Hokma Episode Ⅳ

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The following is the transcript for Hokma Episode Ⅳ, the fourth episode of the Patron Librarians' Stories for the HokmaIcon.pngFloor of Religion.

Unlock condition

This episode is unlocked after obtaining the RCorpIcon.png Book of Rudolph and RCorpIcon.png Book of Maxim.


Location: The Library – Floor of Religion
The Library - Floor of Religion.png
Picture Frame.png
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
You’re making an appearance here more frequently than I had thought.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
I don’t expect you to enjoy my visits.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
You are free to think whatever pleases you. So, what is your business?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
There’s something I’d like to hear, Hokma.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Is it something the director of the Library is unaware of…? What would that be?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
I want you to tell me what you think of this place.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Are you here for insignificant advice?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…I won’t press you if you don’t feel like giving a response.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
…As seen from my eyes—this is a purgatory.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
You don’t see it as a plain hell?
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
The moment the guests sign the invitation and step into this place, they are quantized and copied.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
It is a preparatory step for their lives to be unraveled in the form of books.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Even if they meet their demise here, they do not actually face death in a true sense.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…Because this is akin to a virtual space where simulations take place.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
You know it well.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
They merely pass into eternal slumber, forfeiting their memories and knowledge.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
…Angela. What stops you from letting them go?
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
The fate of the guests’ lives has yet to be determined, and I presume it is because you are still hesitating.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…I wonder. Why I can’t let them go. Why I hesitate.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Our being is made up of the Light, including myself.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
That’s why we are unable to leave the Library. We simply cannot exist outside of this place.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
And I want to… break this constraint.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
All of us here could be given a new life, or we could all perish. The outcome will be either one of the two.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Have you ever thought that the weight of the two extremes are too burdensome to bear?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…I’m not sure. Still, this is the path I chose, so I’ve decided to see the end of it.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
“Is there any way to navigate this infinite space without getting lost?”
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
“Where are the books that hold significance? Where is the book that I need the most?”
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
“Is that book truly what I need? Does it exist at all?”
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
In this vast void of life, the only compass one can rely on is faith.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Without faith, you cannot proceed; even if there is a way.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Because you don’t know what dangers might be lurking in it.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Indeed. And every person seeks their own version of the single perfect book… that must exist somewhere.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Is your faith in it still adamant?
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
You lack certainty, unlike when you first began the journey. Why is that?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…I don’t know. I’m not even sure if I really know myself anymore.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Do you believe it exists, Hokma?
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
My opinion is not relevant.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Angela, the essence of religion is faith.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
That ‘one book’ can exist because of the strong faith that it exists.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
When that faith crumbles, so too shall the Library.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
It exists because I believe so?
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
It is evident that the extent of faith differs on an individual basis.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
For instance, a lunatic’s faith will always be true to them no matter what anyone else may say. It’s not that one believes in the existence of something; the belief is what brings it into existence.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
And when one’s faith is broken, their soul expires in most cases.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Things that have lost their reason to exist because people no longer believe in them shall disappear.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
You, however, remained strong.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
You believed in Sir Ayin just like I did, and even when your faith was betrayed, you sought to start anew on your own two feet.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Perhaps your wish wasn’t limited to freeing yourself… You mayhap want all of us—librarians, and even Abnormalities—to lead their own lives rather than bind themselves to a role on an artificial stage.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
So that they can live in true independence without putting their lives in the hands of Carmen, Ayin, or anyone else.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
You’re being gracious towards me after all that’s happened?
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
It’s up to you to interpret it.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Ironic, is it not. Sir Ayin and I irresponsibly created you and gave you life…
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
And now you are irresponsibly trying to give life into our hands.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Say what you want, but you’re still going to stop me.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
That depends on your decision.
Hokma Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Religion Hokma
Until then, I shall trust you and wait patiently.

See also

CredenzaIcon.png List of Story Episodes
Patron Librarians' Stories
MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
YesodIcon.pngFloor of Tech. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HodIcon.pngFloor of Literature Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
NetzachIcon.pngFloor of Art Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
TipherethIcon.pngFloor of Nat. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
ChesedIcon.pngFloor of Soc. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
BinahIcon.pngFloor of Philosophy Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HokmaIcon.pngFloor of Religion Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
KeterIcon.pngFloor of General Works Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
CanardIcon.pngSmall Stories Small Stories 1 - Small Stories 2 - Small Stories 3 - Small Stories 4 - Small Stories 5 - Small Stories 6 - Small Stories 7 - Small Stories 8 - Small Stories 9