WARP Cleanup Crew

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Ooh, you're pretty good, aren't ya? A lot of newbies can't help but puke or faint on their first field job, even with the help of educational footage.

Sen, complimenting Lesti

The WARP Cleanup Crew are employees of WARP Corp. who work to restore passengers of WARP Trains on arrival and protect the secrets of the train's operations, and by extension W Corp's Singularity. The interference of The Reverberation Ensemble aboard WARP Train UW-212 forces a group of these cleanup agents to investigate the Library, becoming another group of its guests.


The reception of the WARP Cleanup Crew takes place in a single Episode with 2 Acts. A total of 8 Guests are fought between 2 Acts, with 2 Floors available for Reception and with 4 Librarians each. Apart from the named characters, there are five generic WARP Cleanup Agents, with the first act being composed by only them and the third having a single one along with Rose, Sen, and Lesti. To Invite the WARP Cleanup Crew, the PuppetIcon.png Book of a Puppet must be registered into the Invitation.

Character Description
A senior cleanup agent. She is stern and expects everybody to keep up with her pace, taking her job extremely seriously. Fights hand-to-hand with a pair of space-ripping gauntlets and boots.
A senior cleanup agent. He dislikes his job and has a pretty pessimistic view about it, often complaining about having to scrape off the viscera of passengers. Wields a single space-ripping hatchet.
A newbie agent on her first day of work. Having been born and raised in the Backstreets of District 23, she can stand the sight and smell of gore in WARP trains, and even expresses curiosity at the different classifications of aftermaths within them. Wields a space-ripping laser polearm.
WARP Cleanup Agent
An agent employed by W Corp. to deal with and restore the passengers of incoming WARP trains. Fights using a baton.



The WARP Cleanup Crew appears as the culmination of a storyline regarding the secrets of W Corp. which started with the reception of Molar Office: WARP trains are advertised as being able to reach any destination in mere seconds, yet the inhabitants of WARP train UW-212 seemed to have gotten stuck in a malfunctioning train, keeping them trapped for thousands of years, and unable to die. The reception of the puppets showed that this was not a malfunction: the WARP trains travel in a separate dimension for thousands of years, using T Corp. technology to "collect" the time and preserve the physical state of the train and its occupants... while the passengers are left to suffer the mental ravages of time. However, the first-class passengers are kept in suspended animation the entire trip, escaping all of the trauma. The events aboard train UW-212 would have been completely ordinary if not for the Reverberation Ensemble, who sent Jae-heon and Elena in to pose as passengers while investigating the train. Jae-heon proceeded to turn all of the first-class passengers into puppets, which he then sent into the Library as fodder.

The W Corp. agents assigned to the train's arrival station discovered what had happened after boarding the train for their standard cleanup operations. Knowing W Corp's secrets would be at great risk if their first-class passengers' books were taken by others, the agents were forced to enter the Library to try and retrieve the puppets' books. However, the agents themselves ended up as books of the Library, exposing their knowledge of W Corp's Singularity and operational secrets.


Maybe I did~ I can't seem to remember it well, other than the interior being comfy.

–Chesed, when asked about a WARP Train ride he took. Artbook Volume I, p. 331

The WARP Cleanup Crew are agents that tidy up the aftermath of a WARP train once it comes back from a trip through an interdimensional portal. Their job is to board the train that’s arrived at the station, accurately separate the amalgamations of passengers’ flesh, put them back to their seats, and restore them to their original state. This is possible since not a second of time has "passed" in the train thanks to T Corp's Singularity. They reverse the passengers to an unharmed state using the necessary details like the passengers’ genomic info and the molecular structure they scan through the train seats before departure. Since the passengers are being wound back to a saved state instead of having amnestics administered, they don't have any memories of the trip, other that a sense of comfort from the seats.

Key Page Stories

Rose’s Page

Many people are under the impression that W Corp’s Singularity is quick transportation via teleportation. That’s how our technology is advertised to the public, anyway. They aren’t strictly wrong; we’re just hiding the bigger picture from them.

W Corp’s Singularity is the restoration of a previous status. To put it in layman’s terms, even if your body is crushed to a pulp, it can be restored to a recorded state as long as all the pieces remain.

First off, we scan the molecular structures, genomic data, and other information of the passengers required for their restoration when they sit on their seats. The scanned data is stored in the transmission device inside the train, ready to be sent to the restoration machine. With that, any and all kinds of pandemonium into which the carriages may have turned can be reverted with a single button. The machine has difficulty scanning lifeforms that move too much, so we need to take measures to subdue it. As with all Singularities, it has small side effects. Some might leave the train with slightly more weight than before, or gain a bit of height… No one has filed a complaint about it, likely because the change is so minor that they just shrug it off as a matter of feelings, like the body feeling lighter because of their excitement for going on a trip, or it feeling heavier because they ate too much prior to boarding the train.

The passengers don’t remember what happened inside the train, but that’s not because we use amnestics. It’s the restoration procedure reverting the people’s memories to a previous state rather than selectively erasing them. In plain language, everything goes back to how it was when it was scanned. The passengers will continue the conversations they were having when they first boarded the train as if nothing happened. They won’t notice any oddity or displacement in their dialogue; any thoughts they had or words they were about to speak will be restored and resumed seamlessly.

Sen’s Page

You thought opening gates to different dimensions was our Singularity? That’s actually a former Singularity a fallen Wing used to own. It wasn’t a very well-known Wing, so you probably won’t recognize it even if I told you its name. Point is, that Wing discovered a way to open gates between dimensions. The ability to create rifts in space. The Wing sadly never knew how to utilize that stunning technology they’d found; the Nest ended up falling before it could find a proper use for the Singularity, and the company now known as W Corp. spent a huge sum of money to purchase it.

At first, people at this corp also struggled to think of a good way to use this tech. Even if it could make a big rip in space, entering it was a whole different matter; you don’t know what’s in there or if you can even come back… They had no idea. But soon enough, W Corp. found a way to put this dimensional gate to use, which involves T Corp’s technology. With the device made by T Corp. that collects time installed in the train, not a single second really "passes" in the carriages even if the train travels for thousands of years. It’s the, uhh… temporal preservation or whatever. That’s what they apparently use, but it’s too complicated for me. Anyway, whatever happens in the train, we revert it using our Singularity of restoration, and T Corp. takes the time we collect for their own Singularity. We’re good business partners.

This tech isn’t just used for long-distance travel. It’s applied to the weapons we use, too. Equipment used by agents of W Corp. is specialized in tearing and cutting things apart. We can precisely cleave lumps into individual pieces with the help of the space-ripping technology.

Lesti’s Page

To restore the train, the passengers have to be in their seats. You have to be seated so the scanning program can detect your genomic data and put you back on the right seat~ Oh, and the scanner has trouble reading things that are moving too much, so you should be nice and stay still in your seat! So the WARP cleanup crew (like us!) tidy up the carriages and put the passengers in their seats according to their genomic data. And with the press of a button… Tada! Everything goes back to normal as if nothing happened! I only learned this after I joined the corp… But, isn’t that so cool? That’s what we agents do.

But sometimes, the cleanup crew isn’t enough for the job. What’s so scary about dealing with humans, you ask? I heard this story from my seniors… One time, a Color hid their identity and snuck onto the train. What a shocker that must’ve been… It’s our rule to stop powerful people like Colors or key members of Associations from boarding our WARP trains, or to guide them to take First Class seats if they must board the train, for a safe and smooth restoration process. We want them to sleep without a care instead of joining in the chaos of the other carriages~ That Color Fixer was super tricky to deal with, they told me? Most passengers started training under the Color’s guidance in order to attain some kind of enlightenment. All but a few of our agents were pulverized by those people before they could even see a glimpse of the Color…

But, we aren’t totally powerless against those situations. We would’ve gotten into so many problems otherwise, yeah? In case things get too difficult for our agents to handle, we call R Corp, a Wing we’re partnered with. I saw footage about R Corp. in our training course… They were so cool. That was my first time seeing the mercenaries in action! They’d keep pressing on and wipe their targets, no matter how harsh their resistance was… I was like, whoa, they really are something else. The Fourth Pack… Was it called the Rabbit Team? Yeah, I think it was. I gotta wonder, though; why rabbits of all animals? Isn’t that an herbivore?

A WARP Cleanup Agent’s Page

Sigh… They ain’t going to raise the ticket prices or run fewer trains like the last time, are they?

Whaddaya mean, cap?

Lobotomy Corp—the company that was supplying our energy needs—went down recently.

That’s a good point, it’s harder to operate the trains with less energy… What do you mean by “last time”, though?

Oh, you’re too new to know? Back in the day, L Corp’s Nest was occupied by another energy company.

So, that company puttered out and put our corporation into the same sort of energy shortage we’re dealing with now?

Not quite. It did go bust eventually, but it’s more that the company was stingy about sharing its energy. Awfully strict, too… I heard it had a bad reputation among its partnered companies. Because they were so tight-arsed about energy supply, we had to reduce the number of trains running at the time for a while.

I had no idea…

Don’t count on me, though. I also picked this story up from my superior. That’s enough chittering, let’s get back to work.


  • WARP Cleanup Agents appear as playable Identities for the Sinners in Limbus Company.


Characters Rose - Sen - Lesti
Key Pages Rose’s Page - Sen’s Page - Lesti’s Page - A WARP Cleanup Agent’s Page
Combat Pages Energy Cycle - Rewind - Leap - Dimensional Rift - Overcharge - Ripple - Rip Space
Wings A Corp. • B Corp. • C Corp. • F Corp. • G Corp. • H Corp. • I Corp. • J Corp. • K Corp. • L Corp. • M Corp. • N Corp. • O Corp. • P Corp. • R Corp.T Corp. • U Corp. • V Corp. • W Corp. (WARP Cleanup Crew)
Syndicates Five Fingers (The ThumbThe IndexThe MiddleThe RingThe Pinky) • Finger Subsidiaries (Stray DogsKurokumo ClanNight AwlsRumanos CartelRamier Family) • Independent (Brotherhood of IronMusicians of BremenAxe GangThe CarnivalSmiling FacesRusted ChainsBlade LineageThe Reverberation EnsembleLittle Piggy's)
Associations Hana AssociationZwei AssociationTres AssociationShi AssociationCinq AssociationLiu Association (Liu Association Section 1Liu Association Section 2) • Seven AssociationDevyat AssociationDieci AssociationÖufi Association
Offices Yun's OfficeHook OfficeStreetlight OfficeMolar OfficeFull-Stop OfficeDawn OfficeGaze OfficeJeong's OfficeWedge OfficeCane OfficeThe Udjat • Bayard's Office • Clam Office • Charles' Office • Moses' Office • Ame Office • Dou Gui Combat Office • Rusk's Office • Bloom Office
Workshops Leaflet WorkshopYuRia Atelier • Allas Workshop • Zelkova Workshop • Old Boys Workshop • Ranga Workshop
Others RatsBackstreets Butchers (Pierre's Bistro) • The Eight Chefs • The Church of Gears • Love TownSweepersThe 8 o'Clock CircusPuppetsMirae Life InsuranceThe Head • The Eye • The Claw