Liu Association

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We're the Liu, the Association that solely exists for war.

A Liu Fixer's Page

The Liu Association is one of the Associations of the City, specializing in direct combat and warfare. Two Sections of the Liu Association's Southern Branch, Liu South Section 2 and Liu South Section 1, are fought in the Library as Guests.


Missing information: general faction info

At the end of the reception of TheCryingChildrenIcon.pngThe Crying Children, a portion of the Distorted Philip escaped the Library and fled back into the City. It ended up back at the location of DawnOfficeIcon.pngDawn Office in Nest V, and devastation followed. In its grief, the Crying Children destroyed the entire surroundings and killed at least 80,000 people, with the Dawn Office building being the only thing spared by its rampage.

In response to the damage suffered to its Nest, V Corp. turned its attention to the Distortion phenomenon. The corporation hired the entire Liu Association to take down the Crying Children and capture Distortions to learn more about them. As such, Liu South Section 2 was ordered to secure a position in Nest L, where the most cases of the Distortion had been reported thus far. Liu South Section 1 was tasked with killing the Crying Children but failed due to Argalia's intervention.

While the speciality of the Liu Association as a whole is "all-out war," the specific tactics of the path to victory depend on the Director of each Section of the Liu. Lowell, Director of Liu South Section 2, is a thoughtful leader who always errs on the side of caution, even if it causes unnecessary inaction. His Section is filled with Fixers who act rationally and carefully, which complements his style.[1] Section 2 balances the passionate warfare of the Liu with assessment and tactical caution.[2] Meanwhile, the approach taken by Xiao, Director of South Section 1, is to push forwards as long as an opportunity exists, using elaborate strategies and deceptions[3] to turn the tides of battle.

With that being said, the Fixers of Section 2 are all eagerly attentive of Lowell, especially with his recent marriage to Xiao.


Liu Association Section 2

I have high expectations for this invitation. Let’s buck up a little.



The Crying Children destroys Nest V

The episode starts in the headquarters of the Liu Southern Branch as Lowell and his Fixers discuss the ongoing case of TheCryingChildrenIcon.pngThe Crying Children, which has killed 80,000 people in Nest V and is still wreaking havoc in the Nest. Mei believes that the Pianist was more dangerous because it had a much higher death toll of 300,000 people, but Xiao, entering, tells her that the current incident is more severe because it is happening in a Nest and not the Backstreets, as with the Pianist. Lowell is surprised to see Xiao visiting Section 2; she claims to be seeking their opinion about the recent events. Cecil urges her to be honest, referring to her recent marriage with Lowell. Lowell calls out Cecil, though Xiao doesn't react.

Lowell refocuses on the matter at hand and orders Mei to brief them on the Crying Children. Mei tells them about Philip, DawnOfficeIcon.pngDawn Office, and WedgeOfficeIcon.pngWedge Office. Xiao and Cecil briefly reminisce about Salvador, the Dawn Office Operator. Xiao questions Mei about the evidence that Philip is the Crying Children; she and Cecil respond that eyewitnesses spotted a marble statue near the Dawn Office transforming into Philip, but made out of wax. "Philip" then returned to the Dawn Office and began destroying everything surrounding the Dawn Office, but not the Office itself.

Xiao suspects that the Library was the cause of Philip's Distortion, and Lowell agrees. Xiao tells them that V Corp, which owns the Nest attacked by the Crying Children, has hired the entire Liu Association to track down and capture or eliminate Distortion-related material. This means that the Association will be busy throughout the entire City, especially with matters related to the Library. Liu South Section 2 has been directly ordered to enter the Library, while Liu South Section 1 is responsible for taking down the Crying Children. Lowell voices his confidence in Xiao but warns her to be cautious. Cecil and Mei both tell him that they have nothing to worry about.

Inside the Library, Roland comments that Philip retained his memories after Distorting. Angela says that it is possible, given Abnormalities of Lobotomy Corporation which had done the same thing. Roland accepts her explanation and rewatches the scene. He dislikes seeing Philip succumb to his emotions despite his previous efforts. Angela justifies this by saying that Philip could have succeeded, but failed because he was not cautious enough and let go of his proper mindset. Roland can only begrudgingly agree.


Roland comments on their battle with the Liu Association. He compares the Liu to the ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi Association, the previous Association received by the Library. While the Shi were assassins who excelled in stealth combat, the Liu are combatants who fight best on open battlefields, such as the Floors of the Library. Angela realizes that the Associations act differently to accommodate their specialties. She also wonders whether the executives of the Liu will come to the Library. Roland thinks they will, but he is not happy about having to fight them. Angela bids him good luck.

Liu Association Section 2 Ⅱ


Left to right: Lowell briefs his Fixers; Section 1 faces the Crying Children; Xiao confronts Argalia; the Ensemble recruits the Crying Children

The episode starts in the headquarters of the Liu Southern Branch as Cecil and Mei deliver a report on the rapidly intensifying threat of the Distortion. Offices are even beginning to avoid any requests dealing with Distortions or the Library. Mei asks Lowell whether he's seen Liu S. Section 1's recent report on the Distortion, which Lowell is actually about to show them. Their recordings are intended for them to gather data on Distortions, and they can only be shown to those who possess a moonlight stone (like all Liu Fixers,) produced by M Corp's Singularity. Lowell says that Section 1 failed their objective, but Section 1 also wasn't wiped out; they simply lost their chance. Cecil speculates about the threat grade of the Crying Children, and Lowell tells her to watch the footage before making comments.

The recording shows Section 1 engaging the Crying Children in V Corp's Nest. They are able to bring it down to the ground and are about to make the final push. Suddenly, they are surprised to see Argalia, who strolls up and sympathizes with the Distortion. Xiao fights him and he banters with her, informing her of his intention to recruit Philip. Xiao cannot understand why a Color Fixer would act in such a way and warns that his status will not protect him. Argalia muses that his status does not make up for the "emptiness" in his heart. When he makes a joke referring to Lowell, Xiao responds coldly. Argalia tells her that he does not wish to fight the Liu, telling her that he intends to recruit Philip. Oswald pops in to back up Argalia's statements. After more banter, Argalia tires of the conversation and goes to talk with Philip and Pluto, leaving Oswald to hold back the Fixers.

Reacting to the footage, Mei is confused by Argalia's actions, with Lowell telling her that his motivations will remain unknown to them. He reports that Section 1 defended themselves successfully, but Argalia managed to escape with the Crying Children. Section 1 is staying in V Corp's Nest to collect some more samples. Mei assumes Lowell is worried, but he assures her that he has faith in Xiao.

Mei reports on the status of Section 2, saying that they are suffering heavy losses in L Corp's Nest. Lowell acknowledges the situation but mentions that they have made progress: they now know that all victims of the Distortion were people suffering extreme emotional pressure. Given that such tension is almost an everyday part of life in the City, Lowell speculates that there has to be a specific threshold to be reached before Distorting. Cecil and Mei mention that if Lowell's hypothesis was true, the only solutions would be to reduce the Cityfolk's stress or raise their stress tolerance, both of which are nigh impossible. In the end, they resolve to continue their work.

Before setting off for the Library, Mei asks Lowell about "that one thing." He assumes it is his entry in a dumpling-making contest, but Mei is actually asking about his wedding anniversary preparations, where he plans to gift a Nest migration permit to Xiao. Lowell is shocked that she knows his plans until he sees Cecil's guilty reaction. As Mei tells him, everyone in Section 2 is gossiping about his marriage. Lowell lets it go but tells Cecil he will talk with her later.

Inside the Library, Angela summarizes her understanding of Argalia's plans. They know that he is recruiting Distortions, but they still don't know why. Angela asks about Fixers starting families, and Roland tells her that it is common but likely to end in tragedy — speaking from experience. Angela comments that Lowell is about to become the latest example of this, but Roland dislikes her attitude. Angela assumes that the Fixers are still acting based on their own choices, but Roland tells her that they no longer have the freedom of choice: Urban Nightmares and above, like the Library, are designated as such because they invisibly compel people to seek them out. Angela doesn't understand how that invalidates their freedom of choice. Roland bleakly tells her that everyone in the City, including him, is bound by the "intangible chain" of other people's desires, which dictates their actions. Angela refuses to hear it, asking whether Roland is trying to stop her from reaching her own goal. Roland does not intend to stop her, but he warns that she will eventually face retribution for her actions.

At the Library's entrance, Cecil and Mei comment on the "antiquated" style of the Library. Mei wonders if Lowell will decorate his house in a similar style, and Lowell lets slip that Xiao prefers a cuter style. Cecil takes note of this. Angela greets them and welcomes them to enter their reception, but they do not move immediately, as Lowell presses Angela for advice. She questions whether he truly wants to risk his life given what he has to lose. Lowell responds that he has no choice, as his work is done to protect the things he cares for, and he can't disobey his orders. Angela, though hesitant, lets them pass.


Roland, noticeably more solemn than on other occasions, comments on Lowell's death. Angela can't understand Lowell's explanation, nor Roland's reaction. Roland quietly tells her that he's learned to laugh off tragedies he can't prevent or that he should otherwise take responsibility for. He stops his train of thought and apologizes to Angela, saying that he wasn't trying to call her unworthy of her goal. Angela accepts and admits that they are both suffering from their past traumas, apologizing for her own words.

Liu Association Section 1


The story starts off late at night in Liu South Section 1's temporary operations camp, located somewhere within Nest L. Miris and Chun walk into the headquarters tent, complaining about recent events, such as the Blue Reverberation's intervention with the Crying Children and Liu South Section 2's after entering the Library. They interrupt Xiao, who claims to have been lost in thought and allows them to make their report. The Fixers tell her that the Distortions they captured will be used for testing, while Xiao tells them in turn that the Liu Association has been ordered to leave Nest L; the HanaAssociationIcon.pngHana Association will be stepping in to deal with the Library and the Distortion. Miris and Chun begin to leave to prepare for the departure, but they are stopped by Xiao, who proceeds to give them advice for their next mission and their future careers. The Fixers realize that something is wrong, and when questioned, Xiao reveals that she has received an Invitation to the Library, resigning from her role as Director on the spot.

Xiao tells the Fixers that she will accept full responsibility for her action, but both Miris and Chun do not take the news well, the former reacting angrily and the latter attempting to persuade Xiao to think her action through. Xiao reflects on her uncharacteristic behavior, explaining the emotional turmoil she has felt after learning of Lowell's death in the Library. Miris and Chun warn Xiao that her emotional behavior will forever bar her from the Fixer profession, but she is unwilling to betray the passion she has felt for Lowell. Chun, speaking for the rest of the Section as a whole, tells Xiao that they will follow her into the Library. Xiao does not stop them.

Inside the Library, Roland is shocked to see that even Xiao has become expressive of her emotions, noting that the White Nights and Dark Days seem to have made the guests more honest overall. Angela affirms this and sympathizes with Xiao somewhat, saying she would not to do if she were to lose Roland, who jokingly plays it off as an expression of love. When pressed, however, he explains he knows what Angela means: it would be hard for her to find another friend and confidante as close to her as Roland.

Xiao refutes Angela

At the entrance of the Library, Miris and Chun ponder how their careers will suffer for disobeying their superiors' orders. Xiao apologizes for dragging them along with her, but they do not mind and put the responsibility on themselves. Xiao tells them to ensure their own safety while expressing contentness at dying in the Library herself, which Miris and Chun call her out for. Afterwards, they are greeted by Angela, and they grudgingly exchange their own greetings. Afterwards, Angela is lost in silence, and when called out by Miris, she asks why Xiao has come to the Library of her own volition. Angela reveals that she does not understand what would drive Xiao to pursue her goal at the risk of her own life, claiming she could simply find a substitute for Lowell elsewhere. Xiao tells Angela that she does not understand what it feels like to truly cherish something, and that she cannot define what has given her the resolve to enter the Library. Angela believes her confidence is pointless and will quickly fall apart as the situation turns against her, irritating Miris and Chun. Xiao refutes Angela's words, claiming that while her hope will not always point her in the right direction, she will know not to falter against the coming trials, ordering Angela to let them pass. Angela complies.


Right after the reception ends, it is revealed that Miris has dragged Xiao away from the reception against her will. She refuses to accept the outcome and rages against Miris for bringing her along, demanding he explain his actions, while he urges her to calm down.

After Miris and Xiao escape, Roland reflects on Xiao's altered form during the reception, as well as the unexpected situation of Miris dragging Xiao away despite the latter still intending to fight. Angela is unable to tell whether Xiao's transformation was a Distortion or an E.G.O. due to the fine line of emotions separating the two, but calls it a "transitional phase" towards one of the two. She is left in thought, irritated at the lack of a clear answer, and notes that they will have to wait for future events to occur.


The reception of Xiao occurs directly after the Post-Battle events of the reception of Liu Association Section 1. Upon starting the reception, Miris and Xiao, bloody and exhausted, are seen arguing and fighting with each other about what happened previously, namely Xiao being angry at Miris for pulling her out of battle. Here, Xiao is seen listening to a voice that Miris can't hear and is unreadable to the player, whispering things that clearly seem to conflict with Xiao's values as a person. After a while, Xiao seems to begin to distort, resembling a Chinese dragon. Once again, Xiao and Miris fight against the Library, only for Miris to be killed, and subsequently turned into a book. After sustaining heavy damage once more, Xiao flees again, hearing the voice that talked to her before once more. Upon this conversation, she starts to agree with what the voice is saying, before entering Act 2 of the reception.

Upon starting Act 2, Xiao, now having fully manifested and E.G.O. which resembles ancient Chinese armor, explains how she will take down the Library on her own, and the sacrifices of the Liu Association members will not be in vain.

Key Page stories

Liu Association Section 2

A Liu Section 2 Fixer’s Page

Liu Association is a battle-oriented Fixer Association specializing in all-out combat; we receive requests from Wings and fight great battles for them. Some may see the Liu’s fighting style as old-fashioned, but we get frequent requests from those who want strong-willed and determined warriors. Most requests that come our way aren’t complicated. Nine out of ten are resolved by simply marching towards enemies and defeating them in battle. It doesn’t require specific strategies or certain personnel. We’re the Liu, the Association that solely exists for war.

That doesn’t mean war is the only type of request we accept. After all, a Fixer is free to take any request. The catch is that all requests must be reported to the Hana Association after you deal with them. The report must include the details of the request, the client’s info, how the case was resolved, and any other relevant information… Once the report has been submitted, Hana Association will assess the performance of the Office and its Fixers, and evaluate them for promotion or demotion. That’s how the grades of Offices and Fixers are updated. Therefore, a Fixer’s grade doesn’t necessarily correlate with strength.

One last thing I’d like to add is that there is a line Fixers shouldn’t cross; a Fixer may advertise themself or their Office to get more requests, but they should not threaten people to give requests to them. This is an area handled by the Hana Association and Öufi Association, a specialist in dealings and transactions. Of course, Associations shouldn’t have to worry about running out of requests in the first place.

Lowell’s Page

Xiao was a cold person who wouldn’t easily show her feelings. Even though the Liu consists of those who only face forward and never express any emotion in battle, Xiao was especially hard-edged above the rest. I came to wonder if she was capable of possessing emotions at all. Her tone was dry in the most upsetting situations, and she seemed apathetic to the loss of several colleagues. Never showing her emotions in response anything, but thoroughly looking after herself. That was my impression of Xiao. I thought the path Xiao was walking was completely different from mine. We disagreed on every aspect, from strategies to personalities; I thought my relationship with her would stay a formal relation between two coworking directors of an association.

I don’t remember when and how we got so close to each other. I couldn’t be bothered to push away the person who naturally came to my side. We started spending more time together outside of work; people intersect one another somehow. Though, I have no clue how our paths managed to converge, or what about the paths led them to cross… One thing I can say for certain is that… our relationship isn’t a superficial bond between two directors. We need each other because we cherish each other, not the other way around; can you really call it love if you only cherish your significant other because you need something out of them? At the very least, I don’t think of Xiao as an object of exploitation nor gratification.

However, I know that preaching love is utterly meaningless in this City. A Fixer should never be carried away by emotion. I know well that a person at a position as high as mine should be extra careful. I’ve seen countless Fixers who brought private matters to the official grounds, only to meet undesirable results. The moment you get swayed by something you cherish, you lose yourself; you neglect your own safety. When a human, a creature that always puts itself above all else, loses their edge because of what they hold dear and places higher priority on it over their own life… The consequences will be grim in any case. Knowing this, I decided to remind ourselves of one thing when we plighted our troth: Whatever happens to each other, we won’t put ourselves at risk. As I thought, Xiao agreed plainly and rightly. I could trust in Xiao, and I was glad to have this person as my lifelong partner. It was reassuring to know that Xiao wouldn’t throw away her own life if I ever died. Focus on my own survival, even in a mortal peril. Perhaps my heart has grown stronger since I met her. Having her next to me was already a great help to me at that point.

Cecil’s Page

The Liu is an Association that specializes in warfare. We work for the single goal of victory. However, victory isn’t necessarily won in battle. The ideal course of action begins by identifying the reason the enemy intends to fight in the first place. Next, we break the enemy’s will. Only then will we launch an attack on enemy forces. Even when war is inevitable, we mustn’t hope for victory after starting the war. ‘Secure a path to victory before engaging in warfare.’ The Liu engages in battles that are already won. With a strategy that is fated to lead us to triumph, we face enemies that are fated to lose.

In other words, we don’t participate in a war that cannot be won. Blindly charging into the fray isn’t always the path to victory. And while strategizing allows you to look ahead and see where victory lies, it doesn’t ensure that you will reach it. Therefore, it’s crucial to assess the strength of the ally and the condition of the enemy before you determine if you should advance or retreat. It’s up to the director of each section—our leaders, basically—to decide what to prioritize and what to discard. For instance, Director Lowell is extremely cautious; he’s not hesitant to retreat and reorganize his forces if there’s a slight disadvantage. On the other hand, Director Xiao tends to push forward as long as there is an opportunity to count on, but she isn’t reckless about it; she designs elaborate strategies that will overcome the odds. Director Lowell’s choices aren’t always wise, and Director Xiao’s choices don’t always result in a smooth victory, but the two work their hardest within their abilities.

Mei’s Page

Outside of weapons and martial arts, the most important thing that provides us with protection is our clothing. It might look like a fancy suit with golden decorations at first glance, but you know how a Fixer’s attire is no ordinary clothing! It’s mandatory for people working in relatively higher Sections to wear clothing adorned with the moonlight stone, M Corp’s Singularity. Of course, the Liu doesn’t have the exclusive right to use it, so you can see it on the clothes of other Fixers and Syndicate members, too. The moonlight stone emits a golden glint, and you can either gild your clothes with it or make ornaments out of it.

The moonlight stone mitigates or shuts off psychological affliction induced from all kinds of mental attacks, pressure, interference, and all that… Whether it’s caused by seeing, hearing, or feeling something, or a direct assault to the mind. Although, I don’t really know how the stone works… They said it amplifies a single purpose or thought, making people forget the mental pain coming from outside, or fortifying the mind as if it’s surrounded with a giant barrier. It’s all thanks to this clothing that we didn’t panic when we saw the Crying Children, a Distortion!

Liu Association Section 1

Chun’s Page

Right now, Nest L is practically a warzone with all the Associations, Syndicates, and Fixers at each other’s throats. On top of that, the Distortions are making things worse for Associations and the residents of the Nest… According to the report from the powers up above, there are three major factions of note currently remaining in the Nest: The Index, R Corp, and the Blue Reverberation and his group. R Corp. seemed to be eliminating threats as per request from another Wing, similar to what the Liu is doing. The Index appears to have been guided here by the Prescripts. After all, they gladly obeyed the piece of paper telling them to kill every member of the Thumb in the Nest. As a result, pretty much every Thumb crook and the Syndicate’s subsidiaries that were in this place are goners… Even the Underboss who was supposed to lead them kicked the bucket, so you can guess how it went.

A Liu Section 1 Fixer’s Page

To a leader of the Liu, the most crucial element that can make or break a battle is vigor; not the competence or strength of individuals. With vigor, even the weakest creek can carry heavy rocks like a gale blowing up leaves. Therefore, an excellent leader chooses good Fixers and then puts vigor into them. Strength or skill alone won’t make a good Fixer. While those traits do play a role in higher Sections, the most important quality is how well the Fixer meshes with their leader’s combat style. Section 2, the team with Mei and Cecil, consists of careful and level-headed Fixers. They go quite well with Director Lowell because of that. Section 1 would clearly be superior in terms of sheer power, but we follow different strategies with pros and cons for each, so a direct comparison won’t really tell much about our actual performance in the field.

Miris’ Page

Director Xiao liked to emphasize something: “A mercenary’s work is to deceive; to fool the enemy into believing that we are advancing when we defend; to make the enemy believe we will thrust from the front when we strike from above. Feign submission when you raise your claws; we must seem unable when able to attack, that the enemy may grow arrogant. When the enemy is roused, distract them through disturbance; be aware that we ourselves are not subject to such anger. In order to defeat the enemy, we must be roused to anger; to remember that one’s emotions must remain a means to motivate the body and not the ends, and to exploit the enemy’s wrath with this in mind.” Our director may be seized with anger and momentarily stray onto inadvisable paths sometimes, but even the whitest jade has a flaw; I trust her to set herself back on the right track in no time.


Xiao’s Page

I was in no way a soft person, though I don’t view myself as particularly tough or rugged, either. A straight and honest person. Accusations would be brought against me for being unmoved by the death of any person however close they may have been in life, a point not everyone would see as criticism. How could a person be so cold and heartless, even if the basic bearing of a Fixer is to look after oneself first and foremost? At first, I spent much time thinking over it, and asked myself many questions. Xiao as a person valued the lives of her colleagues, although her position forced her to keep her farewell to deceased teammates short, since carrying out her duty and emerging victorious came first. Shedding fewer drops of tears than the number of fallen was all the tribute I could pay. Bawling my eyes out would have stirred uneasiness in my colleagues. In the early days, the responsibility sometimes felt too heavy and burdensome.

I had never once thought that my method was incorrect; I believed it to be the best method for myself, and I deemed that problems couldn’t be solved any other way. Most Fixers will probably think in the same way. Therefore, I could not understand the manners of Lowell, the newly appointed Section 2 Director at the time. A person who tries to look after everyone, and doesn’t hide his grief-stricken face when a coworker passes away. It seemed clear as crystal that his tenderness would one day lead his team to death, yet he was faring better than I thought. A polar opposite to me. The ways I wanted to pursue but gave up because I was faced with my limitations. It might have upset me for a moment. A principle I could not follow, for I was not allowed to openly express sadness over the death of the few in order to protect the many; and my obligation to seize any chance of victory compelled me to march forward if there was something to count on. My capability wasn’t vast enough to embrace every member of the team. Was my choice wrong? What did he have that I did not? Looking back, I don’t think what I felt was envy or jealousy. The indignation certainly was not a toxic emotion. I’m sure each of us had different specialties.

It is said that people intersect with one another in some manner. I don’t think the process to be natural at all; I was not a believer of fateful meetings. After all, two parallel roads could never cross. A relationship begins with a desire to know. Simple curiosity. To know more about a person, or to go further and see what they are seeing together. People open up new roads to merge into the roads of others for various reasons.

I thought I would never care about him since he was so different from me, but my expectations weren’t quite right. I wanted to learn more about him, and I wanted to know what this emotion I felt was. And I thought I could perhaps become a better person if I saw what he was seeing together. If there’s one thing I realized, it’s that relationships between people always start from such small curiosity.

Taking in what I have said so far, you would think that this is such a peculiar and untruthful love. You might think it’s fussy. I cannot give out a clear answer, for I can’t dare define what love is. What could I say or add about an emotion I felt for the first time, one that I am still struggling to figure out? Furthermore, every person carries a different form of love. There will undoubtedly be some people who don’t place much importance on that emotion. You might even think that such emotion is absolutely useless in this City. Even if I were to define my love, this wouldn’t come across as a sweet story if you cannot understand it.

However, I can be certain that my sentiment towards Lowell was sincere. The so-called curiosity and sympathy… They bring about attention, admiration, and a little bit of obsession. I learned soon enough that this isn’t much different from what people call “love”. It may not have been something out of a fairy tale or a drama, but we still cherished each other in our little relationship. Perhaps I had been under the impression that love is a concept that is utterly distant from me. The love that I came into was cramped, yet big… and it felt burdensome at times.

You said I am strong, but the truth is that I was weak and fainthearted until the very last time I faced you. I have only grown so ironclad after I lost you. Why did I miss everything while you were still by my side? Why do I spend the whole night longing for you and regretting only after you have parted from me? I do have one regret regarding you: that I could not trust my feelings for you. That I was too afraid to tell you that you’re my everything the night before you left me.

Moments of loneliness will come as I live. It won’t be a thirsty longing for love, however. It is when I look to my side, yet there is no one next to me; when I am worn out from running somewhere; when I feel that my heart grows heavy rather than painful. Trying new things might let me forget it for a moment, but the memories will still follow me for life. When I feel such things, I can go back to familiarity. A familiar place, a familiar mind, a familiar person. And I plan to reunite with you soon. I want to tell you that I no longer have shame for the path I’ve chosen, and that I have finally freed myself from the guilt.

Battle Symbols

The following six Battle Symbols are related to the Liu Association.

Battle Symbol Name Slot
Emotional Turbulence BattleSymbol.png Emotional Turbulence Nose
4% chance to boost Stagger damage by +1 when engaging a character with 15+ Burn
Complete a Star of the City-level reception with all allies having reached Emotion Level 5.

Fluttering Heart BattleSymbol.png Fluttering Heart Cheek
6% chance to boost Stagger damage by +3 while equipping Xiao or Lowell's Key Page and another librarian on the same floor has the other's Key Page equipped
With Xiao or Lowell's Key Page equipped, complete 1 Star of the City-level receptions alongside a librarian who has the significant other's Key Page equipped. (Both characters must survive)

A Potential Color BattleSymbol.png A Potential Color Cheek
4% chance to boost attack damage by +1 when attacking a character with 15+ Burn
During a single Act of a Star of the City-level reception, inflict 30 or more stacks of Burn.

Earnest Advice BattleSymbol.png Earnest Advice Eye
4% chance to boost Blunt dice Power by +1 when attacking a target with 20+ Burn
Defeat E.G.O-manifested Xiao 1 times with Miris' Key Page equipped.

Memory-fueled Emotions BattleSymbol.png Memory-fueled Emotions Headwear 1
4% chance to boost Slash dice Power by +1 when attacking a target with 20+ Burn
Have 20+ stacks of Burn during the reception of Xiao.

Iron Lotus BattleSymbol.png Iron Lotus Cheek
4% chance to boost Pierce dice Power by +1 when attacking a target with 20+ Burn.
Complete the reception of Xiao after provoking the Combat Page 'Reversed Scale' 1 times.



  • Following the Associations' naming pattern, 'Liù' (六) is Chinese for the number six, but may also refer to 'Liú' (Traditional: 劉, Simplified: 刘), an obsolete Chinese character meaning "to kill/to slaughter" or "to conquer/to overcome" and the surname of the Han dynasty's ruling family. The connection to the Han dynasty may explain the red and gold coloration of their outfits.
  • The Association's logo features a red flame with a yellow "6" in the middle, the color red meaning passion, war, courage, anger and love, fitting for the Liu Association and their members.
  • In Limbus Company, the Liu Association Southern Branch is featured in several Identities for the playable characters. In these Identities, the protagonists take on the role of Fixers in Liu South Sections 4, 5, and 6.


  1. A Liu Section 1 Fixer’s Page
  2. Cecil’s Page
  3. Miris' Page
Receptions Liu Association Section 2 - Liu Association Section 1 - Xiao
Characters Section 2: Lowell - Cecil - Mei
Section 1: Xiao - Chun - Miris
Key Pages Section 2: Lowell’s Page - Cecil’s Page - Mei’s Page - A Liu Section 2 Fixer’s Page
Section 1: Chun’s Page - A Liu Section 1 Fixer’s Page
Xiao: Xiao’s Page - Miris’ Page
Combat Pages Section 2: Fleet Edge - Frontal Assault - High Kick - Flow of the Sword - Rush Down - Iron Wall - All-out War - Inner Ardor - Gale Kick - Sturdy Defense - Emotional Turbulence - Tiěshānkào - Forming Storm - Raging Storm: Harm
Section 1: Single-Point Stab - Violent Flame - Fervid Emotions - Fiery Waltz - Burning Flash - Flaming Dragon Fist
Xiao: Fiery Dragon Slash - Bì Àn - Bì Xì - Chī Wěn - Jiāo Tú - Coordinated Assault - Jīn Ní - Raging Storm: Love - Tāo Tiè - Yá Zì
Wings A Corp. • B Corp. • C Corp. • F Corp. • G Corp. • H Corp. • I Corp. • J Corp. • K Corp. • L Corp. • M Corp. • N Corp. • O Corp. • P Corp. • R Corp.T Corp. • U Corp. • V Corp. • W Corp. (WARP Cleanup Crew)
Syndicates Five Fingers (The ThumbThe IndexThe MiddleThe RingThe Pinky) • Finger Subsidiaries (Stray DogsKurokumo ClanNight AwlsRumanos CartelRamier Family) • Independent (Brotherhood of IronMusicians of BremenAxe GangThe CarnivalSmiling FacesRusted ChainsBlade LineageThe Reverberation EnsembleLittle Piggy's)
Associations Hana AssociationZwei AssociationTres AssociationShi AssociationCinq AssociationLiu Association (Liu Association Section 1Liu Association Section 2) • Seven AssociationDevyat AssociationDieci AssociationÖufi Association
Offices Yun's OfficeHook OfficeStreetlight OfficeMolar OfficeFull-Stop OfficeDawn OfficeGaze OfficeJeong's OfficeWedge OfficeCane OfficeThe Udjat • Bayard's Office • Clam Office • Charles' Office • Moses' Office • Ame Office • Dou Gui Combat Office • Rusk's Office • Bloom Office
Workshops Leaflet WorkshopYuRia Atelier • Allas Workshop • Zelkova Workshop • Old Boys Workshop • Ranga Workshop
Others RatsBackstreets Butchers (Pierre's Bistro) • The Eight Chefs • The Church of Gears • Love TownSweepersThe 8 o'Clock CircusPuppetsMirae Life InsuranceThe Head • The Eye • The Claw