Soldiers wearing a type-3 helmet.
Veteran Commander Defeat 5 targets marked by the passive ability 'Finishing Touch'.
Cold-hearted Disposition Defeat 2 enemies using the Combat Page 'Disposal' in Star of the City-level receptions.
Whipped Mind Get hit by a max-rolled attack of the Combat Page 'Mind Whip' 3 times.
The Key to Victory Defeat 5 targets at once using the Combat Page 'Ground Crash' in a Star of the City-level reception.
Bitter Reunion Defeat Myo in the second reception of R Corp 1 times with the Red Mist's Key Page equipped or attributed.
Feral Captain Defeat enemies with the last die of the Combat Page 'Feral Knives' 1 times.
Memory-fueled Emotions Have 20+ stacks of Burn during the reception of Xiao.
Iron Lotus Complete the reception of Xiao after provoking the Combat Page 'Reversed Scale' 1 times.
Earnest Advice Defeat E.G.O-manifested Xiao 1 times with Miris' Key Page equipped.
Odds Manipulator Activate the passive ability 'Manipulator of Odds' of the Purple Tear's Key Page 5 times.
The Purple Tear During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, use every stance of the Purple Tear's Key Page.
Finely Aged Experience Defeat Kalo, Nikolai, and the Purple Tear 1 times each.
The City’s Messenger During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, use Prescript pages generated by the passive ability 'The Messenger' 4 times.
Very Strong Top-grader During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, inflict 30+ Bleed to a single target.
Night Awl During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, destroy 3 Block dice with the passive ability 'Chink in One’s Armor'.
Mirae Life Insurance During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, activate the passive ability 'Policy Form' of Irina's Key Page 4 times.
Horus’ Eye During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, gain 5 or more Protection in a single Scene with an Udjat's Key Page equipped.
Pinpoint Breakthrough During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, spend Stagger Resist equal to the character's Max Stagger Resist with the Combat Page 'Pinpoint Breakthrough'.
Steam Punk During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, deal 60 or more damage to a single target with 10+ Smoke in a single attack.
Hana Association Director During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, activate the passive ability 'Hana for All' of Mirinae's Key Page 4 times.
The Crying Children Defeat Philip 1 times with both Salvador and Yuna's Key Pages attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
Church of Gears Leader Defeat Eileen 1 times with either one of Liwei, Tamaki, or Stephan's Key Pages equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
The Eighth Chef Defeat Greta 1 times with Pierre's Key Page equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
The Musician of Bremen Defeat Bremen 1 times with either one of Meow, MuMu, or Oink's Key Pages equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
The 8 o’Clock Ringmaster Defeat Oswald 1 times with Emma's Key Page equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
The Hour of the Wolf Defeat Tanya 1 times with either one of Sayo, Yang, or Gin's Key Pages equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
The Reverb Ensemble’s Puppeteer Defeat Jae-heon 1 times with a Puppet's Key Page equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
Blood-red Night Defeat Elena 1 times using Tomerry's Combat Pages. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
Yesterday’s Promise Defeat Pluto 1 times with either one of Nemo, Bada, or Martina's Key Pages equipped or attributed. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
The Blue Reverberation Defeat Argalia 1 times. (Both the normal and Distorted versions count)
Scorching Despair Defeat Distorted Philip 1 times.
Gear-clad Indoctrinator Defeat Distorted Eileen 1 times.
The World’s Greatest Cuisine Defeat Distorted Greta 1 times.
Chorus at the Climax Defeat Distorted Bremen 1 times.
CLIMAX ~!!! Defeat Distorted Oswald 1 times.
Pitch Black Pulverizer Defeat Distorted Tanya 1 times.
Straining Strings Defeat Distorted Jae-heon 1 times.
Graceful Bloodfiend Defeat Distorted Elena 1 times.
Brachial Quietus Defeat Distorted Pluto 1 times.
The Final Melody Defeat Distorted Argalia 1 times.
AbnormalityIcon.png Abnormality Titles
Prefix Suffix How to Obtain
Ashen One Use Scorched Girl's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Teddy’s Owner Use Happy Teddy Bear's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Fairies’ Emergency Rations Use the Fairy Festival's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Queen’s Loyal Servant Use Queen Bee's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Snow White’s Apple Use Snow White’s Apple's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Murderer’s Experimenter Use Forsaken Murderer's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
We Can Help You with Anything! Use All-Around Helper's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Music Addict Use the Singing Machine's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Condolences and Eternal Rest Use the Funeral of the Dead Butterflies' Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Marksman of Magic Bullets Use Der Freischütz's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Shy Facial Expression Use Today’s Shy Look's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Carmine Kicks Use the Red Shoes' Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Spider Bud’s Little One Use the Spider Bud's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Laetitia’s Prezzie! Use Laetitia's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Black Swan’s Sibling Use Dream of a Black Swan's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Universe’s Echo Use Fragment of the Universe's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Galaxy’s Best Friend Use Child of the Galaxy's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Unbearable Pleasure Use Porccubus's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Blossoming Aroma Use Alriune's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Silent Orchestra Use the Silent Orchestra's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Hatred-driven Queen Use the Queen of Hatred's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Despair-ridden Knight Use the Knight of Despair's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Greed-bound King Use the King of Greed's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Wrath-filled Servant Use the Servant of Wrath's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Nihilistic Jester Use the Jester of Nihil's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Red Hooded Mercenary Use Little Red's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Will-be-Bad Wolf Use the Big Bad Wolf's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Mountain of Corpses Use the Mountain of Smiling Bodies' Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Bloodfiend’s Recollections Use Nosferatu's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Hello? Goodbye! Use Nothing There's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Brainy Scarecrow Use the Scarecrow's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Heartful Woodsman Use the Woodsman's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Road Home Use the Road's (& Cat's) Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Forgetful Ozma Use Ozma's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The False Throne Use the Adult's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Watchful Lamp Use Big Bird's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Punishing Wings Use Punishing Bird's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Judging Scales Use Judgement Bird's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Apocalypse Bird Use Apocalypse Bird's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Black Forest’s Keeper Use Apocalypse Bird's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Burrowing Heaven Use the Burrowing Heaven's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Price of Silence Use the Price of Silence's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Blue Star’s Worshipper Use Blue Star's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Zealous Faith-haver Use WhiteNight's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
WhiteNight’s Apostle Use WhiteNight's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Bloodsoaked Bath Use Bloodbath's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Aspiring Core Use the Heart of Aspiration's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Long-nosed Pinocchio Use Pinocchio's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
The Winter’s Kiss Use the Snow Queen's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.
Wordless Girl Use Silent Girl's Abnormality or E.G.O pages 10 times.

Dialogue List

A list of all default dialogue options for the Assistant Librarians can be seen below. In total, there are 67 Combat Entrance lines, 40 On Kill lines, 40 On Ally Death lines, 35 Death lines, and 50 Victory Cry lines. There are also additional special dialogue lines for Abnormality Battles, Floor Realizations, and certain endgame Receptions, which can be viewed on their respective pages.

Combat Entrance
  1. Alright~ This shouldn’t be a problem! Ready, everyone?
  2. I’m a lot tougher than you expect. Think you can beat me?
  3. None of my colleagues are reliable… Sigh… I only have myself to trust.
  4. I won’t go easy on you just because you’re our guests. Please give me a good fight!
  5. I have nothing to be afraid of! They’re humans just like us, anyway.
  6. Think you can really dodge my attacks? Huhu…
  7. Cheer up, everyone! We can do this. Oh, yes we can!
  8. I bet you won’t stand a chance against me! Why don’t you come back when you get fit?
  9. Wahaha! If anyone’s scared, just tell me. I’ll block all the attacks coming your way!
  10. First, I swing like this… And the next was this, right? Alright, let’s do it the way I practiced!
  11. Let’s not waste any more time and deal with this quickly.
  12. I feel safe thanks to my friends fighting by my side.
  13. Hey! Yeah, you there! I’m about to assault you, so I wanted to make sure you’re ready for it~
  14. One, two… Three. I’m settled down now. I’m ready!
  15. You just muttered about how weak we look, didn’t you?!
  16. Stay still over there~ I’m on my way to give you a good smack!
  17. Hold your position, everyone! If our formation is broken, we’re done for, got it?
  18. I won’t let you through easily.
  19. I hope I don’t have a tumble while running… Gotta start with the right foot first so I don’t fall, right…?
  20. They don’t really look that threatening? Those guys seem pretty similar to me…
  21. I’m so scared… I wanna hide behind a bookshelf or something.
  22. If they get the impression that I’m a coward, I might be their first target…
  23. Th-they…look awfully strong, c-can I really defeat them…?
  24. Can’t make any mistakes. If I’m not careful, I might die here.
  25. Let’s warm up~ Stretch my wrists~ And ankles too~ Till they’re relaxed!
  26. …I’m gonna throw books at you if you scare me… So please don’t come at me…
  27. You know this fight is not a joke, do you?
  28. I’m pumped up! I feel like I could beat them all~
  29. It’s gonna hurt if I hit you, y’know? It’ll definitely hurt. I’m saying, don’t come any closer!!!
  30. Everyone is doing their best, so I’m sure we’ll win!
  31. How’s this? Do I look cool when I pose like this?
  32. How about a chant of support to pump ourselves up before we go in?
  33. Everyone alright? If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to tell us!
  34. I won’t let any of you proceed further than this!
  35. I’ll go Pshhhu, Puh-pow~ And boom! …On you, so have fun?
  36. Whoever our foes may be, just leave ‘em to me! I’ll handle ‘em all.
  37. I-it’s fine… We shouldn’t have any trouble dealing with those enemies…
  38. An opponent with such stats… I believe we can defeat them fairly!
  39. Alrighty~ Is it time to show off my skills?!
  40. You got some nerve to pick a fight with me!
  41. It’s not too late, I’ll give you one chance to beg for mercy and run away.
  42. My heart is pumping like crazy, yet it doesn’t feel too bad.
  43. Behold my utterly and completely flawless strategies!
  44. Think we’ll just let you take the books here as you want?
  45. C’mon, give me a bit more time to come up with a cool catchphrase~
  46. I wanna wrap this up quickly and get some rest… So let’s get on with it.
  47. Let’s sweep ‘em all in a big swipe, like swoosh~!
  48. I suppose this battle is inevitable as per usual.
  49. It’s gonna be real embarrassing to be taken down by the likes of them.
  50. Let’s do this as we always have.
  51. I hate annoyances, so let’s get this business done.
  52. Don’t get ahead of yourselves. Careless actions will result in death.
  53. Just be careful not to trip over your own feet.
  54. Those guests can’t be any worse than the literal monsters we used to deal with, right?
  55. My body doesn’t feel quite as strong as before… Not a fan of this.
  56. This is the one kind of work we can handle in the most masterful way, yup.
  57. I’m so upset. I would’ve swept them away like it was nothing back in the day… This is so frustrating~
  58. It’ll take some time to get used to this.
  59. Our equipment was nicer back then, to be fair. They were some ridiculous stuff…
  60. I gotta be careful not to get cocky. I’m not as strong as I used to be.
  61. This seems pretty doable, doesn’t it? At least we can keep eye contact with them without getting appalled.
  62. I’m starting to feel tired… I’ve come too far without a break.
  63. This atmosphere is pretty decent, isn’t it? There are no intimidating warning noises.
  64. With the things I used to wield like they were part of my body being gone… I’m kinda stuck.
  65. I’ve mastered the art of spotting a target’s weakness by now.
  66. I thought I barely managed to survive, but I ended up in another crisis…
  67. Maybe I’m too used to the equipment I wore in the past… My own body feels alien.

On Kill
  1. That was a smooth kill. I’m feeling fine today.
  2. We’d be the winners with the way things are going, no?
  3. You’re my enemy, so there’s no reason for me to let you off. Good night, sweet fellow.
  4. Haha! I knew I could make it. Any other pals brave enough to take me on?
  5. …I didn’t mean to hit you so hard… I didn’t want this fight, either…
  6. I took them out without hurting myself too bad… I can make it if I try, huh?
  7. I wonder what this guy’s book says… Aren’t you curious?
  8. No time to relish this dub. I’m moving onto the next target immediately!
  9. Just give me three seconds. Wow! I won! Woohoo~! …That’s enough. Back to battle.
  10. Huh, maybe this work suits me better than I thought…?
  11. You were out of luck, dear guest. I appreciate your efforts, regardless.
  12. Personally, I would rather have accepted my fate and died a dignified death than throw an immature fit as a last resort.
  13. The dead can’t speak, but the living can and should~ I won, baby!!!
  14. That wasn’t all that difficult…? I think I could be more active about this!
  15. Nailed it, didn’t I? I can do it if I try.
  16. N-now I see, so this is how I do it! That was doable, even for me.
  17. Yahoo~ Did you just see how I did that? That’s a piece of cakewalk!
  18. That was quite the tricky foe, but… I managed to handle them. We mustn’t let our guards down yet, however.
  19. D-did I… get to be a big help to everyone with this…?
  20. Heheh, well, that was nothing! I could kick their ass with the flick of my pinky~
  21. You shouldn’t have come here if you were going to be so amateurish.
  22. That one was all strength and no style. No complaints, though; these kinds of brutes are much easier for us to deal with.
  23. What? I think that guy rattled off something moments ago… Maybe I should’ve gave them some time to leave their dying words?
  24. You dummy! That’s what ya get for standing in my way.
  25. I’m not supposed to rejoice over killing somebody, although… This means I’m doing my job well.
  26. Did I do a good job? I’m looking pretty reliable now, don’t I~?
  27. Can’t meet the same fate as those clumsy chumps. Who’s next? Bring it on!
  28. I must conclude your story here. I shall take a moment to grieve for you, at least.
  29. Died all too quickly, like “Quack!” …I’m not impressed one bit!
  30. I’m heating up!
  31. The work… I mean, the battle seems to be progressing smoothly.
  32. No need to be sympathetic over killing someone.
  33. Things are not the same as before… But there’s still things I can do.
  34. You have a millennium of combat experience to catch up to, pal.
  35. With my old buddies, there’s nothing to be afraid of!
  36. It was your fault, don’t make excuses about it.
  37. Getting impatient? Your attacks got predictable.
  38. Guess I’m not as rusty as I thought!
  39. Your mind was even more fragile than your body. Where’s the determination to sink or swim?
  40. I’m feeling it? Seems like I’m getting back in shape~

On Ally Death
  1. Why… Why did it have to go this way. Why do we all have to die!!!
  2. Sorry. This wouldn’t have happened to you had I been more courageous and fought them harder…
  3. Don’t blame me. I was scared too… You get it, right…?
  4. They jumped forward on their own. I—I never asked them to protect me.
  5. They had it coming. I told them countless times not to wield their weapon so carelessly.
  6. We don’t even leave a corpse and just turn into books when we die? No… Help us…
  7. I’m scared, I’m afraid… My legs are frozen… I don’t wanna die like they did…
  8. I’ll avenge you. I swear I’ll beat them all to snuff for you… So rest easy now.
  9. Someone, please end this hell… The person next to me just turned into a book…
  10. ……A moment of silence for the fallen.
  11. No. No. No way! Without you, we have a higher likelihood to lose!!!
  12. We’re not on the losing side, are we? Please tell me we aren’t…
  13. They wanted so much to survive, and now they’re gone. That leaves a bitter taste…
  14. My, one guy got cornered, and then~ off they went. What a pity.
  15. I’m the most important person here, so I just have to focus on keeping myself alive…
  16. Thank goodness it wasn’t me… I’m fine as long as I’m not the victim. I don’t wanna end up like that.
  17. You’ve done your job well. I’m sorry I wasn’t competent enough.
  18. Whoever dies here, don’t pay them any attention… Just focus on the battle.
  19. I’ve already become too numb to seeing people die.
  20. I won’t forgive them… I’ll kill everyone responsible for this!
  21. Told you not to be so foolhardy with your moves.
  22. They simply held up their responsibilities.
  23. It’s alright. It’s not because you were weak or anything. So please rest in peace.
  24. I don’t want to lose you all so suddenly! Wake up… Let’s start over again, please?
  25. That one was too much of a coward. I’d say death was a better fate for them than breaking down from even greater anxiety.
  26. You should’ve at least used your brain to make up for your lack of strength.
  27. I told you it was too reckless! Why, why did you have to charge in like that?!?
  28. It breaks my heart to see my beloved friends die out like that…
  29. Why can’t I do anything for them!!! I’m not being helpful, not like this…
  30. I’ve decided not to care anymore. We have to get used to this.
  31. The fact that I’m back in yet another warzone finally starts to sink in…
  32. I’m being reminded of horrible memories.
  33. There’s no use mourning over the death of coworkers in a situation like this.
  34. I should stay strong for the sake of the other colleagues.
  35. It’s just the same shit for every different day. We’ve gone through this plenty of times, no?
  36. Those of us who are still alive should stay sharp.
  37. Whatever happens, my well-being comes first.
  38. It’s unfortunate, but I couldn’t do anything to stop it.
  39. You did well… Rest in peace.
  40. You were too reckless. …Still, it sucks to see my long-time colleague die.

  1. I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die in a place like this!!!
  2. Please, save my life…
  3. Right, gods were assholes that would always ignore desperate prayers…
  4. Yeah, I was never good at anything, after all…
  5. I tried my hardest, I really did! I was terrified of dying, so I tried…
  6. At least I didn’t impede others, so I’m glad.
  7. I hope everyone can get over my death and fight to the end.
  8. …Gah, this sucks. All kinds of nostalgic memories are flashing before my eyes.
  9. This is how I really die, huh… I don’t wanna move.
  10. I shouldn’t have stepped forward and bragged that I could deal with them… Why did I bother acting heroic when I’m so petty…
  11. I wish I was born as a more coolheaded person.
  12. Those people came here out of their own free will… What about us? I didn’t sign up to die like this!
  13. I’m blacking out… My body won’t move. Sorry, friends.
  14. No… No! This can’t be!!! Help me… It’s all my fault… Please spare me…!!!
  15. I couldn’t be of any help in the end… I’m a disgrace.
  16. Please don’t mind me. I want the rest to stay focused on the battle…
  17. So I wasn’t quite up for this as I expected…? How shameful…
  18. I dug my own grave like a fool.
  19. I couldn’t do much…because I was just too weak… I’m sorry.
  20. Not yet… I can still fight…! I won’t give up here!!! Please, give me a second chance…
  21. We might end up losing at this rate… I want us to win even if I die here.
  22. Don’t get too cocky just because you bested me… The others will avenge me for sure…!
  23. I don’t…think I can help anymore. Sorry.
  24. Haha… This feels a bit too dangerous, doesn’t it?
  25. …What the heck. I can’t believe it.
  26. I did my best because I didn’t wanna die… It was all for naught; I feel so empty.
  27. It’s.. It’s all your fault…! Damn you all… If only you actually oppressed the enemies… This wouldn’t have…!
  28. I thought death would be a whole lot more scary, but… I actually feel relieved now.
  29. I should’ve kept my guard up till the end…
  30. Maybe I could’ve went on a rampage or two before dying.
  31. I’m not too upset about it. I’ve always been preparing for this.
  32. Maybe it’s better this way. I can finally rest now, free from any more of this suffering…
  33. …Well, I’m sure they’ll do fine without me. I’m counting on you.
  34. Don’t worry about me, take care of yourselves.
  35. Sigh… It had to go like this in the end.

Victory Cry
  1. Huuu-cha! However the battle went… We won in the end.
  2. Let’s retrieve the books and go back now! I wanna get done with sorting ‘em and take my fill of rest.
  3. What? Was that it? Those guests were a lot weaker than I thought!
  4. That was a trifling fight. Makin’ our job easier’s always welcome, though.
  5. If I gather more information, will I get stronger too? Guess I’ll have to keep trying…
  6. We still have work to do, remember? Giddy up now!
  7. Man… I have tons of stuff to clean up! This is too tiring… Gosh~
  8. Gotta take care of my responsibilities to the end, no?
  9. Let’s get cleanup over with and have a nice break!
  10. We should…sort the books first, but… Aren’t you guys curious about what these books say…?
  11. I wonder what all’s written in a person’s book… Will it even have their favorite food in there…?
  12. Huh, that’s all the challenge they had to offer?
  13. I’m not sure if there’s any important info in these books…
  14. It’s all thanks to our great efforts that we could get this good result.
  15. I’m not very happy about killing others, but… it’s what I have to do.
  16. I suppose it’ll be easier on my mind to think of this as a small but worthwhile step toward filling out the bookcases?
  17. It’s always delightful to savor the joy of victory.
  18. I’ll try harder next time so we can all win once more!
  19. Phew… That was too close… My heart almost stopped!
  20. Now now! Attention, everyone!! Are you all alright?! Anyone suffering from injuries?
  21. Hnngh… Hah… Today’s battle was pretty easy…
  22. Why don’t we sit around and read some books together when we get back, friends?
  23. It’s a hassle to clean up the mess. …Maybe no one’d notice if I sneak off…?
  24. It was frankly embarrassing to have such inept people as you for our guests.
  25. A part of me is wishing for a stronger opponent to come and give us a challenge as equals next time.
  26. I get that this is part of our work, but… I can’t help but feel a teensy bit bad about it, you know?
  27. You should’ve retreated earlier or done something about it. Not that we would’ve let you get away.
  28. You should have been smarter with your moves.
  29. Every action of theirs was a display of immaturity.
  30. I guess I just have to keep it up like now~
  31. Yeah, let’s keep pushing on like this in the future~!
  32. I’ll have to learn more about combat so that I can better prepare myself…!
  33. Thank goodness, I lived through this…
  34. I don’t feel any guilt from this. All I did is receive the guests with all my heart.
  35. I’m glad that we managed to win this fight.
  36. I’m sorry… It was what I had to do. Please forgive me…
  37. The battle is over, so let’s check how many of us are still present.
  38. Aw, I thought they were strong; I’m a little let down.
  39. That was one heck of a battle!
  40. And a thank you to our enemies who fought us in this battle.
  41. Thanks, everyone. I’m not sure I helped at all, though…
  42. I’d be glad to know that I was even just a bit helpful.
  43. Don’t get too hung up about the results, what matters the most is that you tried, isn’t it?
  44. Welp, if any of us made any mistakes, we can fix them later! Good work, y’all~
  45. Sigh… I don’t want to make any more unnecessary movements for now. I squeezed out all my energy…
  46. See! You can just leave it to me. I can handle anyone for ya.
  47. Huhu, wouldn’t you say that I’m quite reliable?
  48. It’s over, right…? I’m heading back inside now…
  49. Gosh, my shoulders are aching! Can anyone give me a good massage?
  50. I feel totally drained now that the tension’s settled down…


  • The appearance of the Assistant Librarians' default Key Pages appears to be the uniforms of the Clerks of the respective departments from Lobotomy Corporation.
    • Keter is an exception, as Clerks did not appear in that department; the Architecture Team Clerks did exist at one point however, as it is possible to spawn them using a "Clerk Respawn" mod, albeit lacking any AI.
  • The name list for the Assistant Librarians is identical to the non-backers name list for employees from Lobotomy Corporation.


LibraryIcon.png Wiki Directory
Mechanics Abnormality Pages - Achievements - Battle Symbols - Books - Builds and Decks - Combat Pages - E.G.O. Pages - Emotion Level - Floor Realization - Guests - Invitation - Key Pages (Key Page Stories - Passive Abilities) - Librarians - Library - Manual - Reception - Small Stories - Stats - Status Effects
Floors KeterIcon.pngFloor of General Works - BinahIcon.pngFloor of Philosophy - HokmaIcon.pngFloor of Religion
TipherethIcon.pngFloor of Natural Sciences - GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language - ChesedIcon.pngFloor of Social Sciences
MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History - YesodIcon.pngFloor of Technological Sciences - HodIcon.pngFloor of Literature - NetzachIcon.pngFloor of Art
Characters Main Characters / Patron Librarians:
Angela - Roland - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma
LibraryIcon.png Terminology:
Locations The City (Districts - Nests - Backstreets) - Outskirts - Ruins - The Library - The Great Lake - The Black Forest - HamHamPangPang
Lore Abnormalities - Distortions (Bloodfiends) - E.G.O. - Cogito - Night in the Backstreets - Seed of Light - Smoke War - White Nights and Dark Days - Singularity - The Rules - The Hunt - The Taboo - Humans - Artificial Intelligence Ethics Amendment
Factions Fixers - Offices - Workshops - Associations - Syndicates - Five Fingers - The Head - The Eye - The Claw - Wings
FerventAdorationIcon.png Music:
Albums Original Soundtrack
Songs "String Theocracy" - "From a Place of Love" - "And Then is Heard No More" - "Iron Lotus" - "Children of the City" - "Gone Angels" - "Poems of a Machine" - "Salt, Pepper, Birds, And the Thought Police"
LobCorpIcon.png Other:
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company
Development Voice Actors - AGF 2019 LoR Q&A Session Compilation - Library Of Ruina Art Book