Gebura Episode Ⅴ

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The following is the transcript for Gebura Episode Ⅴ, the fifth episode of the Patron Librarians' Stories for the GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language.

Unlock condition

This episode is unlocked after completing the Floor Realization of the Floor of Natural Sciences.


Location: The Library - Floor of Language
The Library - Floor of Language.png
Picture Frame.png
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
The Book of the Red Mist…
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
I was called that back then… Meeting my past self in person reminded me of a lot of things.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
…You don’t get the opportunity to confront yourself often.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
I certainly brandished my blade trying to protect many friends and colleagues.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Even if I couldn’t meet the expectations; even if I couldn’t save them all.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Yeah. That’s how the Red Mist was.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Not a lot of people can fight solely for the sake of others.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Kali the Red Mist, Gebura the Sephirah in L Corp, and my present self—a librarian…
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
My three lives may not have been the same, but my spirit has carried over.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Well, do you find yourself miserable right now?
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Not really. I do think it’s laughable, though.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
I failed to protect everyone and ended up here like this.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Still, I can say for sure that I did my best.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Don’t you have a grudge against Angela for bringing you back and forcing you in here?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
And that she stole the fruit of everything you risked your life to protect, didn’t she?
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
…She’s probably still wandering herself.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Thinking about everything she went through, I honestly can’t blame her so harshly for doing what she did.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
So I want to reserve my judgement until I’ve seen for myself the end of the path she’s taking.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
If I unleashed my rage at her now, nothing would change.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
It’ll only perpetuate the chain of fury and vengeance.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
You didn’t even get to fully protect anything in your lives. How could you move on from that like it was nothing?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
You always tried, but others would steal from you and take advantage of you…
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel any anger or regret.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Even though I couldn’t protect everyone, I saved the ones I could.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
I’m not like you; I couldn’t even protect the one person at my side.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
There’s nothing around me anymore…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
All that remains is myself, an incompetent and despicable opportunist…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
I’ve become a lump of obstinance before I realized it…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Nothing more than a hollow life trying to wrap itself in a glossy package…
Location: ???
Black screen.png
Picture Frame.png
Thus began the days of endlessly looking back and retracing my steps…
I was on a blind rampage. I razed anything and everything that seemed even just a little suspicious.
Gebura ep5 1-1.png
Picture Frame.png
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
If you try anything stupid, I’ll make you bleed from every hole in your body. Spill it now!
??? A Scientist
I have no idea! Look, I’ll admit…
??? A Scientist
Making gear wheels out of kidnapped people was a mistake.
??? A Scientist
But, you know… I thought it’d be okay since there’s plenty of humans in the City anyhow.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
So… You don’t know anything about it?
??? A Scientist
I don’t! I’m begging you, please…
??? A Scientist
I have a family. I still have a daughter to raise…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
And those gears sitting back there must’ve had their own families, too.
Gebura ep5 1-2.png
Picture Frame.png
??? A Technician
I’m this close to bringing back my son.
??? A Technician
The puppets in this place were all made of children who’d already died…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
So you’re saying that you’re ignorant of it.
??? A Technician
Yes! That incident didn’t have anything to do with me.
??? A Technician
Can’t you just let it slide…?
??? A Technician
Please! My son is over there; he’s calling for me…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
…That thing isn’t anyone’s son.
Gebura ep5 1-3.png
Picture Frame.png
Rumanos Cartel Rumanos Cartel Goon
Shit… He’s totally lost it…
Rumanos Cartel Rumanos Cartel Boss
Are you not satisfied after what you’ve done to the Middle…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
I thought I might get something out of the big shots… All they had to show was a pathetic display of brotherhood crap.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
And you aren’t being much better. You seriously know nothing? I’ll happily take a lie, so get your gums flapping.
Rumanos Cartel Rumanos Cartel Boss
There is no need to play along with his aimless spite. Speak no more…
Rumanos Cartel Rumanos Cartel Boss
Just kill us. Let’s get this over with.
Gebura ep5 1-4.png
Picture Frame.png
??? ???
Roland. It’s not like you to rampage like a madman. I understand how you feel, but still…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
Don’t come any closer if you wanna live, Astolfo.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
I’ll cut you down if you try to stop me.
??? Astolfo
Those guys don’t look like they had anything to do with the incident at all. This is plain insanity, Roland!
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
If only we could’ve moved into the Nest…
??? Astolfo
You’ve killed too many… Some may have been hopeless scum, but if you relish murdering so much…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
I’m far from done. I still have a whole lot of suspects on my list.
Black screen.png
Picture Frame.png
The corpses of more people than I could ever remember piled up, forming a hill before me.
The further I tried to go into the past, the taller the hill got; and it ultimately became a mountain that blocked my sight.
I couldn’t tell what was going on anymore.
I couldn’t see ahead. This whole time, I was only looking behind.
Do I really want to find a lead to the past events and take revenge?
Or was I just looking for an outlet to gush this fury.
Is this a simple release of frustration? If I get my revenge this way, what’ll be next?
Those things no longer mattered. I didn’t have the breadth of mind to think about it.
In the end, I couldn’t protect her. It’s my fault…
It’s people’s fault… This City’s fault!!!!
What will be left of the man who failed to save what he vowed to protect?
Location: The Library - Floor of Language
The Library - Floor of Language.png
Picture Frame.png
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
I don’t buy it. I bet you’re no different…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
You’re just pretending to be cool-headed.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
I curse this City for taking everything from me… and I loathe myself for letting it happen.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
There’s no way you can humbly be yourself in this damned world…
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
Roland. When raging wrath is about to engulf you, you must quench it and forge it into your weapon.
Gebura Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Language Gebura
You’ll learn to temper it soon enough.


  • The scientist is Eileen's father, as confirmed by the filenames of his voice lines. Similarly, the technician is Jae-heon.
  • The subtitle for Astolfo's last line is missing the second half of the original Korean text. The missing line roughly translates to "At least work formally through an Association or Office."

See also

CredenzaIcon.png List of Story Episodes
Patron Librarians' Stories
MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
YesodIcon.pngFloor of Tech. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HodIcon.pngFloor of Literature Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
NetzachIcon.pngFloor of Art Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
TipherethIcon.pngFloor of Nat. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
ChesedIcon.pngFloor of Soc. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
BinahIcon.pngFloor of Philosophy Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HokmaIcon.pngFloor of Religion Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
KeterIcon.pngFloor of General Works Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
CanardIcon.pngSmall Stories Small Stories 1 - Small Stories 2 - Small Stories 3 - Small Stories 4 - Small Stories 5 - Small Stories 6 - Small Stories 7 - Small Stories 8 - Small Stories 9