The Reverb Ensemble Distorted

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"Indeed... In the warmth of this light... let's have a dance together. It will be beautiful and perduring. Attention, everyone! We'll claim the final fraction of light that will make us whole. Would you allow me to conduct this finale?"
-Argalia to Roland

The Reverb Ensemble Distorted is the Reverberation Ensemble after being released from the Library and empowered by the Light Angela is releasing. They serve as the true last challenge of the game, as the final Reception is unwinnable. There are three acts to each fight, consisting of Ensemble members of each layer. They can only be accessed after clearing The Black Silence's Reception and have cleared all ten Floor Realizations, including Keter.

All 9 floors can be picked to deal with the Reverb Ensemble Distorted between (Maximum floor is 5). However, Keter floor isn't accessible due to absence of Roland (unless this invitation is revisited after the first clearance).


The encounter with the the Reverb Ensemble Distorted takes place over a single Special Episode. A total of 10 Guests are fought in three acts.

The first Act consists of Philip, Eileen, Greta and Bremen. The second Act consists of Oswald, Tanya, Jae-heon, Mr. Knives, Ms. Mermaid, and Mx Bunny. The final act consists of Shade, Elena, Pluto and Argalia.

Sprite Name Description
Act 1 - Asiyah
Philip Former Fixer of the Dawn Office, having distorted further into a flaming wax angel. Uses a sphere resembling an eclipsed sun as a weapon.
Eileen Leader of the Church of Gears, having distorted into an angel in white, with gears embedded into her wings. Fights by using her wings and smoke.
Greta Former member of The Eight Chefs, who has been empowered, no longer wearing her Ensemble Suit and revealing her multitude of mouths. Fights by using said mouths and her fists as weapons.
Bremen The three-fourths of the leaders of the Musicians of Bremen, having Distorted further into a mishmash blob of flesh, colors, and brass, with their animal heads now skulls. Fights by using the horns from their body.
Act 2 - Briah
Oswald Former Ringleader of the Eight O'Clock Circus, having Distorted further, having six arms, two of which are claws while another two wielding knives. Fights mainly by summoning members of his Circus to fight for him.
Tanya Wolf-based Distortion obsessed with strength, having distorted further into a shadowy warrior with golden tattoos. Fights by using her fists.
Jae-heon Former technician based around dolls and puppets, having Distorted further into a spider monster. Fights by using his claws and strings.
Mr. Knives Member of the Eight O'Clock Circus based around throwing knives.
Ms. Mermaid Member of the Eight O'Clock Circus based around singing.
Mx. Bunny New member of the Eight O'Clock Circus created thanks to Jae-heon. Fights by using its massive fist.
Act 3 - Atziluth
Elena Bloodfiend Distortion that was once slain by Charles' Office but revived, now Distorted further into a naked, vampiric monster made of blood. Fights by using her wings and claws.
Pluto Former Operator that became a contract-based Distortion, having Distorted further into a Satanic devil with wings and horns. Fights by using hexes and contracts.
Shade Created by Pluto, they are copies of your Librarians, complete with what ever decks and Key Pages your placed on yours.
Argalia Former Color Fixer the Blue Reverberation and leader of the Ensemble , having Distorted into a cloud monster resembling his human form. Fights by using his scythe.

Phase 1 - Asiyah

The first phase starts with the Distorted Philip, Eileen, Greta, and Bremen.

Philip has 8 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed III: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Tempered Passion: Whenever the Emotion Level rises, inflict 3 Burn to all characters, including self. Gain Power by half the current Emotion Level (Rounded down)
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Cooled Heart: Takes no damage from Burn.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Borrowed Embers: While alive, the first Offensive die allies play each engagement inflicts 1 Burn. After death, allies are inflicted with 1 Burn on hit.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Supraheat: If the character has 10 or more Burn at the start of the Scene, become Overheated, dealing more damage.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Scorching Desperation: Every 3 Scenes: 'Scorching Desperation' is added to hand, which will be used the same Scene.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Restraints: On hit against a target with 3 or more stacks of 'Restraint', Immobilize them for the next Scene.

Eileen has 6 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillGreenIcon.png Puffy Brume: 'Smoke' amplifies outgoing damage instead of incoming damage on this character.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Fumigating Smoke: Every Scene, all allies gain Smoke equal to the amount of smoke this character has.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Aerosol Diffusion: While alive, allies gain the effect of 'Puffy Brume'.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Oxide Overload: Upon death, allies are inflicted with 10 Smoke and lose the effect of 'Puffy Brume'.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Prognosis: Every 5 Scenes: a copy 'Though Gear: Advent' is added to hand, which will be used in the same Scene.

Greta has 7 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed III: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Sharkskin: Gain 3 Protection each Scene. Take +3 additional damage from attacks while afflicted with Bleed.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Knight in Shining Denticles: While alive, all other allies gain 1 Protection and Stagger Protection.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Garde Perdue: Upon death, all allies are inflicted with 5 Fragile next Scene.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Add Salt to Injury: If the target has 5 or more Bleed, the first die this character plays in the engagement inflicts 1 Fragile on hit.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Dermal Regeneration: If the character was not hit by any attacks for a Scene, recover 10 HP and gain 1 Strength.

Bremen has 4 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Martial Song of the Battlefield: While this character is alive, give an ally a random positive status effect. (Strength, Endurance, or Haste) The amount given equals the amount of Light this character has.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Beklemmt Resolve: Loses all Light when Staggered.
  • SkillPurpleIcon.png Erlöschend Dirge of a War Grave: Upon death: all enemies gain 3 Strength, Endurance, and Haste next scene.

Behavior and Decks

Philip's Deck (6 Cards)
Distorted Courage ( 0) x 2
Blazing Strike( 0) x 2
Restrain ( 0) x 3
Wound of Sorrow( 0) x 2
Scorching Desperation ( 0 / passive achievement)
Eileen's Deck (6 Cards)
Thought Gear: Fortell ( 0) x 3
Thought Gear: Combust ( 0) x 1
Thought Gear: Oxide Overflow ( 0) x 1
Meat gear: Smoke Cycle ( 0) x 1
Meat gear: Imbue ( 0) x 1
Thought Gear: Advent ( 0 / Passive Achievement)
Greta's Deck (5 Cards)
Powsowdie Slam ( 0) x 1
Tail Whisk ( 0) x 2
Hunting Hour ( 0) x 2
Roundhouse Tail ( 0) x 1
Tackle Mount ( 0) x 1
Bremen's Deck (5 Cards)
Menacing Noise ( 0) x 2
Concerto ( 0) x 2
Fanciful Tune ( 0) x 2
Music therapy ( 0) x 2
Wohlklang ( 0) x 1

Phase 2 - Briah

The second phase has Distorted Oswald, Tanya, and Jae-heon.

Oswald has 5 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Showtime~: At the end of the Scene, all librarians take 2-4 Stagger damage. Prioritizes targeting the librarian with the lowest current Stagger Resist.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png I Can Shrug That Off!: Cannot lose more than 50% of Max HP in a single Scene.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Farewell...!: Whenever an ally dies, takes 50 Stagger damage.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png The End of the Show: Upon death, all librarians fully restore Stagger Resist, and all status ailments on them are halved.

Tanya has 4 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Fierce Sandstorm: At the end of the Scene, all librarians take 3-5 damage. Jae-heon's Offensive dice gain '[On Hit] Inflict 1 Bleed'.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Violent Sandstorm: After death, all librarians deal +3 damage with attacks for the rest of the Act.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Burning Resolve to Fight On: If there are no other allies present at the end of the Scene, gain 1 Strength and Endurance, and gain 2 Speed dice for the rest of the Act.

Jae-heon has 3 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Entangled Strings: When a die each ally plays rolls the minimum value, reroll it. Activates once per die. At the start of the Scene, a random librarian is inflicted with 2 Bind. At the start of the Scene when 'Straining Strings' is used, all 'Puppet Strings' are removed.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Unbound Flesh: After death, all librarians gain 1-3 Haste at the start of each Scene, and all of their dice gain +1 Power for the rest of the Act.

Behavior and Decks

Oswald's Deck (9 Cards)
Shall We Start the Show~? ( 0) × 1
Introducing new member! ( 0) × 1
Pow~! Kablammo! !! ( 0) × 1
Ready for a Surprise! ?? ♥ ( 0) × 1
Here Catch! ♣ ️ ( 0) × 1
Shall we Somersault These? ◆ ️ ( 0) × 1
We Need You, You ~! ?? ( 0) × 1
Don't Resist~! ( 0) × 1
Climax! !! !! ( 0) × 1
Tanya's Deck (7 Cards)
Fisticuffs ( 0) x 1
Kicks and Stomps ( 0) x 1
Overspeed ( 0) x 1
Intimidate( 0) x 1
Lupine Onslaught ( 0) x 1
Beatdown ( 0) x 1
Pitch Black Pulverizer ( 0) x 1
Jae-heon's Deck (9 Cards)
Controlling Strings ( 0) x 1
Straining Strings( 0) x 1
Conjoining Strings ( 0) x 1
Not a Chance ( 0) x 1
Needlework ( 0) x 1
Backstitch ( 0) x 1
Cripple ( 0) x 1
Puppetry ( 0) x 1
Red strings ( 3 / librarian only)
Mr. Knives Deck (5 Cards)
Casual Toss ( 0) x 1
Cross Cut ( 0) x 1
Guillotine ( 0) x 1
Knife Barrage ( 0) x 1
Fanfare! !! !! ( 0) × 1
M. Mermaid's Deck (5 Cards)
Aria of Encouragement ( 0) x 2
Aria of Auspice ( 0) x 1
Aria of Courage ( 0) x 1
Horrendous Pitch ( 0) x 1
Fanfare! !! !! ( 0) × 1
Mx. Bunny's Deck (3 Cards)
Manipulated flesh ( 0) x 1
Manipulated flesh ( 0) x 1
Fanfare! !! !! ( 0) × 1

Phase 3 - Atziluth

The final phase starts off with the Distorted Elena, Pluto, and Argalia. Pluto can also summon a Shade so long as he's alive.

Argalia has 5 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillGreenIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Resonance: When using a melee Combat Page, if the difference between this character's Speed and the target's Vibration is 1 or less, all dice on the page gain +2 Power. At the start of the Act, Draw two pages.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Li Directore del Ensemble Riverbero: While Pluto and Elena are alive, HP does not go below 100 Gain a Speed die for every other Ensemble member that died this reception.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Emozioni Intensificantesi: Every 4 scenes, give all Reverberation Ensemble members 'For the duration of the Act, gain 1 Strength and Endurance every Scene'. At the end of the Scene, all characters' Emotion Levels rise by 2.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Speed: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain a Speed die on the fourth scene. Gain an additional one if there's an enemy whose Emotion Level is 4 or Higher. Does not gain Speed dice from Emotion Level Bonuses.

Pluto has 4 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillGreenIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Unconscionable: Every Scene, uses an 'Unjust Contract' Combat page.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Stygian Shade: Spawns a Shade on the second Scene. The Shade gets a copy of the Patron Librarian's hand and deck (Excluding [On Play] pages). If the Patron Librarian is not present, a random other librarian's deck will be copied instead.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Speed: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain a Speed die on the fourth scene. Gain an additional one if there's an enemy whose Emotion Level is 4 or Higher. Does not gain Speed dice from Emotion Level Bonuses.

Elena has 3 Passive Abilities:

  • SkillGreenIcon.png Shimmering: At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
  • SkillGreenIcon.png Speed: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain a Speed die on the fourth scene. Gain an additional one if there's an enemy whose Emotion Level is 4 or Higher. Does not gain Speed dice from Emotion Level Bonuses.
  • SkillOrangeIcon.png Bloodfiendish: On hit, character recovers 2 HP. If the character recovered more than 3 or more HP this Scene, gain 1 Strength next scene.

Behavior and Decks

Shade's Deck (2 Cards)
Shaded Strike ( 0 / passive achievement)
Shaded Assault ( 0 / passive achievement)
Elena's Deck (5 Cards)
Unending Thirst ( 6) x 1
Regurgitation ( 3) x 1
Sanguine Nails ( 0) x 1
Absorb( 0) x 1
Bloodspreading ( 6) x 1
Pluto's Deck (10 Cards)
Unjust Contract: Defense( 0) x 1
Unjust Contract: Offense( 0) x 1
Unjust Contract: Light( 0) x 1
Magic: Impact( 0) x 1
Magic: Spear ( 0) x 1
Deluge of Brachial Quietuses ( 0) x 1
Counterpart: Defense ( 1 / librarian only)
Counterpart: Offense ( 1 / Librarian Only)
Counterpart: Light ( 1 / librarian only)
Fetters ( 0 / librarian only)
Argalia's Deck (10 Cards)
Allegro ( 2) x 1
Scythe Gash( 3) x 1
Trails of Blue ( 3) x 1
Largo ( 0) x 1
Controlled Resonance ( 1) x 1
Oscillating Sickle ( 0) x 1
Cleave ( 0) x 1
Tempestuous Danza ( 3) x 1
Crescendo ( 4) x 1
Grand Finale ( 6) x 1



As Angela deals with releasing the Light, the first to be freed are the Ensemble, with Argalia now a Distortion and the others distorted further, all thanks to being in close proximity of the Light. They once again decide to claim the Light seeping from Angela, with Roland, having forgiven her for everything, standing in their way. Roland then leads the other Librarians to combat against the revived Ensemble of the next seven days.


Once Elena and Pluto are killed and Argalia's Hp is brought to 1, a special animation where he charges an attack, only to be foiled by Roland. Following this, Angela finds herself alive, greeted by Roland as he's still fighting Argalia. It's revealed that Roland saved Angela from disappearing before he defeats the Blue Reverberation for good, with the latter finally accepting him as his brother-in-law before burning away.

Afterwards, Roland reveals that before entering the Library, The Purple Tear gave him advice; "When you get in there, it'll be nice in several ways to do what you want without anything holding you back, kid." Seeing Angela almost fade away made him realize what Iori meant, and pulled her out. With that, Roland hands her the bucket list she made beforehand and promises to help her finish most of it.

The light that had faded has attracted even more uninvited guests, and a well dangerous one as well with a sole intention...


Asiyah ( Philip / Eileen / Greta / Bremen )

  • Philip
    • Once we reach the end of this… We could all become happier.
    • I only hope that no one will have to suffer as I did.
    • A place where no possessive desires or the grief of loss exist…
    • Indeed. We are mere components, content to exist…
    • To become prosperous beings that own nothing yet have everything.
    • We will shape that world together. Please consider the positives.
  • Eileen
    • Humans cannot find redemption on their own, after all.
    • The ideals and enlightenments of individuals are obsolete.
    • Follow this flow which will guide us to bliss…
    • Please, believe us. Only faith can lead you to salvation.
    • We will wash off the rust of worldly filth, and rotate together as brand new gearwheels.
    • Accept this boon. The harder you try to break free from the current, the closer you’ll get to misfortune…
  • Greta
    • I wanna get out into the world full of diverse ingredients, toot sweet!!!
    • I’m starving!!! Yeah! Can I have a taste of you all first?
    • It must be one full of clean and pure stuff… all top-shelf ingredients!
    • I can already smell something fishy… I’m loving it!
    • Gee… The wait is so long, my mouth is gonna run dry!
    • Cuisine unlike anything you’ve ever had… Don’t you want to try it? Doesn’t the thought make you salivate? Hawhawhaw!
  • Bremen
    • Arf, arf! Neiiigh!!
    • Cluck cluck!!! Ruff!!! Neigh, bawk bawk bawk!!!
    • Bawkbawwk!!! Woof!! Arf, rarf rarf!!!!!!!
    • Neeeiiigh!!! Neigh!!! Arf!!! Bawk.
    • Bwakbawk. Bawk. NEIIIIGH!!!
    • NEEEIIIGH!!!!! RUFF!!!!! NEIGH!!!

Briah ( Oswald / Tanya / Jae-Heon )

  • Oswald
    • Ohohoh! Let’s host an even more dreadful performance!
    • A round of applause for the crew that will illuminate the stage~!
    • Now, now! There’s no time to waste! The flower doesn’t wait for the rain, you know?
    • Now each of us is giving off a… sour smell~ Good, good! The stench smarts my nose!
    • Please don’t let the curtains be pulled down so carelessly, this stinky performance has to go on!!!
    • A world filled with smiling spider buddies! I’ve been waiting for this day with a snapped neck~!
  • Tanya
    • Brutal and hideous… We all have that nature deep down.
    • So why’re you ashamed to show ‘em?
    • You masqueraded yourselves to look nice on the outside. You’re no different from us on the inside!
    • Yes. You’re merely being tugged along, your worth weighed on a scale. Don’t you find that much creepier and apprehensive?
    • A shoddy facade is gonna ruin the moods of both parties, so instead of that…
    • Better to be shameless about it. Be honest with yourselves.
    • I know you hate complicating your thoughts. Get simple!
  • Jae-Heon
    • This is such an invigorating sensation… I don’t feel stifled… It’s refreshing, rather.
    • When this performance is over, the strings that have bound mankind will be untied…
    • Then, everyone can revel in true freedom!
    • Don’t you wish to cut down the strings tugging at you against your will?
    • It’s not too late. Perhaps you ought to change your mind.
    • I, and the Ensemble, can help you.

Atziluth ( Elena / Pluto / Argalia )

  • Elena
    • How pitiful… You fight for the rules that have confined you. Just look at yourselves!
    • The time when we can be our true selves…
    • Can you not understand? The joy of basking in this unbound freedom is palpable.
    • Ah… Yes. This is what I’ve truly wished for…
    • The freedom I’ve seen and heard were all temptations trying to lure me into tighter shackles!
    • …Well, I should be thanking you really. And… sorry, I guess? Sorry that we’re moving ahead while leaving you behind.
  • Pluto
    • Had you thought the same thing as us… We may have had been able to collaborate.
    • Tis a shame. Alas, we do not intend to persuade you, so please understand.
    • Purely out of our own delusion, we invited sins, and were punished with the concept of death…
    • Still we are trapped inside a frame, crushed under the fetters of our sins.
    • Thus, there exists a limitation, an end in the form of death…
    • I urge you to join us and escape the decadence of flesh. Find your true selves!
  • Argalia
    • Can’t you feel this tremor…? Could there be an overture with a rhythm more beautiful than this?
    • We’ll complete our own score… One that can be played indefinitely, even if there seems to be an end!
    • So you will take the honor of remembering the first note of this everlasting performance…
    • We will continue our venture, playing variations as we seek new things.
    • …Now, it’s time to mark your end and our beginning.
    • Your performance may be reaching an end, but I do hope you’ll shine gorgeously in your own right.
    • …We’re about to part now, Angelica. Sorry for what’s happened.
    • I hope you can stay with me until the end of the performance, at least.


Distorted Ensemble Members


Sprite Page
