The Final Reception

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The Final Reception are a group of 3 agents: Zena of The Head, Luda of the Eye, and Baral of the Claw. They consider Angela in violation of the AI Ethics Amendment, declare the Library an Impurity of the City, and prepare to eradicate Angela and expel the Library (and L Corp's Nest) to the Outskirts. Their secondary goal is to recover the defiled corpse of their former degraded colleague. They serve as an unwinnable final battle after The Reverb Ensemble Distorted reception has been cleared.


The encounter takes place immediately after the cutscene, with no selection in between. Unlike other receptions, this starts out with fixed page (All pages are of their own with no inherited pages, no trinkets, and no customized pages) for any character within the reception. As both Baral and Zena cannot be killed, the only objective in this reception is to survive their unfair combat until they decided to just exile the Library instead into the Outskirts.

Defeated characters do not disappear, but instead are disabled for the remainder for the act.


Sprite Name Description Note
Baral The Executioner of the Claw Has a status, "Nullifier" where a die dealing 30 or more damage will be blocked once. If any attempt to do so is made, an animation of Baral blocking the attack will play and no damage will be dealt. (Die effects such as Furioso's die destruction will still take effect, though.)
Zena The Arbiter of the Head Will not attack and be attackable until Gebura shows up with her Red Mist page. Upon reaching Emotion level 4, she will immediately use a Mass Summation attack "Shockwave" at the first act of her reaching said Emotion level upon combat begin.


Sprite Name Note
Roland Starts off with the passive Weariness, causing Roland to have 25% less health. Appears with Black Silence key page with all page's damage reduced due to his exhaustion from his last battle.
Gebura Appears with Red Mist key page after one scene. All Paperback combat pages (Spear, Level Slash and Upstanding Slash) start at one cost.
Binah Appears the scene after Gebura appears. Combat Pages and Passive Abilities are significantly enhanced.



While preparing to leave the Library, Roland notes that despite being depleted, there's still a bit of power left. Despite this, no one has come to raid it, which Angela also finds odd. Just then, an Arbiter of the Head named Zena appears, revealing that the Library is in fact Angela's E.G.O. Along this Arbiter of the Head, Baral, an Executioner of the Claw and Luda, a Beholder of the Eye. It's revealed that they aim to kill Angela, relocate the Library to the Outskirts, and reclaim the body of Garion, Binah's previous self. Zena reveals that it is not the Library's powers that still classify it as an Impurity, but in fact, Angela herself, due to being a machine with a human mind, and Distortions having been accepted by the Head into the City. In fact, Angela's very conception, which was predicted by the Eye, served as the reason The Head sent Garion to destroy L Corp. Everything else that happen; Abnormalities, Sefirot, time loops, countless sacrifices, and even the Seed of Light, were all seen as acceptable and would be integrated into the City. Despite this revelation, Angela refuses to go without a fight, and soon creates a Reception for the Head, the Eye, and the Claw agents to deal with. While fully aware that they won't be able to stop the relocation, Roland, and later Gebura and Binah, face off in one final Reception.


Failing to kill Roland, Gebura and Binah, Zena and Baral decided to instead stick to their main plan and expel the Library (and L Corp's nest) out of the city into the Outskirts, claiming it to be an act of kindness and that should they return will be treated as disregarding it. In the aftermath, Angela decides to reopen the Library under a new direction, redirecting her vengeance at the Head itself for perpetuating the cycle of misery. Roland then reveals his other wish, which was to write a book about all that he knows about the City, and the people within it, yet gave up due to being unskilled and not thinking of himself as suited to writing. Angela promises to help him and the game ends with the duo walking inside the Library to write it.


Name and Icon Desc
Arbitrating the Arbiter Finish the final reception without any participant being incapacitated.


  • This is the only reception for Binah to appear with an Arbiter outfit in the dialogue; despite appearing as one in other combat, all her dialogue appearance appears as a Patron Librarian of Philosophy outfit, making this reception to be the only exception for it.