Lulu of Streetlight

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The reception of Lulu of Streetlight is the second and final reception of Streetlight Office, the second guest group of UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth. It is a two-Act fight against Lulu and several of her Fixer associates, who have come seeking revenge for the previous reception. Three Floors can be used, with up to three Librarians per Floor.


Act 1

  • Lulu’s Friend ×2

Act 2

  • Lulu ×1
  • Lulu’s Friend ×2


Lulu’s Friend
This character has a randomized appearance.
HPIcon.png 27 StaggerIcon.png 11 SpeedIcon.png 1~4
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntWeakIcon.png Weak

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntStgWeakIcon.png Weak

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Penetration
50% chance to boost Pierce damage by +1
A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 3.2 4.6
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Pound ×2
Quick Attack ×2
Strong Strike ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5 
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~5 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~5 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2 
Quick Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Haste next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 2~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
Strong Strike
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Leave it to me~
  • So those are the powerful nerds you talked about, huh?
  • Want a taste of my hammer?
Victory Cry
  • Huu~cha! That was exhausting, but manageable!
  • Yeah. Those chumps were a piece of cake to handle!
  • We’re supposed to take those things now, right?
  • I’m… dying for real…?
  • What the heck… This is so wack…
  • This sucks… I can’t just die like this!
On Ally Death
  • I gotta try harder… I should.
  • How do we… How do we get out of this situation…?
  • I don’t wanna end up dead like that…
On Kill
  • Alright, let’s take down the other ones in a clean sweep!
  • Yahoo! How’s that?
  • You’re so easy to deal with!

Lulu’s Friend
This character has a randomized appearance.
HPIcon.png 27 StaggerIcon.png 11 SpeedIcon.png 1~4
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Downward Slash
50% chance to boost Slash damage by +1
A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 3.2 4.6
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Pound ×2
Quick Attack ×2
Strong Strike ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5 
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~5 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~5 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2 
Quick Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Haste next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 2~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
Strong Strike
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • They look too clean and lean, it’s like I’m looking at textbook examples of “boring”.
  • I’ll stab you right through!
  • I’d be glad to help you out, pal!
Victory Cry
  • I wonder if we’re allowed to take other books?
  • Easy peasy, buddy~ They’re no match for me!
  • To be fair, that was a teeny bit close… Phew!
  • Sorry I couldn’t help you to the end…
  • I… Why did I even bother coming here?
  • I thought I was pretty decent…
On Ally Death
  • That… kinda made things scarier.
  • I’m not gonna look at ‘em… I won’t…
  • …I thought we could win this together.
On Kill
  • Geez, what assholes. They’re tougher than I expected!
  • That was a lame one.
  • I’m really feeling it! The rest of you can bring it on now!

HPIcon.png 30 StaggerIcon.png 12 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashWeakIcon.png Weak

PierceNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgWeakIcon.png Weak

PierceStgNormalIcon.png Normal
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillPurpleIcon.png Flaming Bat
50% chance to inflict 1 Burn on a successful attack
SkillGreenIcon.png Blunt Boost Ⅰ
25% chance to boost Blunt damage by +1
SkillGreenIcon.png Blunt Mastery Ⅱ
12% chance to boost Blunt dice Power by +1
Streetlight Office 50% 33% 0%
Book of Lulu 50% 66% 100%
Count 2 3.2 3.6
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Gather Intel ×2
Set Ablaze ×2
Eat My Flaming Bat! ×3
Prepared Mind

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6 
Set Ablaze
(2 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~4 
Eat My Flaming Bat!
(3 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 3~5 
EvadeDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~4  On Hit Inflict 2 Burn
Prepared Mind
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Gain 1 Endurance next Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~5 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Bring it on, you pieces of shit!!!
  • You’re standing so shamelessly. Abominable bastards…
  • He didn’t come here to die like that… Fuck, this is all your fault.
Victory Cry
  • I avenged you, Mars. That settles the price for the cake you bought, right? ……
  • You jerk… Why’d you let these weaklings get you…
  • I can’t go like this… I can’t die here all the same!!!
  • I have to… crush the skulls of those bastards…!
On Ally Death
  • One fell. I gotta stay sharp.
  • …I can’t afford to care for others.
  • Mars kept fighting knowing he might die like that. I can’t lose to his guts.
On Kill
  • It’s all your fault. Mars wouldn’t have died if it weren’t for you!
  • See that? I’m much stronger than the likes of you!
  • I’m not gonna stop here!!!
Special Event
  1. Yeah, you… I’m gonna crack your skull in half.
  2. ARRRRRGH!!!! Shut up!!! I’ll beat you to death myself…
  3. Yeah… You must be it. The leader of those bastards.
  4. Shut up!!!

Special Event line notes

  1. Used as a Combat Entrance line if Roland is on the stage.
  2. Used as a Combat Entrance line if Roland is on the stage.
  3. Used as a Combat Entrance line if Roland is on the stage.
  4. Used as a Combat Entrance line if Roland is on the stage.

Lulu’s Friend
This character has a randomized appearance.
HPIcon.png 27 StaggerIcon.png 11 SpeedIcon.png 1~4
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntWeakIcon.png Weak

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntStgWeakIcon.png Weak

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Penetration
50% chance to boost Pierce damage by +1
A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 3.2 4.6
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Pound ×2
Quick Attack ×2
Strong Strike ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5 
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~5 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~5 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2 
Quick Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Haste next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 2~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
Strong Strike
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Leave it to me~
  • So those are the powerful nerds you talked about, huh?
  • Want a taste of my hammer?
Victory Cry
  • Huu~cha! That was exhausting, but manageable!
  • Yeah. Those chumps were a piece of cake to handle!
  • We’re supposed to take those things now, right?
  • I’m… dying for real…?
  • What the heck… This is so wack…
  • This sucks… I can’t just die like this!
On Ally Death
  • I gotta try harder… I should.
  • How do we… How do we get out of this situation…?
  • I don’t wanna end up dead like that…
On Kill
  • Alright, let’s take down the other ones in a clean sweep!
  • Yahoo! How’s that?
  • You’re so easy to deal with!

Lulu’s Friend
This character has a randomized appearance.
HPIcon.png 27 StaggerIcon.png 11 SpeedIcon.png 1~4
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillGreenIcon.png Downward Slash
50% chance to boost Slash damage by +1
A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ 100% 100% 100%
Count 2 3.2 4.6
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Pound ×2
Quick Attack ×2
Strong Strike ×2

Page Cost Description
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5 
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~5 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~5 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2 
Quick Attack
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Haste next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 2~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
Strong Strike
(2 Copies)
3 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~4 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • They look too clean and lean, it’s like I’m looking at textbook examples of “boring”.
  • I’ll stab you right through!
  • I’d be glad to help you out, pal!
Victory Cry
  • I wonder if we’re allowed to take other books?
  • Easy peasy, buddy~ They’re no match for me!
  • To be fair, that was a teeny bit close… Phew!
  • Sorry I couldn’t help you to the end…
  • I… Why did I even bother coming here?
  • I thought I was pretty decent…
On Ally Death
  • That… kinda made things scarier.
  • I’m not gonna look at ‘em… I won’t…
  • …I thought we could win this together.
On Kill
  • Geez, what assholes. They’re tougher than I expected!
  • That was a lame one.
  • I’m really feeling it! The rest of you can bring it on now!


Key Pages Combat Pages
StreetlightOfficeIcon.png Book of Lulu Lulu’s Page ×3 Gather Intel ×5

Nonstop Assault ×5
Prepared Mind ×5
Taste My Flaming Bat! ×6
Set Fire ×3

UrbanMythIcon.png A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ Lulu’s Friend, Page 1 ×5

Lulu’s Friend, Page 3 ×4

Gather Intel ×5

Nonstop Assault ×5
Taste My Flaming Bat! ×6
Set Fire ×6

StreetlightOfficeIcon.png Streetlight Office None. Gather Intel ×2

Multi-block ×2
Multi-hit ×2
Nonstop Assault ×2
Pound ×2
Prepared Mind ×2
Quick Attack ×2
Strong Strike ×2
Fleet Footsteps ×6
Taste My Flaming Bat! ×6
Set Fire ×6

Combat Pages

Combat Pages
Page Cost Range Description Obtained
0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5  A Guide to District 23, Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅰ, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ, Streetlight Office

1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~5 
BlockDiceIcon.png 3~5 
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~4 
A Guide to District 23, Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅰ, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ, Streetlight Office

2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 1~2 
A Guide to District 23, Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅰ, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ, Streetlight Office

Quick Attack
1 MeleeIcon.png On Use Gain 2 Haste next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 2~3 
BluntDiceIcon.png 2~3 
A Guide to District 23, Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅰ, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ, Streetlight Office

Strong Strike
3 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 5~7 
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~4 
A Guide to District 23, Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅰ, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ, Streetlight Office

Set Fire
2 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
Book of Lulu, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ, Streetlight Office

Taste My Flaming Bat!
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 3~4 
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~8  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
BluntDiceIcon.png 3~3  On Hit Inflict 2 Burn
Book of Lulu, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ, Streetlight Office

3 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 1~5 
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~6 
Book of Mars, Book of Lulu, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ, Streetlight Office

1 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~3 
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Defense Recover 2 HP
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~4  On Defense Recover 2 HP
Book of Mars, Streetlight Office

0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  Book of Mars, Book of Lulu, A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅰ, Streetlight Office

Prepared Mind
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 1~6  On Clash Win Gain 1 Endurance next Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~5 
Book of Lulu, Streetlight Office

Battle Symbols

The following Battle Symbols require this reception.

Battle Symbol Name Slot
Lonesome Outcast BattleSymbol.png Lonesome Outcast Cheek
2% chance to boost Slash dice Power by +1
Defeat Lulu 1 times in the second episode of Streetlight Office encounter with Mars’ Key Page equipped.

Lulu’s Friend BattleSymbol.png Lulu’s Friend Headwear 1
5% chance to boost Blunt stagger damage by +1
Get killed by Lulu 1 times in the second episode of Streetlight Office encounter.


Roland has two Special Event lines acting as Combat Entrance lines for the second Act of this reception, corresponding with Lulu's Special Event lines. However, Roland is not guaranteed to use these lines instead of his regular lines (verification needed).

  • Whoa, buddy, remember the principle of “let your heart burn, but keep your head cool”? Look, your friend and I were both just doing our job.
  • Sorry about your friend, pal. But he was just doing his job, you know… I’m sure you’ll understand as a fellow Fixer, right?
Receptions Streetlight Office - Lulu of Streetlight
Characters Lulu - Mars - San
Key Pages Lulu’s Friend, Page 1 - Lulu’s Friend, Page 3 - San’s Page - Lulu’s Page - Mars’ Page
Combat Pages Gather Intel - Prepared Mind - Nonstop Assault - Prepared Mind - Fleet Footsteps - Taste My Flaming Bat! - Deflect - Set Fire - Handling Work
CanardIcon.png Canard RatsIcon.pngRatsYun'sOfficeIcon.png(Yun’s Office Fixers - Yun’s Office Rookie - Yun’s Office) • BrotherhoodofIronIcon.pngBrotherhood of IronHookOfficeIcon.pngHook Office
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth Pierre'sBistroIcon.pngPierre’s BistroStreetlightOfficeIcon.png(Streetlight Office - Lulu of Streetlight)
General Receptions:
Backstreets ButchersHook Office RemnantsUrban Myth-class Syndicate
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend ZweiAssociationIcon.png(Zwei Crewmembers - Zwei Association Ⅰ - Zwei Association Ⅱ) • StrayDogsIcon.pngStray DogsMolarOfficeIcon.pngMolar Office
General Receptions:
Grade 8 FixersGrade 7 FixersUrban Legend-class SyndicateUrban Legend-class OfficeAxe Gang
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague TheCarnivalIcon.pngThe CarnivalKurokumoClanIcon.pngKurokumo Clan
Full-StopOfficeIcon.pngFull-Stop OfficeMusiciansofBremenIcon.pngMusicians of Bremen
DawnOfficeIcon.pngDawn OfficeWedgeOfficeIcon.pngWedge Office
GazeOfficeIcon.pngGaze OfficeLoveTownIcon.pngTomerry
General Receptions:
Rusted ChainsWorkshop-affiliated FixersJeong’s Office
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare SweepersIcon.pngSweepersIndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex Proselytes
ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi AssociationSmilingFacesIcon.pngSmiling Faces
The8o'ClockCircusIcon.pngThe 8 o’Clock CircusTheCryingChildrenIcon.pngThe Crying Children
PuppetIcon.pngPuppetsWARPCleanUpCrewIcon.pngWARP Cleanup Crew
General Receptions:
Seven AssociationBlade Lineage
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City TheThumbIcon.png(The Thumb - The Thumb Ⅱ) • IndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex ProxiesYanIcon.png얀샋ㄷ요무
TheBlueReverberationIcon.pngThe Blue ReverberationTheRedMistIcon.pngThe Red MistThePurpleTearIcon.pngThe Purple Tear
LiuAssociationIcon.png(Liu Association Section 2 - Liu Association Section 2 Ⅱ) • LiuAssociationIcon.pngLiu Association Section 1XiaoIcon.pngXiao
CaneOfficeIcon.pngCane OfficeRCorpIcon.pngR Corp.RCorpIcon.pngR Corp. Ⅱ
General Receptions:
Dong-hwan the Grade 1 FixerNight AwlsThe UdjatMirae Life InsuranceLeaflet WorkshopBayard
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis HanaAssociationIcon.png Hana AssociationTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation EnsembleBlackSilenceIcon.png The Black SilenceTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverb Ensemble DistortedInterrogationIcon.png ???