The Church of Gears

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Just look at us. Don't we look so blissful? A gear with a purpose is content, for its rotation has meaning. Humans are cogs in the machination that is the City. Someone has to make those cogs turn. That way, the City can run correctly. He is guiding us to the right path. For us, who are incapable of doing anything on our own. Praise be to Argalia!!

Eileen to Yesod

The Church of Gears is a cult which practices the removal of self-determination by following the guidance of turning gears, figuratively and literally becoming cogs in the machine. Led by Eileen, its members ultimately become followers of Argalia and joined the Reverberation Ensemble, and it is fought as one of ten individual sub-receptions in the Reception of the Reverberation Ensemble, seeking a world where all people can have purpose. It is received by the YesodIcon.png Floor of Technological Sciences.


During this Reception, Eileen is fought along with 4 generic Gear Worshippers. The latter, however, respawn every time Eileen enters a new phase, for a total of up to 13 Guests.

Sprite Name Description
Eileen Also known as the "Church of Gears Leader", she's a Distortion who grafts Gears created from the bodies of purpose-seeking people onto herself to increase her mind and body. Though she doesn't fight directly, she buffs her worshippers and defends herself through her Gears.
Gear Worshippers Also known as "Meat Gears", they are people who became monstrous cyborgs in an effort to find purpose in the City. They fight using their mechanically enhanced bodies and Smoke, along with Eileen's buffs.

Everytime Eileen's HP reaches a certain threshold, any dead Gear Worshippers will respawn.


Eileen arrives at the Floor of Technological Sciences, flatly greeted by Yesod upon entering. Out of courtesy, Eileen introduces herself, and orders her worshippers to bow, which unsettles Yesod. She comments that the sound of the gears in this place isn't too graceful, but it's still a pleasure to hear them working together. Yesod agrees at her former statement, adding that the gears don't mesh quite well together, making loud noises at times. Eileen deduces that the gears do not sound "happy", but even then, seeing them together, struggling in order to work in unison, she wonders if he's similar to the Church of Gears. Yesod denies it, and asks how could she liken the gears of this floor to her own.

Eileen tells Yesod that is because he's denying the gears; one must admit they're nothing but a cogwheel, and must rotate according to their purpose, and offers to help him in that path, to which Yesod politely declines, stating he's found his own purpose and is doing well. In reaction to this, Eileen can't help but to pity him, seeing Yesod "rotate alone", telling him how her father became a true gear and helped her find her savior. Still, Yesod keeps on denying her "help", saying he found his own meaning, unlike her, who followed her gears. Eileen, in return, says she feels sorrow, uncertainty, and pain from him, trying to convince him by saying that's the same she felt; had he followed the gears just like she did, he'd be filled with bliss, instead of pain, and just like how their paths were the same, he could still find salvation in the gears.

Yesod scoffs at her, seeing through her attempt at love bombing and pointing out the way she talks as if she knew everything about him. He explains that he put his own past behind long ago, if he had let his emotions blur his judgement, he wouldn't be able to act with discretion or distinction. In return, Eileen points at herself and her worshippers, the way they were filled with bliss in having found purpose and meaning on their "rotation", humans are but cogwheels in the City, after all, and they all must spin so that it can run correctly. Eileen praises her "savior" for guiding them all down the right path, themselves being incapable of doing anything on their own like cogwheels without an engine, and tells Yesod this might be his last chance to find salvation. Having kept himself silent during her praising, Yesod flatly refuses once again, explaining he didn't take this journey to become only a gear.

Disheartened, Eileen comments how many gears died in this place. Further pointing out the "pain" she sees in Yesod, denying he gears and having robbed so many of them of their chance to "cycle the right way". Preparing for battle, she declares that they will arduously turn for the sake of those that were lost. Yesod scoffs at her again, no longer binding himself to the past and looking ahead, and though he feels remorse for those that died in the Library, he believes he wouldn't have gone down this path if he let his feelings dominate him. Eileen, turning a deaf ear to his words, declares Yesod "a gear that can no longer rotate justly", and lamenting that she believes they were both kindred gears, tells Yesod he cannot rotate to his goal alone, to which he only frowns in response.

Stats and Cards

Eileen utilizes her personal page, while the Gear Worshippers use stronger versions of their Key Pages.

Much like in their first encounter, The Gear Worshippers' passives and decks prioritize gaining and inflicting SmokeIcon.pngSmoke to amplify their damage. Meanwhile, Eileen's pages focus on self-defense and counter-attacking whenever a Gear Worshipper dies.

  • A Gear Worshipper's UniqueAbilityIcon.png Passive Abilities:
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Puffy Brume: SmokeIcon.pngSmoke amplifies outgoing damage instead of incoming damage for this character.
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Internal Combustion Engine: When gaining SmokeIcon.pngSmoke through Combat Pages, gain +1 additional stack.
    • SkillGreenIcon.png Meat Gear: The first Offensive die of each Combat Page deals 2-3 additional damage.
    • SkillBlueIcon.png Stimulating Fumes: Once per Scene, if the character has SmokeIcon.pngSmoke, respond to a one-sided attack with an Block die [Roll 1-(Smoke)]. (Not played in clashes where both character use a Combat Page)
  • Eileen's UniqueAbilityIcon.png Passive Abilities.
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Thought Gear: Target: Prioritizes targeting the last enemy that attacked Eileen on the previous Scene.
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Thought Gear: Predict: Once per Scene, respond to a one-sided attack with an Evade die [Roll 5-10]. (Not played in clashes where both character use a Combat Page)
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Meat Gear: Production: Each time a phase shifts, a Gear Worshiper is spawned for each Gear Worshiper defeated.
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Meat Gear: Demise: On the Scene after which a Gear Worshiper dies, use Combat Page Thought Gear: Brainwash.
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Meat Gear: Role: Whenever a Gear Worshipper is defeated, Eileen takes 125 Stagger Damage.
    • SkillPurpleIcon.png Zeal of the Believers: Worshipers that are fully alive by the end of the phase fully recover HP and Stagger Resist.
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Faith of the Believers: When Eileen's HP reaches 350, it will not drop below that threshold until the phase shifts; the same occurs at 150 HP. After Eileen's HP reaches a threshold, the battle will progress to the next phase.
    • SkillOrangeIcon.png Nuovo Fabric: Take 1-2 less damage and Stagger damage from attacks.

General Stats

Character HPIcon.png HP StaggerIcon.png Stagger EmotionIcon.png Max. Emotion Lv. LightIcon.png Lights DiceSlotIcon.png Dice Slots SpeedIcon.png Speed Dice
Gear Worshipper 105 60 5 6 1 2~6
Eileen 500 500 2 2~7


Character Damage Stagger
SlashIcon.pngSlash PierceIcon.pngPierce BluntIcon.pngBlunt SlashIcon.pngSlash PierceIcon.pngPierce BluntIcon.pngBlunt
Gear Worshipper SlashNormalIcon.pngx1.0












Eileen SlashEndureIcon.pngx0.5













A Gear Worshipper's deck (9 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
2x Guidance of the Gears
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost: 1 LightIcon.png Light
On Use: Gain 2 SmokeIcon.pngSmoke, restore 2 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 4~6 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

1x Defense Order
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost: 2 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Gain 4 SmokeIcon.pngSmoke

- 7~10 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 4~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

2x Autonomous Rush
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost: 2 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Gain 2 SmokeIcon.pngSmoke

- 5~9 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

On Hit: Inflict 2 SmokeIcon.pngSmoke

- 3~7 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

2x Assault Order
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost: 2 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: If the target has 2 or more SmokeIcon.pngSmoke, all Offensive Dice on this Page gain +1 Power

- 2~6 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

- 4~8 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

- 3~8 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

2x Vapour
Range: MeleeIcon.png Melee - Cost: 3 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Gain 4 SmokeIcon.pngSmoke and draw 1 page

- 9~19 SlashDiceIcon.png Slash

On Hit: Inflict 3 SmokeIcon.pngSmoke

Eileen's deck (13 Cards)
Name & Art Stats & Dice
3x Thought Gear: Propagate
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost: 2 LightIcon.png Light
On Use: Draw 1 page

- 5~9 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 5~9 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 4~10 SlashCounterDiceIcon.png Slash

3x Thought Gear: Accelerate
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost: 0 LightIcon.png Light

- 4~9 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

- 4~9 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

3x Thought Gear: Preach
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost: 1 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Draw 1 page

- 6~11 BluntDiceIcon.png Blunt

- 5~9 BluntCounterDiceIcon.png Blunt

Meat Gear: Enhance
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost: 0 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Give 2 StrengthIcon.png Strength to all allied Gear Worshippers next Scene

- 4~10 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 4~7 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

Meat Gear: Rev Up
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost: 0 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Give 2 HasteIcon.png Haste to all allied Gear Worshippers next Scene

- 4~9 BlockDiceIcon.png Block

- 4~7 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

Meat Gear: Inspire
Range: RangedIcon.png Ranged - Cost: 0 LightIcon.png Light

On Use: Recover HP of all allied Gear Worshippers by 10

- 5~11 EvadeDiceIcon.png Evade

Thought Gear: Brainwash
Range: MassAttackIcon.png Mass Attack - Cost: 0 LightIcon.png Light

Mass Attack

- 5~10 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce


- 14~20 PierceDiceIcon.png Pierce

Summation; On Hit: Immobilize target next Scene


Combat Entrance
  • "We will move under the baton of our savior."
  • "The gears are prepared to turn for him."

On Kill

  • "The gears were right…"
  • "It’s not too late to find your place as a gear."
  • "Praise… the gears…"
  • "You should have shifted according to the predetermined path…"
  • "To die without knowing what kind of gear you were… What a futile demise…"

Teammate Death

  • "A beautiful gear makes a sacrifice."
  • "A cog has been dislocated."
  • "It seems this was the final destination for that unfortunate gear."
  • "I appreciate your assistance."
  • "Fret not. The pain is only temporary."


  • "We can cycle again anytime."


  • "It was the right choice to follow him."
  • "The sound of the meshing gears echoes wonderfully throughout the floor."

Gear Worshippers
Combat Entrance
  • "Tell us how to rotate from now on…"
  • "Is this the moment… when we must start turning?"
  • "Please, show us the way…!"
  • "As the gears turn… so too does life fulfill its cycle!!"
  • "As the gears guide me…"

On Kill

  • "Thank you for showing me the right path…"
  • "A wise decision…"
  • "If only you followed the gears…"
  • "We have come this far under the protection of the gears…"
  • "It’s a pity that you still haven’t met your gear…"

Teammate Death

  • "A gear… has ceased turning…"
  • "Were they a useless piece…?"
  • "This too must be… the impetus of the gears…"
  • "Even though this was the decided path…"


  • "Why… have you… brought me here…"
  • "I followed your guidance… So why…?"
  • "Am I… a useless cogwheel now?"
  • "I can still move…"


  • "No more worrying… The gears were right…!"
  • "The gears slowly turn in pursuit of happiness…"
  • "Thanks for leading us lost lambs here…"
  • "I knew this was the right… way… The gears were right…"
  • "Thank you… Thank you again…!"

Combat Entrance
  • "Very well. I will strive to fulfill my responsibilities."

On Kill

  • "The battle isn’t over yet."
  • "Only a few left to go…"
  • "I already have become used to witnessing death."
  • "We cannot afford to let our guard down."
  • "I merely did what had to be done."

Teammate Death

  • "Thank you for your service."
  • "…The situation does not appear to be too favorable for us."
  • "We cannot afford to stop yet…"
  • "This death must not be in vain."
  • "I suppose I should accept this with grace."


  • "I could not pay enough attention…"


  • "…Good work, everyone."

Librarian 1
Combat Entrance
  • "Yesod, sir, have you finished your preparations?"

On Kill

  • "…You fought well."
  • "Rest in peace…"
  • "We did our best."
  • "I’m sorry. I just can’t help but feel sorry."

Teammate Death

  • "We can’t stop here."
  • "How much longer can I fight…?"
  • "I’ll just try to focus on the battle for now."
  • "…That’s how they go."


  • "Tried my best to hold up, at least."


  • "Winning doesn’t feel all that good."

Librarian 2
Combat Entrance
  • "Whatever they are, we’ve gotta do it…"

On Kill

  • "That loud noise has finally stopped…"
  • "Don’t blame me dude."
  • "Led by gears, huh…"
  • "I’m just doing my best."

Teammate Death

  • "I’ve got to persevere. I can do it."
  • "I’m not gonna forgive this. I won’t hold back."
  • "Tch, it’s not so simple!"


  • "I thought I could do well this time…"


  • "Yeah, lookit me! I made it!!"

Librarian 3
Combat Entrance
  • "What are those spinning objects on the backs of their heads?"

On Kill

  • "You way underestimated me."
  • "I’m not afraid anymore."
  • "I bear no ill feelings for you…"
  • "May you rest in peace…"

Teammate Death

  • "There’s no time to shed tears."
  • "We’ve gotta fight on! The battle isn’t lost yet…"
  • "We have to stay strong."


  • "I fought for as long as I could…"


  • "It’s done, somehow."

Librarian 4
Combat Entrance
  • "What’s that… Is that what people call a Distortion?"

On Kill

  • "Consider yourself unlucky."
  • "We all expected this to happen…"
  • "Done and done."
  • "Let’s stay concentrated for a bit longer."

Teammate Death

  • "Don’t be swayed, and keep your eyes to the front!"
  • "I’d be lying if I said I have no fear."
  • "I’ll make up for your loss…"


  • "I can’t admit this defeat…"


  • "That was one tough fight…"

Asiyah The Crying Children - The Church of Gears - The Eighth Chef - The Musicians of Bremen
Briah The 8 o’Clock Circus - L’heure du Loup - The Puppeteer
Atziluth The Blood-red Night - Yesterday’s Promise - The Blue Reverberation
CanardIcon.png Canard RatsIcon.pngRatsYun'sOfficeIcon.png(Yun’s Office Fixers - Yun’s Office Rookie - Yun’s Office) • BrotherhoodofIronIcon.pngBrotherhood of IronHookOfficeIcon.pngHook Office
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth Pierre'sBistroIcon.pngPierre’s BistroStreetlightOfficeIcon.png(Streetlight Office - Lulu of Streetlight)
General Receptions:
Backstreets ButchersHook Office RemnantsUrban Myth-class Syndicate
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend ZweiAssociationIcon.png(Zwei Crewmembers - Zwei Association Ⅰ - Zwei Association Ⅱ) • StrayDogsIcon.pngStray DogsMolarOfficeIcon.pngMolar Office
General Receptions:
Grade 8 FixersGrade 7 FixersUrban Legend-class SyndicateUrban Legend-class OfficeAxe Gang
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague TheCarnivalIcon.pngThe CarnivalKurokumoClanIcon.pngKurokumo Clan
Full-StopOfficeIcon.pngFull-Stop OfficeMusiciansofBremenIcon.pngMusicians of Bremen
DawnOfficeIcon.pngDawn OfficeWedgeOfficeIcon.pngWedge Office
GazeOfficeIcon.pngGaze OfficeLoveTownIcon.pngTomerry
General Receptions:
Rusted ChainsWorkshop-affiliated FixersJeong’s Office
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare SweepersIcon.pngSweepersIndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex Proselytes
ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi AssociationSmilingFacesIcon.pngSmiling Faces
The8o'ClockCircusIcon.pngThe 8 o’Clock CircusTheCryingChildrenIcon.pngThe Crying Children
PuppetIcon.pngPuppetsWARPCleanUpCrewIcon.pngWARP Cleanup Crew
General Receptions:
Seven AssociationBlade Lineage
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City TheThumbIcon.png(The Thumb - The Thumb Ⅱ) • IndexProselytesIcon.pngIndex ProxiesYanIcon.png얀샋ㄷ요무
TheBlueReverberationIcon.pngThe Blue ReverberationTheRedMistIcon.pngThe Red MistThePurpleTearIcon.pngThe Purple Tear
LiuAssociationIcon.png(Liu Association Section 2 - Liu Association Section 2 Ⅱ) • LiuAssociationIcon.pngLiu Association Section 1XiaoIcon.pngXiao
CaneOfficeIcon.pngCane OfficeRCorpIcon.pngR Corp.RCorpIcon.pngR Corp. Ⅱ
General Receptions:
Dong-hwan the Grade 1 FixerNight AwlsThe UdjatMirae Life InsuranceLeaflet WorkshopBayard
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis HanaAssociationIcon.png Hana AssociationTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation EnsembleBlackSilenceIcon.png The Black SilenceTheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverb Ensemble DistortedInterrogationIcon.png ???