R Corp. Ⅱ

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The reception of R Corp. Ⅱ is the second and final reception of the Fourth Pack, an elite division of the Wing R Corp. It is a four-Act fight with two Floors of five Librarians each available for use, and it is the third and last reception of the rightmost column of StarCityIcon.png Star of the City.


Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

  • Myo ×1
  • Rabbit ×4

Act 4


Rudolph retreats upon being reduced to 70 HP.
HPIcon.png 182 StaggerIcon.png 95 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Reindeer Treatment
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Strength at the start of each Scene. (Up to 2)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Survivor
Every time the character recovers from Stagger, gain 1 Strength and Endurance at the start of the Scene for the rest of the Act. (Up to 5)
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Mind Whip ×2
Energy Strike ×3
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
Mind Whip
(2 Copies)
3 RangedIcon.png The Reindeer Team's Exclusive Page
On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BluntDiceIcon.png 9~23  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Energy Strike
(3 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Reindeer, let’s sweep them down with haste.
  • We’ve been through this once, right?
Victory Cry
  • That was a predictable tactic. A swift victory for us.
On Ally Death
  • I can’t let them corner us again…
  • I’m close to hitting my limit… Gotta finish this in a hurry…
  • It’s all a matter of mental prowess…
On Kill
  • I suppose you were careless, thinking this would be the same as the last time.
  • Reindeer. We’re getting there.
  • Hurry it up! We’ll be at a disadvantage if this goes on for too long.

Each Reindeer will be wearing one of three helmet types (as seen in their Battle Symbols), chosen randomly.
HPIcon.png 98 StaggerIcon.png 50 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Reindeer Treatment
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Strength at the start of each Scene. (Up to 2)
Book of the Reindeer Team 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Mind Whip ×2
Energy Strike ×3
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
Mind Whip
(2 Copies)
3 RangedIcon.png The Reindeer Team's Exclusive Page
On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BluntDiceIcon.png 9~23  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Energy Strike
(3 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Sigh… Yet another operation.
  • Hopefully we’ll dominate them this time…
  • There’s no point in getting anxious. We have no choice.
  • Well, we’ve got to try our best to survive.
  • Let’s end this quickly.
Victory Cry
  • Could’ve gone bad if it went on for a minute longer.
  • We aren’t going to get destroyed, right…?
  • Dunno. The higher ups will handle it.
  • Shall we head back now, Rudolph, sir?
  • I thought I could win this time…
  • I hope the others will… take care of this…
  • Is this really the last…?
  • …There was no way we could defeat those monsters…
On Ally Death
  • Got to hold out… We’ve got to endure this.
  • This feels eerily similar to the last time…
  • I know I shouldn’t get nervous…
  • How did… they wield such power…?
On Kill
  • A good weapon is useless in the wrong hands.
  • I have no problems yet, so I’ll keep going for now.
  • …It’s getting harder to endure. Must end it fast…
  • Looks like the others are starting to get tired again.

Maxim retreats upon being reduced to 0 HP.
HPIcon.png 192 StaggerIcon.png 92 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rhino Procedure
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Endurance at the start of each Scene. (Up to 2)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Maximum Crash
If the character has 20 or more Charge at the start of the Scene, deal 50% more damage and Stagger damage with attacks; also receive 30% less damage and Stagger damage from attacks.
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Rhino Ram
Bulky Impact ×3
Graze the Grass ×3
Concentration ×2

Page Cost Description
Rhino Ram
4 MeleeIcon.png The Rhino Team's Exclusive Page
Combat Start Gain 2 Protection this Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 12~25  On Hit Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~8 
Bulky Impact
(3 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 6~12 
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • We’ll leave this place alive this time!
  • Right now, rampaging is our mission!
  • Save your thoughts for after you’ve taken ‘em down!
Victory Cry
  • Haha! That’s what they get for looking down on us!
On Ally Death
  • How many do we have left?
  • They’re just as tricky as the first time.
  • Damn! That one got trampled real bad.
On Kill
  • Techniques don’t mean shit against overwhelming power!
  • Charge ahead, and the path will open up!
  • Go alone like the rhino’s horn!

Each Rhino will be wearing one of three helmet types (as seen in their Battle Symbols), chosen randomly.
HPIcon.png 102 StaggerIcon.png 45 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rhino Procedure
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Endurance at the start of each Scene. (Up to 2)
Book of the Rhino Team 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Rhino Ram
Bulky Impact ×3
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
Rhino Ram
4 MeleeIcon.png The Rhino Team's Exclusive Page
Combat Start Gain 2 Protection this Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 12~25  On Hit Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~8 
Bulky Impact
(3 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 6~12 
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Be bold and brash! Be brave!
  • Whoever the foe might be, they’ll be crushed under the Rhinos’ feet!
  • Who wants to get pinned now?!
  • Nothing can stand in the way of a rhinoceros!
  • Cap’n. Do we start right away?
Victory Cry
  • We’ve won!
  • Thought you could win a second time? Too bad!
  • That should spare us from the destruction for a while.
  • What fun fellas they were!
  • This won’t be enough to best us…!
  • …Guh… Must stand…!
  • I won’t go down like this again…!
  • Shoot… Nothing’s changed…
On Ally Death
  • That could’ve knocked me out if it hit me.
  • I’m used to seeing it!
  • I just hope it doesn’t lead to the extinction of our Pack!
  • I won’t mind it! I’ve got work to do!
On Kill
  • That’s a frail body you’ve got!
  • Your attacks are useless!
  • I’m not done with you yet!
  • You got in my way… How foolish! Haha!

  • Myo retreats upon being reduced to 0 HP.
  • Myo uses a special combat dialogue set if facing Gebura.
HPIcon.png 186 StaggerIcon.png 92 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rabbit Augmentation
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene. (Up to 3)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Myo’s Prowess
When using a Combat Page, all dice on the page gain Power against targets with slower Speed. (+1 Power per 2 points of difference, up to 5)
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Concentrated Fire ×2
Pinpoint Shot ×2
Quick Suppression ×2
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
Concentrated Fire
(2 Copies)
2 RangedIcon.png Single-use
On Use If Speed is 6 or higher, all dice on this page gain +1 Power
PierceDiceIcon.png 6~8 
PierceDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
Pinpoint Shot
(2 Copies)
3 RangedIcon.png Single-use
On Use If Speed is 6 or higher, all dice on this page gain +2 Power
BluntDiceIcon.png 8~21  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
Quick Suppression
(2 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
EvadeDiceIcon.png 3~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~8  On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Hippity hop~! Rabbits! Do your best if you don’t wanna lose again!
  • How’s it feel to see us again?
  • I’m gonna chew on every single one of you this time.
Victory Cry
  • Thank you for the second course, it was satisfying.
  • Phew~ That was really tiring. Shall we get back now?
On Ally Death
  • Rabbit down.
  • Those crazy asses…
  • Use more firepower!
On Kill
  • There’s still a lot of grass left to munch on!
  • Thought you’d get me in the same way as before? Not a chance.
  • Let’s graze the rest of ‘em and go back!

Combat Entrance
  • Hello again. How does it feel to see me once more?
Victory Cry
  • Right. The past is in the past.
On Ally Death
  • Cock up your ears once more, Rabbits.
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • Another Rabbit returned to the grasslands.
On Kill
  • You’re still working for THE Red Mist… You should be stronger than that.
  • I haven’t been idling around all these years.
  • I’ll show you how vicious a Rabbit’s revenge can be.
Special Event

Special Event line notes

  1. Used if Myo kills Gebura.

Each Rabbit will be wearing one of three helmet types (as seen in their Battle Symbols), chosen randomly.
HPIcon.png 99 StaggerIcon.png 49 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rabbit Augmentation
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene. (Up to 3)
Book of the Rabbit Team 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 1 1.2 1.6 2 2.5 3.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Concentrated Fire ×3
Pinpoint Shot
Quick Suppression ×2
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
Concentrated Fire
(3 Copies)
2 RangedIcon.png Single-use
On Use If Speed is 6 or higher, all dice on this page gain +1 Power
PierceDiceIcon.png 6~8 
PierceDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
Pinpoint Shot
3 RangedIcon.png Single-use
On Use If Speed is 6 or higher, all dice on this page gain +2 Power
BluntDiceIcon.png 8~21  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
Quick Suppression
(2 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
EvadeDiceIcon.png 3~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~8  On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Gotta gnaw on ‘em until there’s no leftovers!
  • The Rabbits have come to graze the grass again.
  • Ready to enjoy a tasty meal?
  • Things will be different this time! The Rabbits are starving.
Victory Cry
  • Firepower is what wins battles!
  • Haha! The Rabbits had the last laugh!
  • What, we’re already outta grazzy grass to chew on?
  • Time to go back, Rabbits!
  • Ahaha… We’re truly gonna die…
  • You think the Rabbits could handle this alone?
  • We’re all gonna die…
  • This mission was doomed to fail…
On Ally Death
  • How unlucky you must be.
  • This place is nuts!
  • We aren’t gonna get crushed twice, are we?
  • Things are starting to seem unsafe, huh.
On Kill
  • That’s one less blade of grass left to graze.
  • This is what happens when we get serious!
  • I can go for more! Shall we speed it up?
  • Captain! We’re almost there, it seems.

Nikolai uses a special combat dialogue set if facing Gebura.
HPIcon.png 200 StaggerIcon.png 120 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Speed Ⅲ
Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillOrangeIcon.png The Commander
If the character has 11 or more Charge at the start of the Scene, give 1 Strength and Endurance to all allies.
SkillOrangeIcon.png Finishing Touch
After using a Combat Page on a target, leave a 'mark' on them at the end of the Scene. The marked enemy takes 50% additional damage and Stagger damage from attacks. Only one enemy can be marked at a time.
Book of the Rabbit Team 38% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Book of the Rhino Team 38% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Complete Book of Nikolai 22% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Battle Command ×3
Quick Suppression ×2
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
5 MeleeIcon.png Nikolai's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge. Upon defeating an enemy with this page, add a copy of ’Disposal’ to hand and lower its Cost by 1. If target’s HP is at 50% or lower, deal twice as much damage.
SlashDiceIcon.png 15~30  On Clash Win Destroy all of opponent’s diceOn Clash Lose Destroy the next die on this page
SlashDiceIcon.png 10~20  If target has ‘Mark’, increase damage and Stagger damage by the natural roll
Battle Command
(3 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png Nikolai's Exclusive Page
Combat Start Give 1 Strength to 2 other allies
BlockDiceIcon.png 5~10 
SlashDiceIcon.png 5~9 
BluntDiceIcon.png 5~8 
Quick Suppression
(2 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
EvadeDiceIcon.png 3~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~8  On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • …This is our last chance. Focus.
  • We shouldn’t stomach another defeat.
  • Be serious if you don’t want to stay dead.
Victory Cry
  • Pathetic. You were completely unprepared.
  • It’s time someone put an end to this…
On Ally Death
  • Understand that we cannot afford to be distracted.
  • …Stay sharp.
  • The preparation is nearly complete… Hang in there.
  • Stay on guard!
On Kill
  • Amateurs. Did you expect us to fall for the same trick twice?
  • We will attack with full force!
  • Press on!
  • I can clearly see you panicking.

Combat Entrance
  • Myo. Don’t let this affect your morale.
Victory Cry
  • …She was once known as the Red Mist, you say. I didn’t notice that before.
  • It’s time someone put an end to this…
On Ally Death
  • Understand that we cannot afford to be distracted.
  • …Stay sharp.
  • The preparation is nearly complete… Hang in there.
  • Stay on guard!
On Kill
  • Amateurs. Did you expect us to fall for the same trick twice?
  • We will attack with full force!
  • Press on!
  • I can clearly see you panicking.

Myo uses a special combat dialogue set if facing Gebura.
HPIcon.png 186 StaggerIcon.png 92 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgEndureIcon.png Endured

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rabbit Augmentation
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene. (Up to 3)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Myo’s Prowess
When using a Combat Page, all dice on the page gain Power against targets with slower Speed. (+1 Power per 2 points of difference, up to 5)
SkillGreenIcon.png Slash Mastery
Slash Dice Power +1
SkillGreenIcon.png Pierce Mastery
Pierce Dice Power +1
Book of Nikolai 70% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Complete Book of Myo 30% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Feral Knives
Quick Suppression ×4
Graze the Grass ×3

Page Cost Description
Feral Knives
6 MassAttackIcon.png Myo's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge. On Hit Inflict 3 Bleed next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~9 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~9 
SlashDiceIcon.png 6~10  On Hit Deal 15 bonus damage against the manually selected target
Quick Suppression
(4 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
EvadeDiceIcon.png 3~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~8  On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Sigh… I’m not a fan of dry grass.
Victory Cry
  • Thank you for the third course, it was satisfying.
  • Phew~ That was tiring. Shall we get back now?
  • Khrf… I guess I’ll never graze… another grassland.
On Ally Death
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • It’s a bitter farewell.
  • I won’t stand back…
  • Those sick bastards…
  • Use more firepower!
On Kill
  • There’s still a lot of grass left to munch on!
  • Thought you’d get me in the same way as before? Not a chance.
  • Let’s graze the rest of ‘em and go back!

Combat Entrance
  • This is our last battle, so I’ll do my best.
Victory Cry
  • Both of us gave it our best shot.
  • …To die at the hands of a hero.
On Ally Death
  • …We’ll do this as usual.
  • It’s a bitter farewell.
  • I won’t stand back…
On Kill
  • You’re still working for THE Red Mist… You should be stronger than that.
  • I haven’t been idling around all these years.
  • I’ll show you how vicious a Rabbit’s revenge can be.
Special Event
  1. …Thank you.

Special Event line notes

  1. Used if Myo kills Gebura.

Maxim uses a special combat dialogue set if facing Gebura.
HPIcon.png 192 StaggerIcon.png 92 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Rhino Procedure
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Endurance at the start of each Scene. (Up to 2)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Maximum Crash
If the character has 20 or more Charge at the start of the Scene, deal 50% more damage and Stagger damage with attacks; also receive 30% less damage and Stagger damage from attacks.
Book of the Rhino Team 70% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Complete Book of Maxim 30% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Ground Crash
Rhino Ram ×2
Bulky Impact ×3
Graze the Grass ×2

Page Cost Description
Ground Crash
6 MassAttackIcon.png Maxim's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge. On Use Spend 20 Charge to boost Power of all dice on this page by +10
BluntDiceIcon.png 13~22 
Rhino Ram
(2 Copies)
4 MeleeIcon.png The Rhino Team's Exclusive Page
Combat Start Gain 2 Protection this Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 12~25  On Hit Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~8 
Bulky Impact
(3 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 6~12 
Graze the Grass
(2 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Let’s rampage till the end!
Victory Cry
  • Well, at least we survived.
  • To taste defeat again…
On Ally Death
  • Thanks for staying with me till the end.
  • They’re just as tricky as the first time.
  • Damn! That one got trampled real bad.
On Kill
  • Techniques don’t mean shit against overwhelming power!
  • Charge ahead, and the path will open up!
  • Go alone like the rhino’s horn!

Combat Entrance
  • It’s an honor to face the Red Mist in battle!
Victory Cry
  • Haha! Maybe we were even stronger than I’d imagined?
  • To taste defeat again…
On Ally Death
  • Thanks for staying with me till the end.
  • They’re just as tricky as the first time.
  • Damn! That one got trampled real bad.
On Kill
  • Techniques don’t mean shit against overwhelming power!
  • Charge ahead, and the path will open up!
  • Go alone like the rhino’s horn!

Rudolph uses a special combat dialogue set if facing Gebura.
HPIcon.png 182 StaggerIcon.png 95 SpeedIcon.png 2~7
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Speed
Speed Dice Slot +1 (Cannot Overlap)
SkillGreenIcon.png Triple-R Suit
Can store up to 20 Charges at once.
SkillBlueIcon.png Reindeer Treatment
For every 30% of Max. HP lost this Act, gain 1 Strength at the start of each Scene. (Up to 2)
SkillOrangeIcon.png Survivor
Every time the character recovers from Stagger, gain 1 Strength and Endurance at the start of the Scene for the rest of the Act. (Up to 5)
Book of the Reindeer Team 70% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Complete Book of Rudolph 30% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 2.2 2.6 3 3.5 4.2
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Mind Crush
Mind Whip
Energy Strike
Graze the Grass ×3
Concentration ×3

Page Cost Description
Mind Crush
6 MassAttackIcon.png Rudolph's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge.
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Deal 6 Stagger damage
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Deal 6 Stagger damage
BluntDiceIcon.png 5~10  On Hit Deal 6 Stagger damage
Mind Whip
3 RangedIcon.png The Reindeer Team's Exclusive Page
On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BluntDiceIcon.png 9~23  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Energy Strike
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Graze the Grass
(3 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
(3 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • If we fail this time… We won’t get another chance.
Victory Cry
  • …Guess we are the only survivors.
  • …This is the end for me.
On Ally Death
  • I can’t let them corner us again…
  • I’m close to hitting my limit… Gotta finish this in a hurry…
  • It’s all a matter of mental prowess…
On Kill
  • I suppose you were careless, thinking this would be the same as the last time.
  • We’re getting there.
  • Hurry it up! We’ll be at a disadvantage if this goes on for too long.

Combat Entrance
  • Yeah. Even if she’s an acquaintance of yours, you shouldn’t falter because of that.
Victory Cry
  • Didn’t expect to meet a Color in such a place…
  • …This is the end for me.
On Ally Death
  • I can’t let them corner us again…
  • I’m close to hitting my limit… Gotta finish this in a hurry…
  • It’s all a matter of mental prowess…
On Kill
  • I suppose you were careless, thinking this would be the same as the last time.
  • We’re getting there.
  • Hurry it up! We’ll be at a disadvantage if this goes on for too long.

Gebura's Combat Dialogue

Gebura has two special combat dialogue sets in this reception: one if she is on field for Act 3 while Myo is alive, and one if she is on field for Act 4 while Myo is alive.

Combat Entrance
  • …What do you expect me to say. Nice to meet you again?
Victory Cry
  • There was no reason I couldn’t win again. …Let’s head back.
  • Dammit… …But I’ll have to accept it.
On Ally Death
  • We’ve done this once. We can do it twice.
  • Don’t panic. This isn’t over yet.
  • You don’t want their sacrifice to be in vain, yeah?
  • There’s no reason we can’t win. Stay calm, all.
Special Event
  1. …Where do you think you’re going?

Special Event line notes

  1. Used when Myo flees from the stageplay.
Combat Entrance
  • You could fight all at once, but it won’t change a thing.
Victory Cry
  • …Let’s just head back.
  • Dammit… …But I’ll have to accept it.
On Ally Death
  • We’ve done this once. We can do it twice.
  • Don’t panic. This isn’t over yet.
  • You don’t want their sacrifice to be in vain, yeah?
  • There’s no reason we can’t win. Stay calm, all.
On Kill
  • …This is going to be the last time.


Key Pages Combat Pages
RCorpIcon.png Book of the Rabbit Team A Rabbit Team Soldier’s Page ×4 Graze the Grass ×5

Pinpoint Shot ×5
Quick Suppression ×5
Concentrated Fire ×6

RCorpIcon.png Book of the Rhino Team A Rhino Team Soldier’s Page ×4 Graze the Grass ×9

Bulky Impact ×4
Concentration ×4
Rhino Ram ×6

RCorpIcon.png Book of the Reindeer Team A Reindeer Team Soldier’s Page ×4 Graze the Grass ×7

Energy Strike ×7
Concentration ×6
Mind Whip ×6

RCorpIcon.png Complete Book of Myo Myo’s Page ×1 Graze the Grass ×5

Pinpoint Shot ×5
Quick Suppression ×5
Concentrated Fire ×6
Clone ×6
Savage Mode ×1

RCorpIcon.png Complete Book of Nikolai Nikolai’s Page ×1 Graze the Grass ×9

Concentration ×6
Battle Command ×2
Clone ×2
Rapid Gashes ×2
Disposal ×1

RCorpIcon.png Complete Book of Maxim Maxim’s Page ×1 Graze the Grass ×9

Bulky Impact ×6
Concentration ×6
Clone ×3
Rhino Ram ×3
Ground Crash ×1

RCorpIcon.png Complete Book of Rudolph Rudolph’s Page ×1 Graze the Grass ×7

Energy Strike ×7
Concentration ×6
Clone ×3
Mind Whip ×3
Mind Crush ×1

Combat Pages

Combat Pages
Page Cost Range Description Obtained
Mind Crush
6 MassAttackIcon.png Rudolph's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge.
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Deal 6 Stagger damage
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Deal 6 Stagger damage
BluntDiceIcon.png 5~10  On Hit Deal 6 Stagger damage
Complete Book of Rudolph

Ground Crash
6 MassAttackIcon.png Maxim's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge. On Use Spend 20 Charge to boost Power of all dice on this page by +10
BluntDiceIcon.png 13~22 
Complete Book of Maxim

5 MeleeIcon.png Nikolai's Exclusive Page
Only usable at 20+ Charge. Upon defeating an enemy with this page, add a copy of ’Disposal’ to hand and lower its Cost by 1. If target’s HP is at 50% or lower, deal twice as much damage.
SlashDiceIcon.png 15~30  On Clash Win Destroy all of opponent’s diceOn Clash Lose Destroy the next die on this page
SlashDiceIcon.png 10~20  If target has ‘Mark’, increase damage and Stagger damage by the natural roll
Complete Book of Nikolai

Mind Whip
3 RangedIcon.png The Reindeer Team's Exclusive Page
On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BluntDiceIcon.png 9~23  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Book of the Reindeer Team, Book of Rudolph, Complete Book of Rudolph

Rhino Ram
4 MeleeIcon.png The Rhino Team's Exclusive Page
Combat Start Gain 2 Protection this Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 12~25  On Hit Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~8 
Book of the Rhino Team, Book of Maxim, Complete Book of Maxim

Concentrated Fire
2 RangedIcon.png Single-use
On Use If Speed is 6 or higher, all dice on this page gain +1 Power
PierceDiceIcon.png 6~8 
PierceDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
Book of the Rabbit Team, Book of Myo, Complete Book of Myo

Pinpoint Shot
3 RangedIcon.png Single-use
On Use If Speed is 6 or higher, all dice on this page gain +2 Power
BluntDiceIcon.png 8~21  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
Book of the Rabbit Team, Book of Myo, Complete Book of Myo

Battle Command
3 MeleeIcon.png Nikolai's Exclusive Page
Combat Start Give 1 Strength to 2 other allies
BlockDiceIcon.png 5~10 
SlashDiceIcon.png 5~9 
BluntDiceIcon.png 5~8 
Book of Nikolai, Complete Book of Nikolai

Energy Strike
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Spend 3 Charge to deal 8 Stagger damage
Book of the Reindeer Team, Book of Rudolph, Complete Book of Rudolph

Bulky Impact
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 6~12 
Book of the Rhino Team, Book of Maxim, Complete Book of Maxim

Rapid Gashes
5 MeleeIcon.png This page’s Cost is lowered by the number of other ’Rapid Gashes’ in hand
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~10 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~9 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~9 
BlockDiceIcon.png 6~10 
Book of Nikolai, Complete Book of Nikolai

Quick Suppression
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 5 Charge
EvadeDiceIcon.png 3~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~8  On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Book of the Rabbit Team, Book of Myo, Complete Book of Myo

Graze the Grass
0 MeleeIcon.png On Use Restore 1 Light and gain 3 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~7 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
Book of the Rabbit Team, Book of the Rhino Team, Book of the Reindeer Team, Book of Nikolai, Book of Myo, Book of Maxim, Book of Rudolph, Complete Book of Myo, Complete Book of Nikolai, Complete Book of Maxim, Complete Book of Rudolph

3 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 8 Charge
BlockDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 4~6 
Book of the Rhino Team, Book of the Reindeer Team, Book of Nikolai, Book of Maxim, Book of Rudolph, Complete Book of Nikolai, Complete Book of Maxim, Complete Book of Rudolph

1 MeleeIcon.png Single-use
On Use Copy the most expensive page in hand and add that to hand.
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~7 
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~5 
Complete Book of Myo, Complete Book of Nikolai, Complete Book of Maxim, Complete Book of Rudolph

Savage Mode
2 MeleeIcon.png Myo's Exclusive Page
On Use Convert all Ranged pages in the deck into Melee pages. Add a copy of ’Feral Knives’ to hand. Starting with the next Scene, all dice this character plays gain +1 Power.
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~7 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~7 
Complete Book of Myo

Battle Symbols

The following Battle Symbols require usage of rewards from, or fulfillment of specific conditions during, this reception.

Battle Symbol Name Slot
Finely Aged Experience BattleSymbol.png Finely Aged Experience Eye
Starting with the 11th Scene of an Act, 7% chance to boost dice power by +1
Defeat Kalo, Nikolai, and the Purple Tear 1 times each.

Cold-hearted Disposition BattleSymbol.png Cold-hearted Disposition Eye
5% chance to boost dice power by +1 when the character has 20+ Charge
Defeat 2 enemies using the Combat Page 'Disposal' in Star of the City-level receptions.

Feral Captain BattleSymbol.png Feral Captain Eye
4% chance to boost Offensive dice power by +1 when the character has a Speed dice with Speed of 5 or higher
Defeat enemies with the last die of the Combat Page 'Feral Knives' 1 times.

The Key to Victory BattleSymbol.png The Key to Victory Mouth
HP +3
Defeat 5 targets at once using the Combat Page 'Ground Crash' in a Star of the City-level reception.

Veteran Commander BattleSymbol.png Veteran Commander Headwear 1
5% chance to reduce incoming damage by 1 when the character has 20+ Charge
Defeat 5 targets marked by the passive ability 'Finishing Touch'.

Whipped Mind BattleSymbol.png Whipped Mind Headwear 1
6% chance to boost Stagger Damage by +2 when the character has 20+ Charge
Get hit by a max-rolled attack of the Combat Page 'Mind Whip' 3 times.

Bitter Reunion BattleSymbol.png Bitter Reunion Headwear 1
6% chance to boost damage and Stagger damage by +1 when Speed is 5 or higher
Defeat Myo in the second reception of R Corp 1 times with the Red Mist's Key Page equipped or attributed.

Starved Rabbit BattleSymbol.png Starved Rabbit Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Slash dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rabbit Team Soldiers wearing a type-1 helmet.

Stuffed Bun BattleSymbol.png Stuffed Bun Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Slash dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rabbit Team Soldiers wearing a type-2 helmet.

Nimble Hare BattleSymbol.png Nimble Hare Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Slash dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rabbit Team Soldiers wearing a type-3 helmet.

Bulky Ungulate BattleSymbol.png Bulky Ungulate Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Blunt dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rhino Team Soldiers wearing a type-1 helmet.

Brash Rhinoceros BattleSymbol.png Brash Rhinoceros Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Blunt dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rhino Team Soldiers wearing a type-2 helmet.

Bold Rhino BattleSymbol.png Bold Rhino Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Blunt dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Rhino Team Soldiers wearing a type-3 helmet.

Nervous Caribou BattleSymbol.png Nervous Caribou Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Pierce dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Reindeer Team Soldiers wearing a type-1 helmet.

Tired Reindeer BattleSymbol.png Tired Reindeer Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Pierce dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Reindeer Team Soldiers wearing a type-2 helmet.

Endangered Rangifer BattleSymbol.png Endangered Rangifer Headwear 4
4% chance to boost Pierce dice power by +1 while the character has 20+ charge
In either reception of R Corp, defeat 1 Reindeer Team Soldiers wearing a type-3 helmet.


Nikolai has two unused combat dialogue sets for this reception, R_Corp_Nicolai_2 ("regular" dialogue) and R_Corp_Nicolai_2_Meet_Gebura (fighting Gebura dialogue). The only differences are:

  • In the regular set, "We shouldn’t stomach another defeat." is replaced by "Can’t afford to lose twice."
  • The Gebura set only has the Combat Start and Victory Cry lines.

In the final act of the second reception, Myo has a different sprite, holding a knife in both hands and with glowing red eyes.


  • Enemies in Act 3 or Act 4 will continue using their special combat dialogue even if switching to a different Floor after the GeburaIcon.pngFloor of Language is defeated.
Receptions R Corp. - R Corp. Ⅱ
Characters Nikolai - Myo - Rudolph - Maxim
Key Pages Nikolai’s Page - Myo’s Page - Rudolph’s Page - Maxim’s Page - A Rabbit Team Soldier’s Page - A Reindeer Team Soldier’s Page - A Rhino Team Soldier’s Page
Combat Pages R Corp.: Energy Strike - Graze the Grass - Pinpoint Shot - Quick Suppression - Bulky Impact - Concentrated Shot - Concentration - Battle Command - Mind Whip - Rapid Gashes - Rhino Ram
R Corp. Ⅱ: Clone - Disposal - Feral Knives - Ground Crash - Mind Crush - Savage Mode
CanardIcon.png Canard RatsIcon.pngRatsYun'sOfficeIcon.png(Yun’s Office Fixers - Yun’s Office Rookie - Yun’s Office) • BrotherhoodofIronIcon.pngBrotherhood of IronHookOfficeIcon.pngHook Office
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth Pierre'sBistroIcon.pngPierre’s BistroStreetlightOfficeIcon.png(Streetlight Office - Lulu of Streetlight)
General Receptions:
Backstreets ButchersHook Office RemnantsUrban Myth-class Syndicate
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend ZweiAssociationIcon.png(Zwei Crewmembers - Zwei Association Ⅰ - Zwei Association Ⅱ) • StrayDogsIcon.pngStray DogsMolarOfficeIcon.pngMolar Office
General Receptions:
Grade 8 FixersGrade 7 FixersUrban Legend-class SyndicateUrban Legend-class OfficeAxe Gang
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague TheCarnivalIcon.pngThe CarnivalKurokumoClanIcon.pngKurokumo Clan
Full-StopOfficeIcon.pngFull-Stop OfficeMusiciansofBremenIcon.pngMusicians of Bremen
DawnOfficeIcon.pngDawn OfficeWedgeOfficeIcon.pngWedge Office
GazeOfficeIcon.pngGaze OfficeLoveTownIcon.pngTomerry
General Receptions:
Rusted ChainsWorkshop-affiliated FixersJeong’s Office
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare SweepersIcon.pngSweepersIndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex Proselytes
ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi AssociationSmilingFacesIcon.pngSmiling Faces
The8o'ClockCircusIcon.pngThe 8 o’Clock CircusTheCryingChildrenIcon.pngThe Crying Children
PuppetIcon.pngPuppetsWARPCleanUpCrewIcon.pngWARP Cleanup Crew
General Receptions:
Seven AssociationBlade Lineage
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City TheThumbIcon.png(The Thumb - The Thumb Ⅱ) • IndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex ProxiesYanIcon.png얀샋ㄷ요무
TheBlueReverberationIcon.pngThe Blue ReverberationTheRedMistIcon.pngThe Red MistThePurpleTearIcon.pngThe Purple Tear
LiuAssociationIcon.png(Liu Association Section 2 - Liu Association Section 2 Ⅱ) • LiuAssociationIcon.pngLiu Association Section 1XiaoIcon.pngXiao
CaneOfficeIcon.pngCane OfficeRCorpIcon.pngR Corp.RCorpIcon.pngR Corp. Ⅱ
General Receptions:
Dong-hwan the Grade 1 FixerNight AwlsThe UdjatMirae Life InsuranceLeaflet WorkshopBayard
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis HanaAssociationIcon.png Hana AssociationTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation EnsembleBlackSilenceIcon.png The Black SilenceTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverb Ensemble DistortedInterrogationIcon.png ???