Zwei Association Ⅰ

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The reception of Zwei Association Ⅰ is the second reception of the Zwei Association, the first guest group of UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth. It is a two-Act fight against a larger taskforce from Zwei South Section 6 headed by San and Julia, sent to scout the Library after their previous group's failure. Three Floors can be used, with up to three Librarians per Floor.


Act 1

  • Zwei Crew ×3

Act 2


Zwei Crew
HPIcon.png 39 StaggerIcon.png 15 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Keeping in Stride
Recover 1 HP upon winning a clash
Zwei South Section 6 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 1 2.2 3.6 4
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Law and Order ×2
Sharp Swipe ×2
Back Attack ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent
Sharp Swipe
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 3~6 
Back Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~4 
1 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Hit Recover 2 HP
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Discard a page with the lowest Cost and restore 2 Light
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • We’re the Zwei, “Your Shield”… Engaging in combat starting now.
  • There are quite a few things suspicious about this place…
  • I’m alright for now… I can withstand this.
Victory Cry
  • We’ve completed the mission. Let’s take the books and quickly return to base.
  • That wasn’t a difficult mission.
  • Good work, everyone. I believe this should be enough, right?
  • I’m assuming we have a ton of organization to do once we’re back at the base…
  • The mission has been completed with success.
  • I didn’t crawl all the way up, only to face such a futile end…
  • I don’t wanna die, I want to run away…
  • …I will, keep my dignity to the end.
  • Perhaps I was… not up to this task.
  • I couldn’t accomplish the mission. …I’m sorry.
On Ally Death
  • We must focus on the mission for now.
  • …A moment of silence for the fallen. You’ve done well.
  • One of us… has fallen. The rest of us should proceed regardless…
  • We don’t have time for sadness, but… …
  • We must proceed with the battle…
On Kill
  • There is no need to forgive me or anything.
  • You may rest in peace now.
  • You should’ve been a little more cautious.
  • I was only carrying out my mission.
  • It seems I’ve done my part of the job.

Zwei Crew
This character has a randomized appearance.
HPIcon.png 35 StaggerIcon.png 15 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Keeping in Stride
Recover 1 HP upon winning a clash
Zwei South Section 6 70% 100% 100% 100%
Count 1 1.2 2.6 3
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Diversion ×2
Sharp Swipe
Back Attack ×2
Avert ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 1~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
Sharp Swipe
1 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 3~6 
Back Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~4 
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
3 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~10  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • We’re the Zwei, “Your Shield”. Commencing operation now.
  • I can endure this much.
  • Try to break my guard if you can.
  • I will never back down…
  • This kind of atmosphere… never fails to distress me.
Victory Cry
  • We’ve completed the mission. Let’s take the books and quickly return to base.
  • That wasn’t a difficult mission.
  • Good work, everyone. I believe this should be enough, right?
  • I’m assuming we have a ton of organization to do once we’re back at the base…
  • The mission has been completed with success.
  • I didn’t crawl all the way up, only to face such a futile end…
  • I don’t wanna die, I want to run away…
  • …I will, keep my dignity to the end.
  • Perhaps I was… not up to this task.
  • I couldn’t accomplish the mission. …I’m sorry.
On Ally Death
  • We must focus on the mission for now.
  • …A moment of silence for the fallen. You’ve done well.
  • One of us… has fallen. The rest of us should proceed regardless…
  • We don’t have time for sadness, but… …
  • We must proceed with the battle…
On Kill
  • There is no need to forgive me or anything.
  • You may rest in peace now.
  • You should’ve been a little more cautious.
  • I was only carrying out my mission.
  • It seems I’ve done my part of the job.

HPIcon.png 35 StaggerIcon.png 18 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntWeakIcon.png Weak

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgWeakIcon.png Weak

Passive Abilities
SkillBlueIcon.png Calmness
On clash win, boost the max value of the next die by +3 at a 25% chance
Book of San 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count 1.5 2.2 3.6 4
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Handling Work
Silent Night ×2
Retaliate ×2
Law and Order ×2

Page Cost Description
Handling Work
2 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~4  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~6 
Silent Night
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Endurance next Scene
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~6 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~4 
PierceDiceIcon.png 1~4 
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~10  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • I don’t want to lose my loved ones again.
  • I steeled my resolve this time, I will secure the books of Mars and Lulu at all costs…
  • I just have to do this the usual way…
Victory Cry
  • About Mars and Lulu… I don’t wanna blame you guys for their death.
  • You carried out your responsibilities, and I fulfilled mine.
  • Lulu, Mars… And Julia, who trusted me and followed me here… I’m sorry.
On Ally Death
  • Let’s be careful. I could get killed as well.
  • …Please give me a minute to mourn them, at least.
  • The situation seems grave, I’m not sure if there’s any hope for us.
On Kill
  • I just found the right timing to advance, that’s all.
  • I suppose… this is no time to be saying sorry.
  • I should put away personal sentiments in moments like this.
Special Event
  1. Mars and Lulu… Are you the one who killed them?
  2. …Fair point. You simply do your job, and I carry out my own.
  3. Julia… What will I have left now…?

Special Event line notes

  1. Unused.
  2. Unused.
  3. Unused.

HPIcon.png 35 StaggerIcon.png 24 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashVulnerableIcon.png Fatal

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillBlueIcon.png Zwei Swordsmanship Ⅰ
Slash Damage +1
Zwei South Section 6 50% 33% 0% 0%
Book of Julia 50% 66% 100% 100%
Count 3 3.2 3.6 4
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Fence ×2
Your Shield
Retaliate ×2
Law and Order ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Give 1 Protection to all allies next Scene
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~6 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~6 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~4 
Your Shield
2 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~5 
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~5 
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~10  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • I’ll act with composure.
  • I hope that nothing bad happens to us… I hope that all of us can leave this place safely.
  • This is a fight I can’t avoid, so I wanna win for the sake of everyone.
  • I’m all ready for this.
  • We do what we can… with maximum effort.
Victory Cry
  • We did it… We’ve actually won, right? Now we can go back safe and sound.
  • Yeah, let’s tell Isadora all about this adventure we just had.
  • San… I’m sorry. I couldn’t help you much.
On Ally Death
  • My legs are shaking… Are we at our limits?
  • I gotta pull myself together… for the sake of my late colleague.
  • …It won’t hurt to be sad just for a bit, maybe.
On Kill
  • It’s just something that always happens. I shouldn’t get too sad about it.
  • I can do it if I try!
  • This is sad, but I guess there’s no choice…
Special Event
  1. San!!! No… Please don’t die on me like this…

Zwei Crew
This character has a randomized appearance.
HPIcon.png 35 StaggerIcon.png 15 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgWeakIcon.png Weak
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Keeping in Stride
Recover 1 HP upon winning a clash
Zwei South Section 6 70% 100% 100% 100%
Count 1 1.2 2.6 3
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Diversion ×2
Sharp Swipe
Back Attack ×2
Avert ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies)
0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 1~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
Sharp Swipe
1 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 3~6 
Back Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~8 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~4 
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
3 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~10  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • We’re the Zwei, “Your Shield”. Commencing operation now.
  • I can endure this much.
  • Try to break my guard if you can.
  • I will never back down…
  • This kind of atmosphere… never fails to distress me.
Victory Cry
  • We’ve completed the mission. Let’s take the books and quickly return to base.
  • That wasn’t a difficult mission.
  • Good work, everyone. I believe this should be enough, right?
  • I’m assuming we have a ton of organization to do once we’re back at the base…
  • The mission has been completed with success.
  • I didn’t crawl all the way up, only to face such a futile end…
  • I don’t wanna die, I want to run away…
  • …I will, keep my dignity to the end.
  • Perhaps I was… not up to this task.
  • I couldn’t accomplish the mission. …I’m sorry.
On Ally Death
  • We must focus on the mission for now.
  • …A moment of silence for the fallen. You’ve done well.
  • One of us… has fallen. The rest of us should proceed regardless…
  • We don’t have time for sadness, but… …
  • We must proceed with the battle…
On Kill
  • There is no need to forgive me or anything.
  • You may rest in peace now.
  • You should’ve been a little more cautious.
  • I was only carrying out my mission.
  • It seems I’ve done my part of the job.


Key Pages Combat Pages
StreetlightOfficeIcon.png Book of San San’s Page ×4 Avert ×7

Law and Order ×7
Silent Night ×4
Retaliate ×4
Handling Work ×6

ZweiAssociationIcon.png Book of Zwei South Section 6 A Zwei Fixer’s Page ×5 Avert ×5

Law and Order ×5
Retaliate ×6
Your Shield ×6
Guardian ×6

ZweiAssociationIcon.png Book of Julia A Zwei Fixer’s Page ×5

Julia’s Page ×4

Avert ×5

Law and Order ×5
Retaliate ×4
Your Shield ×4
Fence ×3
Guardian ×3

Combat Pages

Combat Pages
Page Cost Range Description Obtained
Handling Work
2 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~4  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~6 
Streetlight Office, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of San

Silent Night
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Endurance next Scene
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~6 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~4 
PierceDiceIcon.png 1~4 
Streetlight Office, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of San

1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Give 1 Protection to all allies next Scene
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~6 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~6 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~4 
Zwei South Section 6, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of Julia

Your Shield
2 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~5 
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~5 
Zwei South Section 6, Zwei South Section 6, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of Julia, Book of Isadora, Book of Walter

1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Give 1 Endurance to all allies next Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5 
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~6 
Zwei South Section 6, Zwei South Section 6, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of Julia, Book of Isadora, Book of Walter

1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
Streetlight Office, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of San, Zwei South Section 6, Zwei South Section 6, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of Julia, Book of Isadora, Book of Walter

3 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~10  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
Streetlight Office, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of San, Zwei South Section 6, Zwei South Section 6, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of Julia, Book of Isadora, Book of Walter

0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent Streetlight Office, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of San, Zwei South Section 6, Zwei South Section 6, Vol. Ⅱ, Book of Julia, Book of Isadora, Book of Walter

Battle Symbols

The following Battle Symbol can be obtained in this reception.

Battle Symbol Name Slot
Your Shield BattleSymbol.png Your Shield Ear
HP +1
In a single battle, take 5 or more hits from Julia or Isadora.
Receptions Zwei Crewmembers - Zwei Association Ⅰ - Zwei Association Ⅱ
Characters Julia - Isadora - Walter
Key Pages A Zwei Fixer’s Page - Julia’s Page - Isadora’s Page - Walter’s Page
Combat Pages Law and Order - Avert - Your Shield - Retaliate - Blade Whirl - Suppress - Fence - Combat Preparation - Guardian
CanardIcon.png Canard RatsIcon.pngRatsYun'sOfficeIcon.png(Yun’s Office Fixers - Yun’s Office Rookie - Yun’s Office) • BrotherhoodofIronIcon.pngBrotherhood of IronHookOfficeIcon.pngHook Office
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth Pierre'sBistroIcon.pngPierre’s BistroStreetlightOfficeIcon.png(Streetlight Office - Lulu of Streetlight)
General Receptions:
Backstreets ButchersHook Office RemnantsUrban Myth-class Syndicate
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend ZweiAssociationIcon.png(Zwei Crewmembers - Zwei Association Ⅰ - Zwei Association Ⅱ) • StrayDogsIcon.pngStray DogsMolarOfficeIcon.pngMolar Office
General Receptions:
Grade 8 FixersGrade 7 FixersUrban Legend-class SyndicateUrban Legend-class OfficeAxe Gang
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague TheCarnivalIcon.pngThe CarnivalKurokumoClanIcon.pngKurokumo Clan
Full-StopOfficeIcon.pngFull-Stop OfficeMusiciansofBremenIcon.pngMusicians of Bremen
DawnOfficeIcon.pngDawn OfficeWedgeOfficeIcon.pngWedge Office
GazeOfficeIcon.pngGaze OfficeLoveTownIcon.pngTomerry
General Receptions:
Rusted ChainsWorkshop-affiliated FixersJeong’s Office
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare SweepersIcon.pngSweepersIndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex Proselytes
ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi AssociationSmilingFacesIcon.pngSmiling Faces
The8o'ClockCircusIcon.pngThe 8 o’Clock CircusTheCryingChildrenIcon.pngThe Crying Children
PuppetIcon.pngPuppetsWARPCleanUpCrewIcon.pngWARP Cleanup Crew
General Receptions:
Seven AssociationBlade Lineage
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City TheThumbIcon.png(The Thumb - The Thumb Ⅱ) • IndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex ProxiesYanIcon.png얀샋ㄷ요무
TheBlueReverberationIcon.pngThe Blue ReverberationTheRedMistIcon.pngThe Red MistThePurpleTearIcon.pngThe Purple Tear
LiuAssociationIcon.png(Liu Association Section 2 - Liu Association Section 2 Ⅱ) • LiuAssociationIcon.pngLiu Association Section 1XiaoIcon.pngXiao
CaneOfficeIcon.pngCane OfficeRCorpIcon.pngR Corp.RCorpIcon.pngR Corp. Ⅱ
General Receptions:
Dong-hwan the Grade 1 FixerNight AwlsThe UdjatMirae Life InsuranceLeaflet WorkshopBayard
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis HanaAssociationIcon.png Hana AssociationTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation EnsembleBlackSilenceIcon.png The Black SilenceTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverb Ensemble DistortedInterrogationIcon.png ???