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Abnormality Card Type Name & Art Ability
Big Bird CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown
Abnopage WatchfulEyes.png
Watchful Eyes
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Fully restore the selected librarian's LightIcon.png Light.
Each Scene, a random ally gains no LightIcon.png Light while the selected librarian restores 1 additional LightIcon.png Light.

"The eyes always shone brilliantly, burning like stars in the night sky. But it gave its eyes to the Big Bird in order to protect the forest."

Abnopage EternallyLitLamp.png
Eternally Lit Lamp
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Any enemy this librarian targets will be forced to target the librarian back, regardless of SpeedIcon.png Speed.

"“If I kill the creatures first, then no one would be killed by the beast!”"

Abnopage Salvation.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

All dice gain +1 Power against enemies with higher SpeedIcon.png Speed.
If target's HPIcon.png HP is at 25% or lower, destroy all of their dice upon winning a clash.

"To this bird, death in itself is salvation."

Punishing Bird CoinNegativeIcon.png Breakdown
Abnopage Punishment.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

After taking damage, the first die of the first page the librarian uses next Scene gains 2-4 Power. (Excludes [On Play] pages)

"It must be because there's no one to punish people for their misdeeds. If someone takes that role, then no foul act would happen in this world ever again!"

Abnopage PunishingBeak.png
Punishing Beak
Tier II
[Single Ally]

The librarian's attacks deal bonus damage equal to the number of Scenes that pass without the librarian taking damage from attacks. (Max. 10)

"People have been committing sins since long ago. “Why do they commit sins, knowing it's wrong?”"

Abnopage SmallFlutters.png
Small Flutters
Tier I
[Single Ally]

EvadeIcon.png Evade dice gain 1-2 Power.
Upon winning a clash using EvadeIcon.png Evade dice, the next Offensive die gains 1-2 Power.

"A small and confident bird that punishes the evil, guilty, and all sorts irreverent people."

Judgement Bird CoinNegativeIcon.pngBreakdown
Abnopage TheWeightofSin.png
The Weight of Sin
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Whenever a die this librarian plays rolls the minimum value, take 2-7 damage and gain 1-2 StrengthIcon.png Strength and EnduranceIcon.png Endurance next Scene.

"Its scale would never neglect the weight of even the smallest sin."

Abnopage Judgement.png
Tier II
[Single Ally]

At the start of the Scene, all characters gain 1 'Sin' at a 50% chance.
If a character has 5+ 'Sin', they take damage equal to 10% of their HPIcon.png Max. HP at the start of the Scene, and all 'Sin' is removed from them.
'Sin' can be transferred to another character by attacking and damaging them. (Once per page)

"Then somebody said, “But what if the scale doesn’t tip in either direction someday?” Worried, Long Bird made a scale that always tipped to one side. That way every judgement would yield a clear verdict."

CoinPositiveIcon.png Awakening
Abnopage TiltedScale.png
Tilted Scale
Tier II
[Single Ally]

After attacking the enemy with the most HPIcon.png HP, recover the HPHealIcon.png HP of the ally with the least HPIcon.png HP by 2-8. (3 times per Scene)

"All that remains is the unjust scale. The long bird continues on, doling out judgement."

Apocalypse Bird CoinPositiveIcon.png Awakening
Abnopage LongArms.png
Long Arms
Tier I
[Single Ally]

Take no damage from certain status ailments (BurnIcon.png BurnBurnIcon.png Burn X
At the start of the Scene, take X damage and subtract one third of the Burn stack. (Rounded down)
, BleedingIcon.png Bleed, FairyIcon.png Fairy, SinIcon.png Sin).

"The Long Bird’s arms concealed time."

Abnopage BigEyes.png
Big Eyes
Tier I
[Single Ally]

At the start of the Scene, inflict 'Enchanted' to all enemies.
Enchanted enemies target this librarian, and deal +2-4 damage with attacks.
Gain 1-2 Power in clashes against Enchanted enemies, and recover 2-5 HPHealIcon.png HP and StaggerHealIcon.png Stagger Resist upon winning a clash.

"The Big Bird’s eyes imprisoned light."

Abnopage SmallBeak.png
Small Beak
Tier II
[Single Ally]

Add a 'Small Beak' page to hand: ‘Cost 0 - [On Play;][Return to Hand] Take 5% of HPIcon.png Max HP as damage; restore 1 LightIcon.png Light’.

"And the Small Bird’s beak whispered, endlessly…"

Abnopage TheBeast.png
The Beast
Tier III
[Single Ally]

Activates when the selected librarian possesses all of the following Abnormality pages: 'Big Eyes', 'Small Beak', 'Long Arms'.
All dice of characters targeting or targeted by this character are unaffected by Power gain or loss, and their minimum and maximum values are lowered by 3.
At the end of the Scene, all other characters take 15 damage, and this character fully restores LightIcon.png Light.

"The day when Big Bird’s eyes that could see hundreds of kilometers away, Long Bird who could judge any sin, and Small Bird’s mouth that could devour everything united into one, darkness fell upon the forest."

CoinPositiveIcon.png Awakening
Abnopage GuardiansoftheForest.png
Guardians of the Forest
Tier III
[Single Ally]

All librarians gain 1 HasteIcon.png Haste at the start of each Scene for the duration of the reception.
If all five librarians each have an Abnormality page, gain 1-2 StrengthIcon.png Strength and EnduranceIcon.png Endurance in addition.

"That’s when the birds decided to become the guardians of the forest. They loved this forest more than anyone else did, so they wanted to protect the creatures living in the forest and keep the peace."

Abnopage Peace.png
Tier III
[Single Ally]

When there is no 'Intruder' present, the first enemy the selected librarian attacks is marked as an 'Intruder'.
All of the Intruder's attacks deal 2-4 less physical and StaggerIcon.png Stagger damage; also, the Intruder takes 1-2 bonus damage from attacks.

"The bird began to prowl the forest, looking for the beast. But there was nothing. There were no creatures, no sun and moon, and no beast. All that was left was just a bird and the Black Forest."