Love Town

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Yeah, it’s just as the doctors said. Our affection for each other gave us strength.

Tommy, Love Town Episode I, Pre-Battle

Love Town is the merry village of WARP Train UW-212. These cheerful train passengers came together to protect themselves from those who sought to inflict pain and sadness upon them. Although they have sacrificed their bodies and time has degraded their minds, they continue to hold strong together in the name of love.[1]

Love Town and its protector Tomerry are the seventeenth Guest group to be invited to the Library, and they take up the second and final reception of the rightmost column of UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague.



Character Description
A young resident of the City riding a WARP train for the first time with his lover Merry.
A young resident of the City riding a WARP train for the first time with her lover Tommy.
A doctor riding the WARP train.
A nurse riding the WARP train.

Love Town

Character Description
Lovers Tommy and Merry, who united so that no one could ever separate them again, have lost themselves after countless years on the WARP train. Now, Tomerry is the hero of Love Town whose brute size and strength is used to protect the townspeople. Tomerry is also eager to please "mommy" Elena and "daddy" Jae-heon.
Love Townsperson (Blunt)
A denizen of Love Town whose body and mind have degraded. They still look vaguely bipedal, but their body is nothing more than a fleshy, giant fist. They are heavy-hitting blunt strikers.
Love Townsperson (Slash)
A denizen of Love Town whose body and mind have degraded. They still look vaguely bipedal, but their body is just a tumorous mound of flesh. Their left arm is a set of whiplike tentacles which deal slashing damage.
Love Townsperson (Pierce)
A denizen of Love Town whose body and mind have degraded, reduced to a lump of flesh which crawls on the ground. They have a single bladed tentacle on their body which deals (mainly) piercing damage.



The episode starts inside WARP Train UW-212 as Tommy wakes up. He asks Merry how long it has been since they were first stranded aboard the train, but she also does not know. Elena answers that ten days have passed, introducing herself as a nurse and Jae-heon as a doctor. They are both surprised by the "delay" they are experiencing and W Corp's lack of response. Tommy is more concerned about their imminent death from starvation, but Elena explains that no one on the train is experiencing any symptoms of hunger or thirst (or any other physiological distress,) including Tommy himself despite being unconscious for three days. There is nothing they can do but wait. Tommy and Merry resolve to stay by each others' side no matter what.

Several days pass and trouble occurs, stirring up commotion in their carriage. Tommy and Merry watch in shock and disgust as a suicidal passenger in the neighboring carriage slices open their own throat but remains alive. Elena and Jae-heon instead watch the incident with detachment, the latter remarking that "Eileen didn't send [them] there for nothing." The next day, Elena and Jae-heon discuss the suicide attempt with Tommy while Merry is asleep. Tommy is shocked to hear that the suicidal passenger is still alive and in quarantine. Elena elaborates that the person's spilled blood is even connected to their body and the person is still conscious and in pain. She apologizes to Tommy for being unable to explain the strange events occurring around them. Jae-heon warns Tommy that things will only continue to worsen and advises him to stay strong for Merry's sake.

Left to right: Jae-heon and Elena talk to Tommy after the suicide incident, the suicidals raid a carriage, and the passengers in Tommy and Merry's car discuss these events

Two more weeks pass and Jae-heon's prediction is coming true. Merry tells Tommy that passengers in five carriages are now suicidal, and Tommy soothes her. Their fellow passengers praise Jae-heon and Elena for keeping everyone in their carriage and several others sane. Merry fears that they might have been driven to suicide without their presence.

Two months pass, and the situation has worsened even further. Carriages 5-15 remain in solidarity, but the remaining carriages are in danger. Many passengers are not just suicidal but are even raiding other carriages and torturing their inhabitants to a point that would normally kill them. The passengers in Tommy and Merry's carriage are terrified and beg Jae-heon and Elena for a way to defend themselves and their loved ones, in part with encouragement from Jae-heon. Merry and Tommy also affirm their desire to stay together. The doctor and nurse declare that they will find a way, but all the passengers must agree and must be ready to fight against the "vile" passengers of carriages 16-30 to protect their wishes.

The 100th day starts with Tommy in shock at the condition of the passengers who accepted Elena and Jae-heon's solution. Merry tries to convince Tommy to accept, stating that the only thing she cares about is staying together with him, but Tommy is still not ready to decide. Jae-heon warns him that their time is rapidly running out. It takes nearly two weeks for Tommy to finally cave in, having seen what happened to the passengers in a raided carriage and not wanting Merry to suffer the same fate. Merry is glad that he has decided. Elena and Jae-heon prepare to operate on Tommy right away. After a week, the operation is completed. Tommy and Merry are relieved to be together, so close that Tommy can "vividly" feel Merry's heartbeat, and they are glad to never be separated from each other ever again.

On the 150th day, Elena praises the passengers' love for enabling them to protect themselves from the suicidal passengers. An urgent request for help comes from carriage 10, and Elena tells Tommy and Merry to respond. They are reluctant because they have never fought before, but Elena tells them that their love will give them strength in their new, united body. The next scene takes place over 3,000 days later. Tommy and Merry are now used to fighting the suicidals, and Tommy believes that their love really did give them strength. They return to the front carriages, now called "Love Town", and are greeted by Elena and cheered as heroes by the "townsfolk".

The final scene in the train takes place on the 724,284th day. Tommy and Merry have regressed into the childlike Tomerry, who takes joy in smashing the (living) remains of the suicidal passengers and even folding them into various shapes. Tomerry greets "mommy" Elena, having been called for a special occasion. Elena tells Tomerry that she has received the invitation to the Library, bringing up the Fixers of Molar Office who disappeared into the Library early in the train's journey. Tomerry does not remember any of this, to Elena's amusement. Tomerry apologizes and begs not to be punished. Elena waves the matter aside and gives Tomerry the invitation. She tells Tomerry to take the townspeople into the Library and retrieve the books on the invitation, even offering Tomerry a prize for success, which cheers Tomerry up. Elena knows they will never come back, however.

Inside the Library, Roland is horrified by the events he has witnessed, and even Angela is disgusted. Roland wonders whether the outside world is still alright given the thousands of years which passed in the train. Angela tells him that they have experienced less than an hour of time due to only watching snippets of the events aboard the train, and that the outside world is also unaffected. Angela is interested in what Tomerry's book will hold.

At the Library's entrance, Tomerry is excited to be leaving the train for the first time ever, being surprised when Angela appears and nervously greeting her. Tomerry asks Angela how to obtain the books that Elena requested, and Angela directs Tomerry to enter the reception. Just before Tomerry enters, Angela asks whether Tomerry can still remember who Tommy and Merry were; Tomerry cannot, and Angela accepts this before leaving.


Angela is shaken by seeing others who have suffered from the relentless passage of time like she had. Roland tells her that "anything can happen" in the City and asks whether it comforts her. Angela vehemently refuses to consider the thought and nearly breaks down, convincing herself that she has persevered and can move on from the trauma. Roland moves to calm Angela down and tells her to embrace her bad memories.



  • The background music which plays during Act 2 of Love Town's reception is "From a Place of Love" by Mili.
  • Love Town is the only main story chapter prior to ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis which does not have any obtainable Key Pages.


Characters Tomerry - Tommy - Merry - Love Townsperson
Combat Pages Sharp Pommelin’ - Sharp Ram - Pointed Pommelin’ - Pointed Ram - Heavy Pommelin’ - Heavy Ram - Woulda Square Look Nice? - Triangle Sounds Better! - Let’s Play! - Love Town Welcomes All - Ruckus - Whip of Love - Faint Memories - Wrath of Torment
Wings A Corp. • B Corp. • C Corp. • F Corp. • G Corp. • H Corp. • I Corp. • J Corp. • K Corp. • L Corp. • M Corp. • N Corp. • O Corp. • P Corp. • R Corp.T Corp. • U Corp. • V Corp. • W Corp. (WARP Cleanup Crew)
Syndicates Five Fingers (The ThumbThe IndexThe MiddleThe RingThe Pinky) • Finger Subsidiaries (Stray DogsKurokumo ClanNight AwlsRumanos CartelRamier Family) • Independent (Brotherhood of IronMusicians of BremenAxe GangThe CarnivalSmiling FacesRusted ChainsBlade LineageThe Reverberation EnsembleLittle Piggy's)
Associations Hana AssociationZwei AssociationTres AssociationShi AssociationCinq AssociationLiu Association (Liu Association Section 1Liu Association Section 2) • Seven AssociationDevyat AssociationDieci AssociationÖufi Association
Offices Yun's OfficeHook OfficeStreetlight OfficeMolar OfficeFull-Stop OfficeDawn OfficeGaze OfficeJeong's OfficeWedge OfficeCane OfficeThe Udjat • Bayard's Office • Clam Office • Charles' Office • Moses' Office • Ame Office • Dou Gui Combat Office • Rusk's Office • Bloom Office
Workshops Leaflet WorkshopYuRia Atelier • Allas Workshop • Zelkova Workshop • Old Boys Workshop • Ranga Workshop
Others RatsBackstreets Butchers (Pierre's Bistro) • The Eight Chefs • The Church of Gears • Love TownSweepersThe 8 o'Clock CircusPuppetsMirae Life InsuranceThe Head • The Eye • The Claw