Malkuth Episode Ⅴ

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The following is the transcript for Malkuth Episode Ⅴ, the fifth episode of the Patron Librarians' Stories for the MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History.

Unlock condition

This episode is unlocked after completing the suppression of Queen Bee.


Location: The Library - Floor of History
The Library - Floor of History.png
Picture Frame.png
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
How has the compilation of history been going?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
I came over with Angela this time. She says the time has come for this floor or whatevs.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
Angela… I won’t be afraid of facing you anymore.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Do as you wish. I care little about what you think of me.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
What I want is a progress report on the compilation of history you’ve been doing.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I guess I knew too little about the City I lived in.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I couldn’t manage to compile a comprehensive timeline of the City’s history…
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Perhaps it was an impossible task for an inept talentless over-enthusiast like you.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
All these big and small events seem to form a coherent history… But the gaps between notable events are just so large, I can’t sort them out clearly.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
It’s like no one properly remembers their history.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Or they could be refusing to remember.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
Refusing to remember?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Of course. Looking back at the things of the past won’t help your present self one bit.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
But if we know our past, we can avoid making the same mistakes.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
It could help to an extent. Is that truly worth being reminded of all the painful memories, though?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Like I said, people in the City barely have any time to reflect on themselves, and that time has been only getting shorter.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
So it’s going to be even harder to read about things that happened before they were born…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Especially those that aren’t directly related to them from their books.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
We can’t make a book out of something no one knows.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
No, I’m sure everyone knows their own history. They just lack the courage to face it!
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I’ll make sure to remember and record everything, and fill those gaps…
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
The Library, Lobotomy Corporation, and the things that happened before. All of this history, inked with blood…
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
Employees and Abnormalities. Countless repeats of agonies, deaths, and neglects. The Library was built on top of their graves…
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
And you are no exception, Malkuth.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
You’re right. I’m no different from anyone else. And the same can be said for the rest of the City.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
All the things we did with Carmen in my first life.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
All the things I did with you in my second life.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I’ll carve all that pain and sorrow on my heart!
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
You’re the one trying to run away from the past, Angela. You’re refusing to face it!
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
What’s the point if all those pasts are going to be the same anyway?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
They would all be minor variations of “A human kills another and causes an event, resulting in a change.”
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Ah, I suppose the Library’s history would stand out in that it’s the nonhumans that are killing humans.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
I fail to see the significance of the record you’re trying to make.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
But! Even if the history were a repeating cycle of similar events, you can’t guarantee that the future would be just the same.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
We can’t let all the sacrifice and bloodshed go in vain, especially because history repeats itself…
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
The blood spilt in the past opened up the possibilities of the future, so that the ones who survived can take those new paths…
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I’m sure your history began from such a path, Angela!
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
That’s easy for you to say. I cannot stand to hear you speak as if you know everything.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Attain the will to stand up straight in ever-repeating history?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
My beginning… What makes you think you’re qualified to talk about my creation?
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
Angela! You’re the one refusing to confront your own beginning!
Location: A Laboratory
Black screen.png
Picture Frame.png
Researcher Benjamin
he’s nothing at all like her.
Researcher Benjamin
But Ayin, surely you already know.
Researcher Benjamin
Did you put in all that work for just a simple vending machine that dispenses soda at the press of a button?
Researcher Benjamin
At the very least, you should give it a name.
Researcher Benjamin
There is nothing I can do even if you put on a face like that. It’s an unspoken rule that the creator names their creation.
Researcher Ayin
I couldn’t care less about a machine’s name.
Researcher Benjamin
Don’t dump your job on someone else, you’re the designer.
Researcher Benjamin
There, the door over there. It will be waiting for you. It seemed lonely.
Researcher Ayin
You’re the machine that must lead us out of the pits of hell.
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
You were a person with a warm smile.
Malkuth ep5 1-1.png
Picture Frame.png
Researcher Benjamin
Please understand, Angela.
Researcher Benjamin
He’s not yet ready, that’s all…
Researcher Benjamin
He just needs a little more time.
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Benjamin… May I ask you a question?
Researcher Benjamin
Sure. I’ll answer what I can.
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
The gestures, the speech, all of it… Even my own body feels slow.
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
It’s as if my body cannot keep up with my mind.
Researcher Benjamin
…That’s because you were designed to perceive time one-hundred times slower, Angela.
Researcher Benjamin
You’ll face lots of emergencies as you work.
Researcher Benjamin
And you have to be the first to react to those situations, Angela.
Researcher Benjamin
What’s more, you’ll vividly remember everything you see and experience…
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
I see. What will my work entail, exactly?
Researcher Benjamin
…You’ll see soon enough.
Researcher Benjamin
No, I suppose it won’t be “soon” for you… I’m sorry, Angela.
Researcher Benjamin
I just feel like we’ve done terrible things to you and that person…
Researcher Benjamin
Here, let me tell you a few things about this corporation and the City.
Researcher Benjamin
In the Backstreets, the likes of Sweepers and Fixers live out their lives tangled in vomit and waste, unraveling their sickening tales.
Researcher Benjamin
Those who live in the Outskirts are still crying out to break into the city. Meanwhile, people in the City throw away their lives trying to belong to a Nest.
Researcher Benjamin
And we’re going to change that.
Researcher Benjamin
We have a lot of tasks ahead of us.
Malkuth ep5 1-2.png
Picture Frame.png
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Why do you refuse to look at me? Why do you always turn your back on me…?
Researcher Ayin
A machine must behave as a machine. Don’t question it.
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Then why did you give me the capacity to question things?
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Why did you have to make me, breaking the AI Ethics Amendment?
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Why did you have to model me after a person with fond memories of you?
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
I am here, looking at you and only you.
Researcher Ayin
Don’t look at me. Don’t speak to me unless I speak to you first.
Malkuth ep5 1-3.png
Picture Frame.png
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Benjamin, is it so wrong that I was born a machine?
Researcher Benjamin
It could be a problem to some, but I don’t mind it at least.
Researcher Benjamin
To me, whether you’re a machine or a human is not what determines who you really are.
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Then, if I worked hard to have a kind heart… Will he look back at me?
Malkuth ep5 1-4.png
Picture Frame.png
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
If everything goes as you planned, can we really…
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
Can you really be redeemed from the hell you’re trapped in?
Angela Dia.png
AI Angela
There’s no way you would answer me…
Location: The Library - Floor of History
The Library - Floor of History.png
Picture Frame.png
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
What on earth did I just see…?
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
These are Angela’s memories…
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…You got yourself lost in the vast sea of desolation, and now you think you can lecture me.
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Are you trying to boast to me that you had someone to look after you in the end?
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
…Don’t be ridiculous.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Uh, Malkuth? Care to tell me what’s going on right now?
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
Angela is resonating with the Library.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
The Library seems to be reacting to Angela’s mental state.
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I don’t exactly know what’s happening, but at this rate…
Angela Dia.png
Library Director Angela
Must be nice to be you, not being neglected at the end.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Don’t tell me, is that monster… No, that looks more like a case of the Distortion…
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
That must be another side of Angela, manifested from her mind with the Library’s powers.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Looks mighty dangerous. What are we supposed to do now?
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
If her mind has physically manifested, maybe we can resolve her concerns in a physical way, too?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
So you’re telling me that we can help her out by dealing with her like how we receive guests?
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
I’m not too sure myself, but…
Malkuth Dia.png
Patron Librarian - History Malkuth
There’s only one way to find out. Angela, here I come!
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Whoa, isn’t that a little too reckless?!

See also

CredenzaIcon.png List of Story Episodes
Patron Librarians' Stories
MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
YesodIcon.pngFloor of Tech. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HodIcon.pngFloor of Literature Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
NetzachIcon.pngFloor of Art Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
TipherethIcon.pngFloor of Nat. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
ChesedIcon.pngFloor of Soc. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
BinahIcon.pngFloor of Philosophy Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HokmaIcon.pngFloor of Religion Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
KeterIcon.pngFloor of General Works Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
CanardIcon.pngSmall Stories Small Stories 1 - Small Stories 2 - Small Stories 3 - Small Stories 4 - Small Stories 5 - Small Stories 6 - Small Stories 7 - Small Stories 8 - Small Stories 9