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Abnormality Card Type Name & Art Ability
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary CoinPositiveIcon.pngAwakening
Abnopage Prey.png
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Mark the first enemy that is attacked by this librarian after the page is selected.
Deal 2-6 additional damage when attacking the marked foe.

"The wolf’s death is the one and only thing I can love in my life."

CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown
Abnopage Vengeance.png
Tier I
[Single Ally]

At the start of the Scene, gain StrengthIcon.png Strength based on the amount of damage taken in the previous Scene. (1 StrengthIcon.png Strength per 5 damage, up to 2)

"Between us, there’s no victory to be won. All I think about is how I’ll kill that bastard in a way more gruesome and painful than the last time."

Ruddled Welts
Tier II
[Single Ally]

If the librarian's HPIcon.png HP is at 50%/35%/25% or lower, gain 1/2/4 StrengthIcon.png Strength each Scene.

"I got used to grinding the axe instead of picking flowers when I was 15."

Big and Will be Bad Wolf CoinPositiveIcon.pngAwakening
Abnopage Instincts.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

Each time the selected librarian wins a clash, the last die on their current page gains 1-2 Power.
Recover 3-7 HPHealIcon.png HP on a successful hit with that final die.

"The taste of flesh was so good after such a long absence. Since then, it got harder and harder to keep himself in check. Still, it didn’t matter to him. After all, he was “destined” to be a big bad wolf."

CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown
Abnopage ClawsofSavagery.png
Claws of Savagery
Tier I
[Single Ally]

After the librarian sustains damage greater than 25% of their HPIcon.png Max HP, become untargetable and unclashable next Scene.
The librarian gains 2 StrengthIcon.png Strength that Scene, and inflicts 1 BleedingIcon.png Bleed with each successful attack.

"Once upon a time, these claws would cut open the bellies of numerous creatures and tear apart their guts."

Abnopage TheRoleoftheWolf.png
The Role of the Wolf
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Counter Dice gain 1-2 Power.
Counter Dice inflict 2 FragileIcon.png Fragile upon winning a clash. (3 times per Scene)

"Wolves could not cross the line when doing bad things. And wolves had to be punished. Wolves always needed to be an example."

Mountain of Smiling Bodies CoinPositiveIcon.pngAwakening
Abnopage Absorption.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

For the duration of the Act, recover 20% of HPIcon.png Max. HP (Max. 20) upon defeating an enemy.
At the start of the Scene, gain StrengthIcon.png Strength based on the amount of HPIcon.png HP the librarian has recovered this Act. (1 StrengthIcon.png Strength per 10% of HPIcon.png Max. HP healed, up to 3)

"It only wants one thing: our flesh drenched in blood. Once it gets a whiff of the scent, it will pursue us in an instant."

CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown
Abnopage Laughter.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

When the librarian takes a hit while their HPIcon.png HP is at 50% or lower, a screech bursts out at a 50% chance. (Up to 3 times per Scene)
The screech deals 2-5 StaggerIcon.png Stagger damage to all enemies and inflicts 1 FragileIcon.png Fragile next Scene.

"From the mountains of bodies, the dead gave life to something. The dead fused with one another, all smiling."

Abnopage MountainofCorpses.png
Mountain of Corpses
Tier II
[Single Ally]

All librarians except the selected one are immediately killed when this page is chosen.
The selected librarian gains LightIcon.png Max Light capacity, LightIcon.png Light restoration, StrengthIcon.png Strength, ProtectionIcon.png Protection, and HasteIcon.png Haste proportional to the number of librarians killed for the rest of the battle.

"The more bodies it comes across, the more defined its shape becomes. And it is never satisfied."

Nosferatu CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown
Abnopage FearofWater.png
Fear of Water
Tier I
[Single Ally]

On hit, inflict 1 BleedingIcon.png Bleed next Scene, and gain 1 BloodIcon.png Blood.
Blood grants various effects depending on its amount, such as increasing attack damage at the cost of HPIcon.png HP, taking StaggerIcon.png Stagger damage at the start of the Scene, and granting StrengthIcon.png Strength.

"He seemed lost. He was looking for something, but he didn’t appear to know what he wanted to find."

Abnopage Wine.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

Upon defeating an enemy with BleedingIcon.png Bleed, all allies recover 10 HPHealIcon.png HP, and the selected librarian gains max BloodIcon.png Blood.

"It maintains a human form, but a single drop of blood should be enough for it to shapeshift into a ferocious monster and spend the night in a rampage."

Abnopage Vampirism.png
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Deal +2-4 damage and recover 2-5 HPHealIcon.png HP upon attacking a target with BleedingIcon.png Bleed.

"…And the thirst would never truly be quenched."

Nothing There CoinPositiveIcon.pngAwakening
Abnopage Goodbye.png
Tier III
[Single Ally]

Double the Power of the last die the librarian plays each Scene.

"If it has been confirmed that it has escaped and stood on two feet, there is only one thing you can do. Straighten up your posture, gather your hands neatly, and pray to whatever you believe in and observe the situation as it unfolds."

Tier III
[Single Ally]

Each Scene, the first die the librarian plays recovers HPHealIcon.png HP equal to the amount of damage it dealt.

"“What’s worse, it tried to mimic humans. Doing stuff like looking into a mirror, mumbling to itself, or trying to fix its skeletal structure; it’s as if it was trying to mimic ‘us’.”"

Abnopage Shell.png
Tier III
[Single Ally]

Nullify incoming StaggerIcon.png Stagger damage from attacks.

"Its appearance resembles a human, but it most certainly isn’t human. It periodically devours employees and wears their shell. The skeleton and organs are misplaced during the process, so it takes a bizarre form."