Speed Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap) Mirage At the end of the Scene, recover half of the Stagger damage taken during the Scene. (Minimum of 1; does not activate while Staggered) Hawk's Eye At the end of the Scene, give 2 Protection to the ally that suffered the most damage. Haboob Once per Scene, after suffering a one-sided attack, gain 1 Protection and Stagger Protection next Scene.
Harpe Harpe ( 0) 1~2 2~7On Hit Gain 1 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. next Scene
Sand Split Sand Split ( 1) 4~9 3~9On Clash Win Gain 1 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. next Scene
Sand Strike Sand Strike ( 1) 4~8On Clash Win Gain 1 EnduranceEndurance X Defensive dice gain +X Power for the Scene. next Scene 4~8
Furūsiyya Furūsiyya ( 2) 5~8 3~7On Clash Win Gain 2 EnduranceEndurance X Defensive dice gain +X Power for the Scene. next Scene 3~7
Jamadhar Jamadhar ( 2) If the natural roll of the Defensive die is Max, add a Pierce die (Roll: 4-5) to the dice queue 4~8 2~9 3~8
The Udjat The Udjat ( 3) The Udjat's Exclusive PageThe Udjat's Exclusive Page Can only be set in the deck of an Udjat's Key Page. 5~6 3~7 8~14On Hit Give 2 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. to all allies next Scene
An Udjat’s Page ×1 ×1 ×0.5 ×1 ×1 ×0.5 Speed Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap) Mirage At the end of the Scene, recover half of the Stagger damage taken during the Scene. (Minimum of 1; does not activate while Staggered) Hawk's Eye At the end of the Scene, give 2 Protection to the ally that suffered the most damage. Haboob Once per Scene, after suffering a one-sided attack, gain 1 Protection and Stagger Protection next Scene. ×2
Harpe Harpe ( 0) 1~2 2~7On Hit Gain 1 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. next Scene ×9
Sand Split Sand Split ( 1) 4~9 3~9On Clash Win Gain 1 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. next Scene ×6 Sand Strike Sand Strike ( 1) 4~8On Clash Win Gain 1 EnduranceEndurance X Defensive dice gain +X Power for the Scene. next Scene 4~8 ×6 Furūsiyya Furūsiyya ( 2) 5~8 3~7On Clash Win Gain 2 EnduranceEndurance X Defensive dice gain +X Power for the Scene. next Scene 3~7 ×2 Jamadhar Jamadhar ( 2) If the natural roll of the Defensive die is Max, add a Pierce die (Roll: 4-5) to the dice queue 4~8 2~9 3~8 ×2 The Udjat The Udjat ( 3) The Udjat's Exclusive PageThe Udjat's Exclusive Page Can only be set in the deck of an Udjat's Key Page. 5~6 3~7 8~14On Hit Give 2 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. to all allies next Scene ×1
The Udjat's Exclusive PageThe Udjat's Exclusive Page Can only be set in the deck of an Udjat's Key Page. 5~6 3~7 8~14On Hit Give 2 ProtectionProtection X Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene. to all allies next Scene
Book of an Udjat
Key Page stories
An Udjat’s Page
We are Udjat. While it’s a Grade 1 Office on the surface, we only receive requests from one person. It exists for Lady Dias and Lady Dias alone. We are ready to perform any feat that she demands. Her pure ambition will bring her to a position of great power one day. We simply serve as stepping stones for her ascent to the top.
Battle Symbols
The following Battle Symbol requires usage of the rewards from this reception in order to be obtained.
Battle Symbol
Horus’ Eye
Headwear 3
4% chance to boost Defensive dice Power by +1 while having Protection
During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, gain 5 or more Protection in a single Scene with an Udjat’s Key Page equipped.