Binah Episode Ⅴ

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The following is the transcript for Binah Episode Ⅴ, the fifth episode of the Patron Librarians' Stories for the BinahIcon.pngFloor of Philosophy.

Unlock condition

This episode is unlocked after obtaining the XiaoIcon.png Book of Xiao and HanaAssociationIcon.png Book of Hana Association, completing the Floor Realization of the Floor of Social Sciences, and raising the KeterIcon.pngFloor of General Works to level 5.


Location: The Library – Floor of Philosophy
The Library - Floor of Philosophy.png
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Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Roland. Do you know of the being Angela was modeled after?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Nope. She never really told me about who she was based on, and I didn’t really wanna bother asking further.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Angela was created in the image of the person named Carmen. She was one who sought to change the City.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Hang on, what? You mean the Carmen who recruited people for her quest to cure humanity?
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
She strove to create a world without conflict.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
To elaborate, her idea of utopia was one in which people did not harm each other, and could mutually understand.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
She dreamed of a world where people could dream…
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Alas, she could never reach that ideal herself, tragically.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The fruit of her research could only be borne after she sacrificed her life for it.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
And the Head didn’t miss that prime opportunity to strike?
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Of course, her cause was an important offense… even though that was not all.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Angela was meant to be a substitute of Carmen.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The one who created Angela and carried out the plan…
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
And the one I am keeping an eye on; he was the same type of individual as I.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
He merely shouldered the burden of completing the task the one he loved left behind. He never pursued any great cause in a true sense.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
He was frail, yet could not be understood by anyone.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
It may be that he desperately longed for understanding from another being for that reason.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
So you’re saying Angela was made to fill the Carmen-sized hole in his heart?
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The forbidden endeavor to create someone to look over his fragile self. A cocktail of irony and lingering attachment… self-loathing and insanity.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The irony of codependency where the two gravely needed each other but could never be next to one another.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The abiding affection for Carmen that compelled him to create a mechanical copy of her, even though there was no real need for such resemblance.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The result ended up resembling him more than Carmen, funnily enough.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
The self-contempt that stemmed from countless contradictions and regrets.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
And the insanity of neglecting Angela to suffer for nigh eternity when she was capable of having a mind that is no different from humans.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Beautiful, is it not?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
…Beautiful, my ass. He was an absolute top-of-the-range nutcase if what you said is true.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Yet he was a beacon of virtue for some.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
There is no such thing as “good” in this world, however. There is only what is perceived as such.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
It is not up to the individual to dare make universal judgement…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
Right. And I bet he was a spawn of evil to others…
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Humans are bound to view the world while carrying certain things on their backs.
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
You are no exception, of course.
Location: ???
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Never having had a chance to see my parents, I grew up in the hands of an old woman in the Backstreets.
And I was left alone when she was gone not too long after.
Looking for a way to make a living for myself, I jumped into the world of Fixers at a young age.
I had my gran to thank for that, since she taught me how to survive as a Fixer before she left.
I spent all of my time dealing with requests and errands for others, rather than doing anything for myself.
Was there anything that I could do for myself?
I thought as I watched the naked and explicit facets of the City.
Should I settle for a life where I won’t lack for anything crucial…?
Will I be happy if I live in the Nest…?
Location: Somewhere in L Corp’s Nest
It was when the days of smoke-filled skies and the scents of humans were nearing their end.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
Fuck off. This one is mine to kill.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
You’re one snappish kid, aren’t you. Wearing an odd mask, too.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
Try looking at what’s in front of you for once. You’ll miss the most important things if you’re always looking back, don’t you know?
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
…You’re not getting any thanks from me.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
And I’m still getting credit for this one’s head.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
What is a young green sprout like you doing here anyway, partaking in this war?
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
I bet you’re here for the migration permit to the Nest.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
…Are you here for that too, old fart?
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
I’m a Nest resident at birth, so I don’t quite need that.
Binah ep5 1-1.png
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Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
You sure are ignorant of the world, kid. Take a look.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
An entire Association has been hired, you see.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
I frankly don’t know what we’re fighting for.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
This smoke admittedly made the City a nasty mess, I’ll give you that…
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
But they won’t tell us anything beyond that. All we ought to do is go and kill whoever we’re ordered to kill.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
Such are the principles of the Fixers, and this City as a whole.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
…Say, kid. How many kills have you scored in this war until now?
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
Think your life is worth more than twenty-three people?
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
No… All I did was strike at them with my sword so I could live…
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
My life probably isn’t worth anything more than one…
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
And yet some higher ups believe that a handful of this smoke is worth more than tens of thousands of lives.
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Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
Watch, that’s the source of the smoke. Downright hideous, yet expected.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
You vomit with your mask on? Hrp…
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
…Filthy tot. You made me queasy as well.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
You’d better get used to this kind of scenery.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
The Singularities that keep the City running all have a nasty truth or two hidden from the public eye.
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
Well, we’ll be subjected to amnestic treatment now that we’ve seen this. Though this disgust won’t go away entirely.
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
This was what’s behind the splendor of the City?
Roland 1 Dia.png
??? Roland
The City could be in motion thanks to this crap…?
Salvador Dia.png
??? Salvador
You learned a valuable lesson today, kid.
I don’t exactly remember the source of the smoke I witnessed that day.
But I can’t forget the dreadful image of what makes this City a prosperous place.
They don’t realize that their convenience is built on the sacrifice of numerous others.
Location: ???
After the war, I blended back into the City and kept working as a Fixer.
Numerous people came and went in my life.
Countless crises and hardships later, all that remained by my side were the twelve Fixers in Charles’ Office.
Location: Charles’ Office
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Get that thing out of my face!!!
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Gasp… Huhh… Huff…
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Yeesh, that’s a nasty sleeping habit you have there, mister.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…I just nodded off for a moment, that’s all.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
What are you…? Oh, you must be the new one.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
You know how everyone else who took this request died awful deaths, right?
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
“Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours when my soul crushed the depths of my heart, it was seated there beside me?”
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Great, I get to work with a sicko.
Binah ep5 1-2.png
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Charles’ Fixer Angelica
It’s a passage from a poem I like.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
It helps me accept the agony rather than suffer trying to shake it off.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Just what kind of augmentation did you get to be so strong… You almost crushed the back of my skull!
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
You aren’t any less of a sicko if I’m being honest, mister.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
I heard you keep that mask on at all times like a creepy psycho. That said, I also heard you’re quite skilled.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Say mister, why won’t you take your mask off, anyway?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Don’t pry. We’re both Grade 1, let’s not cross each other’s lines. You know the unspoken rules.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
No I don’t, mister.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Stop with that “mister” crap, it’s making me feel awkward. The documents say you’re older than me, too…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
And I swear I’m gonna pay you back for hitting me twice before the contract with Charles’ Office ends, so you’d better be prepared.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
You mean three times, my good mister sir?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Huh? But I could’ve sworn I only got hit twice—
Black screen.png
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I first met Angelica while taking on a case concerning a Star of the City.
It’s pretty much unavoidable to talk with coworkers on a long-term mission.
No, all the people who died so early and suddenly before I could even call them colleagues—that I grew a yearning for something more?
Binah ep5 1-3.png
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Charles’ Fixer Angelica
I was from the Outskirts.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
To be precise, I was a test subject in a Wing, apparently.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
And when they were done experimenting with me, they dumped me in the Outskirts.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
I don’t really remember what kind of experiments I went through… but the horrible feeling still persists.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
You’re cold, mister.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Yeah… I guess it really is a cliché story when you put it that way.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
What about you? Tell me something more about your mask.
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I started wearing a mask following my gran’s advice.
Her reason was that as a Fixer, it’s important to not let your potential enemies remember your face—if I remember correctly.
But now I had to keep my mask on for another reason.
I couldn’t stand to be open with a clear conscience in this City.
The mask became my own enclosed world I couldn’t leave.
Location: ???
Binah ep5 2-1.png
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Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Please don’t take him to that room! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything…!
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
So please leave my brother be… Please let him go…!!
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Dozing off in the middle of a mission, are ya?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I don’t think you’re one to criticize anyone else’s sleeping habits, hm?
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Hey! Hold on! That hurt too much!!!
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I still have two more hits to go. And wow, you’re just dropping your courtesy because you’re hurt.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Sigh… I got a little agitated, sorry mister.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
My childhood must have come back to me while I was asleep.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…You told me about it before. The part about you having a brother is new to me, though.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
What about you, Roland? It’s about time you told something about yourself.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…I participated in the Smoke War.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
An acrid smoke covered the whole City for a while thanks to that war.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Yep. And I saw the source of the smoke with my own two eyes.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I can’t remember what it was anymore… But I still have a feeling that I witnessed something I shouldn’t have to this day.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
And the feeling that I’m taking part in something no better than fueling that disgusting origin.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
It’s like something is boiling within me.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Copious amounts of agonies surround the City. Maybe the reason you’re always wearing that mask is…
Olivier Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Olivier
Heads up. The target is approaching your location.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…Back to work. We’re almost done with this long mission.
Black screen.png
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The target Angelica and I were after was called ‘Blood-red Night’.
She employed sly trickery to kidnap people from the Backstreets and the Nest alike.
The victims were later found in the Backstreets as corpses.
The bodies are empty inside. I have no idea how they’re able to move.
They endlessly craved for fresh things, as if to fill their emptied bodies.
She was only designated as a Star of the City so quickly because the Nest saw direct harm, I bet.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
We’ve arrived at her bedroom at long last.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
So many people died on the way here.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
You and I managed to survive it, though.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Should we consider that lucky, or unlucky, mister?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Check this out… How many people did it take to make everything here? I’m guessing at least three thousand folks.
Binah ep5 2-2.png
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Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
It’s the boudoir of four thousand one hundred seventy-two people, if you want the exact number.
Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
You must’ve made quite a bit of effort to catch me, seeing as you’ve come all the way here?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Sure as hell have. Took two damn years to track you down.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
The strings decorating this room are all human blood vessels.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
She’s been kidnapping people at random and extracting all the veins from their bodies.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
The things we dealt with on our way were the shells you took all the veins out of, as I expected.
Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
They were just crude contraptions of flesh lacking their own will, unfortunately.
Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
It wasn’t what I was looking for.
Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
I was hoping for ones whose veins were flowing with blood that’s a little more enticing…
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Whatever your sentiment is, your little game ends now…
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Tonight, a Star of the City shall fall.
Black screen.png
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Charles’ Fixer Angelica
She’s a rather persistent opponent…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
We’re almost there!
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Hey!!! Watch your back!!!
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…You didn’t have to—!
Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
…This won’t be the last you see of me.
Elena Dia.png
Blood-red Night Elena
The night shall fall once again someday.
People try not to care about the suffering of others.
They only give a few dry words of consolation; they never wish to truly understand each other’s pain.
But Angelica was different; she wanted to learn more about the pain I was bearing.
Binah ep5 2-3.png
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Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Hey! Angelica! Can you hear me?!
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
…“You are like those who never left the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart…”
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
It’s finally over… Good work, mister…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Keep it together! Hey! You can’t just die like this…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I can’t have you die because of me…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Don’t close your eyes! Stay with me!!!
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Cut it out, you dope!! I’m not dead yet!!!
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Sigh… I was just trying to lie flat and rest a bit…
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
And then you almost beat me to death…
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
Are you actually relieved or what? It’s hard to tell what you’re thinking behind that mask, mister.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…I’m wearing this mask because I don’t want to show my face to anyone.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I was not proud to face the abominable deeds of the City I’m contributing to…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I don’t want my contorting face to be seen…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
I don’t have the confidence to show myself to anyone…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
…Sometimes, I think…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
If we can kill so many people nonchalantly just because Associations and Offices ordered us to, excusing it as part of our work…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Then we could be killed by someone with the same kind of excuses.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Even if we were to get murdered in the City one day… we wouldn’t be able to make any complaints about it. That’s what makes me scared.
Binah ep5 2-4.png
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Charles’ Fixer Angelica
…Yep, that’s a problematic face alright.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
I guess you really were worried for me, though? It’s bearable to look at.
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Gah… My face, it hurts.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
I don’t get why you care so much about all the problems in the City like that’s your burden.
Charles’ Fixer Angelica
That’s that, and this is this. You know?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
That’s that, and this is this…
Roland 1 Dia.png
Charles’ Fixer Roland
Yeah. I guess that’s how this City is…
Black screen.png
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The person who then became the new foundation of my world.
She showed me the way to turn away from the City’s agonies even without my mask.
You may have been a good person, but I would not consider you a wise one.
You heard about the pain I was bearing, and taught me how to turn a blind eye to it.
You said you embraced the pain, but you only pretended to do so.
O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved.
Location: The Library – Floor of Philosophy
The Library - Floor of Philosophy.png
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Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Have you enjoyed your dream?
Roland 1 Dia.png
Servant Roland
I am but one of the many who play the tunes of the apocalypse in the abyss…
Binah Dia.png
Patron Librarian - Philosophy Binah
Come, now.

See also

CredenzaIcon.png List of Story Episodes
Patron Librarians' Stories
MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
YesodIcon.pngFloor of Tech. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HodIcon.pngFloor of Literature Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
NetzachIcon.pngFloor of Art Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
TipherethIcon.pngFloor of Nat. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
ChesedIcon.pngFloor of Soc. Sciences Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
BinahIcon.pngFloor of Philosophy Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
HokmaIcon.pngFloor of Religion Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
KeterIcon.pngFloor of General Works Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
CanardIcon.pngSmall Stories Small Stories 1 - Small Stories 2 - Small Stories 3 - Small Stories 4 - Small Stories 5 - Small Stories 6 - Small Stories 7 - Small Stories 8 - Small Stories 9