B-blow It Up!

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B-blow It Up! is a MeleeIcon.png Melee Combat Page obtainable from the Books of the BrotherhoodofIronIcon.png The Brotherhood of Iron. This card is used by Mo with 2 copies in their deck inthe BrotherhoodofIronIcon.png Brotherhood of Iron's reception.

Card Effect

The Combat Page cost 2 LightIcon.png Lights to use. Their Dice are:

  • 1~6 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce
    On Hit, Inflict 1 ParalysisIcon.png Paralysis next Scene
  • 2~5 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

Additional Info

  • In the art, Mo is depicted using its rifle at close range against a person on the floor.
  • This has a special effect on hit for the first die of a explosion when used by Mo.
Characters Mo - Consta - Arnold
Key Pages Consta’s Page - Arnold’s Page - Mo’s Page
Combat Pages B-blow It Up! - C-chop It Off! - E-endure - D-dried Up - C-charge Up! - Y-you Only Live Once!