Library Of Ruina Art Book Guest Profiles

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This page contains transcripts of the Library Of Ruina Art Book Patron Librarian and Guest profile descriptions, written from the perspectives of Roland and Angela.

LibraryIcon.png The Patron Librarians

Foreword to the Patron Librarians

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 2

These are the Patron Librarians, tasked with greeting guests invited to the Library and categorizing its books. They're our longtime coworkers who have been with us since Lobotomy Corp. The Patron Librarians take charge of the floors, each dedicated to a specific subject; the atmosphere of a floor depends greatly on the genre and the Patron Librarian. Oh, and we can't forget about the Assistant Librarians aiding them, of course. It seems the librarians are maintaining good relationships with each other.

Even though the Patron Librarians don't display an entirely favorable attitude, they have their own reasons to lend a hand.

CanardIcon.png Canard

RatsIcon.png Rats

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 198

Belonging to no Office, Association, or Syndicate, the Rats spend each day trying to make ends meet and survive. Most of the time, they salvage organs from bodies rolling about ditch graves in the Backstreets to turn a profit. They sleep together in their dwellings, probably hidden away in a corner of the streets like a rat's nest. While others might frown upon it, that hole in the wall is the coziest home a Rat could ask for.

Everyone calls these Rats stragglers who have forfeited their dreams. They're scathingly viewed as scavengers that feed on what others throw away, or losers that complain about their current life without making any effort to change it for the better. However, it wouldn't be fair to say that they never tried. And⋯ perhaps some are still clutching a dream in that gutter.

Yun'sOfficeIcon.png Yun’s Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 202

It's a Grade 7 Office run by a man named Yun. He's got a shallow and broad network of connections that had netted him a wide range of requests at first, but that seems to have run dry lately. So, they've got no choice but to resort to dull jobs like looking for a pet until night falls or finding and blocking up the mouse holes in a house.

Because of this drought of work, the Fixers don't seem to have a lot of trust for each other. Those working for Yun apparently act on their own behalf often, too. It looks like the Operator has long since given up trying to keep them in check, though.

BrotherhoodofIronIcon.png The Brotherhood of Iron

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 206

A certain lot who've replaced their entire bodies with artificial ones. They've undergone a procedure that quite literally substitutes biological parts with mechanical components. While prostheses most likely serve a wide array of functions, the performance is directly proportional to the price of the procedure. With a prosthetic body, you can eliminate the need for sleep or food, possess greater strength, move at ludicrous speeds, and more⋯ Today, the City offers a wide selection of prosthetic implant procedures loaded with various technologies. When you look at it this way, it appears the purpose of prosthetics is to remedy the inconveniences of the human body.

Because of such benefits, people are recommended to take augmentation procedures of any kind, not just limited to prosthetic implants. In this world, your chances of survival are significantly lower without such augmentation, whether you're a Fixer or a Syndicate member.

HookOfficeIcon.png Hook Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 210

It's an Office founded by someone who once got seriously bruised by a murderous Syndicate, now hiring that same Syndicate. You don't see this kinda stuff every day, I'll be honest. I'm not sure on the details, but they make this a marketing point to be noticed by potential clients? An Office run by the former members of a killer Syndicate⋯ Well, this novelty strat seems to be doing a good job attracting requests, I've heard.

Though, here's a word of advice from me: You should practice some caution when you make a request to an Office of this kind. They might leave a bigger mess than you'd want.

UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth

Pierre'sBistroIcon.png Pierre's Bistro

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 218

A restaurant aged 11 years in the Backstreets of District 23; although it's not super popular or anything, it has quite a few regulars. Its specialty is meat-based foods, and the main dish is Pierre's signature thick meat pies. I've never tried one myself, but according to its patrons⋯ the abundance and juiciness of the meat make for a fantastic meal.

Now here's the funny bit: some people don't seem to know what the pie is made of. Well, Pierre, the head chef of the establishment, isn't the type to babble out for things no one asked. Besides, we're talking about District 23⋯ the streets of flavor, y'know? Whatever methods or ingredients were used to make the food⋯ most of these folks don't pay any attention. They'd rather be taking another bite out of their tasty grub if they have the time to ask questions.

StreetlightOfficeIcon.png Streetlight Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 222

They're an Associate Office designated by the Zwei Association. Streetlight Office is currently keeping the peace of about two blocks of territory. A peacekeeping Office's only duty is to watch over a given area, which isn't all that difficult as a main task. One caveat is that they're obligated to fulfill any requests issued by the Association.

While the Office's grade is rather low considering that it was established a mere 2 years ago, it would seem that its members have established quite a strong bond with each other.

UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend

ZweiAssociationIcon.png Zwei Association Section 6

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 236

A public security Association with the slogan: "Your Shield." They're usually tasked with keeping the peace in assigned territories. You can tell them apart from other Fixers by their simple uniforms and man-sized swords. And that their tactics tend to be more defensive than others. Protecting the client is their number one priority, so they don't go out of their way to take lives unless the situation is that dire⋯ In other words, their job is to defend, first and foremost.

The catch is that their prices are a bit too high for an individual client to afford easily. The fee they ask for guarding even just a tiny area is ridiculous, no joke. Though, giving them the money is gonna be your only option if you're desperate for protection⋯

StrayDogsIcon.png Stray Dogs

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 242

A subsidiary of the Thumb, one of the Five Fingers. They're typified by the enhancement tattoos covering their skin and the large accessories they're wearing.

The Dogs are infamous for being feral, but they don't bite just anyone they see. Although they might look like an anarchic pack of brutes, that Gyeong-mi guy's got the charisma of a proper leader. He values promises with comrades above all else.

MolarOfficeIcon.png Molar Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 246

Molar Office prides itself on the skillfully interlocked coordination of its Fixers. They don't operate alone if possible.

While they are competent Fixers when it comes to resolving requests⋯ many first-time clients are concerned by their somewhat unstable demeanor and the way they carelessly go through the formalities of contracts—something you wouldn't see in other, more trusty Offices. This Office prefers to handle requests by going on a full offensive to wipe out the target first, rather than taking a defensive approach, which can seem rather reckless at times. Though apparently, there is a sizable population of clients that like it this way.

UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague

TheCarnivalIcon.png The Carnival

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 258

One of the most important things for a Fixer is their clothing. The outfits have different characteristics depending on the material, so it is up to the individual to choose what suits them the most. Those who produce and provide the fabric are called 'Tailors'.

The Carnival is considered to be high class among Tailors. Even though the patent for the technology of making silk out of what you consume has long expired, the Carnival has earned its renown above many other competitors because of their ability to identify the target that would make the type of silk the client needs.

Full-StopOfficeIcon.png Full-Stop Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 262

It's an Office specialized in carrying out assassination requests, mostly with guns. Oh, not all of the Fixers have their finger on the trigger constantly; there's one guy who engages in melee combat utilizing his speed. If you ask why⋯ it's probably the tax on bullets. Usually, bullets are too expensive for an ordinary Office to afford to waste, so they have to make it count. It's crucial to aim carefully and neutralize the target in one shot. You shouldn't expect the bullets to even graze a big-name Fixer, though.

Why use guns despite the downsides, you ask? 'Cause, it's still pretty useful in the right circumstances. I mean, how many people out there can dodge a bullet fired out of nowhere?

DawnOfficeIcon.png Dawn Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 268

An Office established by Salvador, the Fixer who used to be a hotshot in his youth but has gone a few steps down since. If I had to point out its features⋯ I guess it's the antique furniture and the scent of ssanghwa-cha making the mood of the Office? It's decked out in that old man's liking to a T.

You'd think the Office would struggle to handle requests because of its smaller staff size, but it's made up of a few Fixers with pretty high grades, so I hear they have no problem dealing with Urban Legend-level requests. Alas, there's only so much a small number of Fixers can do, so it seems they don't really get large-scale jobs often. Urban Legend requests pay a good amount, but I suppose it's not that much when you take the monthly rent of a Nest into consideration. Still, they seem to be working in harmony, sorta like a family.

GazeOfficeIcon.png Gaze Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 272

It is true that Gaze Office specializes in collecting intel⋯ but it's not exactly the official kind of gathering and compiling bits of info, like what the Seven Association does. The Office's work is to carry out investigations in the field and hand the deets over to the client. And being unofficial means they have more liberty to pull less than honest methods, like the device they attached to those other guys. Imagine being watched by such a persistent gaze⋯ The thought gives me the creeps.

KurokumoClanIcon.png The Kurokumo Clan

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 276

A subsidiary to the Thumb, the Kurokumo Clan is a rather large Syndicate. Its members are known for their clothes of achromatic colors and irezumi with a notable black cloud pattern. I wonder if they expose their skin to show off their augmentation tattoos or to make a display of confidence in their own strength⋯ The rather casual-looking apparel and the katana that seems menacingly sharp are another two features that establish the identity of the Kurokumo Clan.

As is the case with all large Syndicates, the Kurokumo Clan occupies the territory of a fallen Nest and collects protection fees from its residents under the pretext of ensuring their safety in a dangerous area. Needless to say, the fee is absurdly high. Still, you will be able to live in safety until you run out of money. It's not recommended to let them know that you're wealthier than others, though; they are most certainly going to charge a higher fee.

MusiciansofBremenIcon.png The Musicians of Bremen

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 282

Following the incident that occurred in the Backstreets of District 9, known as the streets of music⋯ those who were deeply touched by the Pianist's performance formed this Syndicate. They aspire to recreate a fraction of that music. It appears that they feel melodies are the most beautiful when they are created by harming others, not unlike the morbid pianism of the Distortion that inspired them. The Musicians of Bremen have thrown the already disturbed area into further turmoil⋯ I imagine that the residents of the Backstreets of District 9 are living each day in terror.

On a side note, it is said that you can find many streets themed after various subjects in this City: music, flavor— you name it. If you wander through the City, you will be able to see the diverse sceneries yourself. Each street has its own ambience, people, and culture⋯ It does make me curious.
Even if there are some cruel individuals, a community is nevertheless a community.

WedgeOfficeIcon.png Wedge Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 288

Although it is a combat-oriented Office, most clients that call on it make requests that demand an excellent degree of situational assessment. They're most likely looking for personnel capable of handling the job with minimal effort and maximum certainty. Wedge Office prefers a method of targeting the enemy's weak point and piercing the exact spot.

Every Office has strengths and weaknesses, and Wedge Office is no exception; sometimes, the request they take is too difficult to be dealt with alone. Confronting several hostile targets at once would be one example. In such cases, they might ask Offices specialized in the related fields for support. It would seem that the Office has their closest connection with Dawn Office, which has expertise in actual combat. It also helps that there's a tight bond between Salvador and Oscar.

LoveTownIcon.png Love Town

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 296

This is perhaps the smallest and merriest village in the world. After being cooped up in the WARP train for so long, the passengers decided to establish this small town after due consideration in order to protect one another. Alas, it's not all sunshine and roses. Outwardly, their appearances are nothing short of horrifying. I cannot fully understand the sentiments that led to this decision. However⋯ what others think of them is probably irrelevant. You never know how you would act until you've been put in their shoes.

UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare

SweepersIcon.png The Sweepers

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 310

It is recommended against being outside from 3:13 to 4:14 AM in the morning in the Backstreets. This time of the night is reserved for those who have been holding in emotions and desires. During these moments, anything is allowed; every gruesome misdeed you might imagine can and will happen. And entities called Sweepers begin activity when this time arrives.

The Sweepers march from one end of a Nest's perimeter to the other, cleaning up everything in their path. They rid the remains left by what happens during the City's night. They're like street cleaners in a sense. By morning, the roads are clean as if nothing happened. However, living humans are not exempt from the sweeping spree. To them, all that is in the way is nothing more than trash to dispose of.

ShiAssociationIcon.png Shi Association Section 2

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 314

Those who live near death. The Shi Association is specialized in assassination; they seek to operate with extreme efficiency in order to eliminate the target within a limited time. Since they need to silently take down targets more often than not armed with various Workshop equipment and augment procedures, an eye for weak points and the ability to execute plans promptly would be required.

The guests were most certainly fatigued and cornered when they visited our Library. However, Section 2 was still able to stand and fight; perhaps they believed that their director Yujin would overthrow all that was unjust and reform the organization one day. I expected them to be more cold-hearted and formal than any other Association, but my idea turned out to be untrue⋯ The bond between them was deeper than I thought, and they seemed to trust and rely on each other. Of course, some of them may have been placing their faith in her out of a desperate hope to be freed from their suffering.

The8o'ClockCircusIcon.png The 8 o'Clock Circus

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 320

When the clock strikes 8 in the evening, you might be able to see a clown's performance on air if you tune in to a certain channel. The show is more extravagant and showy than any other TV program, and some people hop from channel to channel in hopes that they'll run into it. The performances take place in a circus tent, which was a relic of the bygone era. Monkeys dressed in pretty clothing, an elephant with a rather long nose, a lion boasting a luxurious mane, a mermaid singing with a beautiful voice⋯ Leading the diverse cast of circus members is Oswald, the ringmaster.

Perhaps that circus could be the place to restore your smile, forgotten in the hum of everyday life. I'd like to see a performance myself if I ever get the chance.

PuppetIcon.png Puppets

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 330

Have you ever boarded a WARP train? It appears that there are first-class seats that cost a fortune to take. I was curious to know if the price was justified by comfortable seating and quality amenities, but it turns out that the cabin is filled with sleep pods instead. One would wonder why a WARP train which takes no more than 10 seconds to arrive at its destination needs such a thing, but you and I probably know the truth: that taking the first-class seat is the only way to make the trip comfortable.

Alas, it seems that the single measure wasn't foolproof, after all. As is made clear by the first-class passengers that were powerless against an outsider's invasion, made into his puppets. Were they simply unfortunate, or was it rightful retribution for what the wealthy had been committing? Apparently, to the aggressor, whether every passenger in the cabin fit the bill or not wasn't important.

IndexProselytesIcon.png Index Proselytes

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 336

The Five Fingers that rule the Backstreets each have their own rules and vibes. In particular, the Index is simpler than the others, but tough to keep up with in its own ways. It doesn't ask for protection fees, nor does it demand you to belong to any organization. All you gotta do is carry out the Prescripts that might come to you, anytime, anywhere. A tiny, finger-sized piece of paper that says what the recipient must do⋯ The content is variable to say the least, ranging from ordinary jobs to cruel deeds. Some Prescripts are simple messages that you can get right away, while others are so complex and vague that they need an interpretation.

Within the Index, there are Messengers that deliver Prescripts and Proxies that act on behalf of the Prescripts. Sometimes, a Proxy might receive the Prescript to punish a slacker who won't carry out their Prescripts. Those who train themselves to earn one of those two ranks are called Proselytes. Weirdly enough, Proselytes wear a blindfold, and if you ask me why⋯ I guess it's about keeping their eyes figuratively closed to the brutality happening before them and focusing on the Prescripts.

SmilingFacesIcon.png The Smiling Faces

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 338

It's hard not to remember this Syndicate once you've seen one of these fellers in person. They wear those unusual steel masks and carry smoking pipes as big as themselves. They use those pipes to inhale smoke containing body-enhancing substances, but if others breathe it in⋯ Well, they say the smoke provides various effects, but it isn't necessarily good.

The Smiling Faces apparently enjoy flaking human flesh into thin fillets to eat⋯ They're definitely far from the only ones known for cannibalism, but you've got to admit, their flesh fillet is something to behold. It's uncanny how they can make the fillet so thin that you can see through it. Not like⋯ I want to ever eat it.

WARPCleanUpCrewIcon.png WARP Cleanup Crew

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 346

These are the cleanup agents that tidy up the mess that's been made in the train once it comes back from a long trip through an interdimensional portal. Their job is to board the train that's arrived at the station, accurately separate the amalgamations of passengers' flesh, put them back to their seats, and restore them to their original state. It's possible since not a second of time has "passed" in the train thanks to T Corp's Singularity. It sounds like they can reverse the passengers to an unharmed state using the necessary details like the passengers' genomic info and the molecular structure they scan before departure. Since the passengers are being wound back to a saved state instead of having amnestics administered, they won't ever notice or remember what horrible events transpired during the trip.

The agents seem like they're too used to this job to be fazed by anything they see in the train. Hell, some bring it up in drinking sessions as a conversation piece.

StarCityIcon.png Star of the City

TheThumbIcon.png The Thumb

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 360

The organization that emphasizes hierarchy and discipline above all else. The Syndicate where ruffling a few feathers of someone above you gets you immediately purged. That's what the Thumb, one of the Five Fingers, is about. In other words, you'll be fine as long you treat those above your rank with the utmost respect. On their own, the rules seem simply and more coherent than the Index's deal⋯ Only problem is that the rule of the Thumb is forced upon outsiders as well.

Others might feel that's unfair, but I think I can kinda see why they would uphold the rules without many qualms. It's clear that class isn't something you can have without doing anything. According to them, a position earned through painstaking effort warrants respect.

TheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Blue Reverberation

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 368

Perhaps he once sought to climb to the summit of Fixer society with his sister, and bask in freedom. The kind of man who wishes to forget the painful past, bearing earnest hope for a bright future where he only needs to see the light ahead. I wouldn't be surprised if he truly did; it is the belief of most people in the City that you are able to live a free life once you're given the title of a Color.

LiuAssociationIcon.png Liu Association South Section 2

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 372

This Association specializes in large-scale combat. If I were to list their notable features, they would be the golden dragon imprinted on the jacket, the guandao of considerable size⋯ and their spirit. They often overpower their enemies with force and strategy unique to the Liu⋯ and its leaders, more specifically. While it is most certain that each Association has its own distinct character, it would be rash to judge the image of any Association as a whole from only a fraction of it.

Those whom we have seen were confident and gallant in every matter, and there appeared to be a great deal of trust between the members. To believe in their leader and follow them⋯ While some truthfully place their faith in the commander, there may be others who only follow them because it's their superior. Regardless of the mindset, I suppose they are stirred to action because they saw a clear goal and merit in it.

CaneOfficeIcon.png Cane Office

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 380

One of the important things to keep in mind if you wanna stay afloat in the City is the patents on technology. Applying for patents and holding onto them is one thing, but you've also got to respond carefully to lawsuits against your patents. Quite a few Wings came crashing down because of their lackadaisical response resulting in the patent being invalidated. There's a whole book's worth of such cases.

This kind of legal battle over the ownership of patents is called a patent war. In many cases, the proceedings develop into an actual physical conflict between Wings. Although, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant can walk away with much benefit. The biggest winners are the ones who act as intermediates between them. After the whales shoot each other in the crossfire, the scavengers climb out to claim their bountiful loot.

IndexProselytesIcon.png The Index

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 386

"What does a Prescript mean to the Index?" It would depend on the perspective of the person you ask: One might say that it's a predetermined fate you're meant to obey without question as it cannot be changed, and another might say it's a destiny you're forced to accept to live. Those who run away from the cruelty of other Syndicates to come to the Index will realize soon enough that it's not exactly the peaceful haven they sought. I imagine some of those people detest the Prescripts, while others grow numb to them. And it would be fair to assume that most Proxies and Messengers belong to the latter category.

One would think there must be a broad range of motivations behind becoming numb to the Prescripts. It could be the belief that the Prescripts truly lead one to a righteous path, or it could simply be the lack of interest in all things⋯ Or further yet, some may only be pretending that they've become indifferent.

TheRedMistIcon.png The Red Mist

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 392

A Fixer who fights to protect others⋯ On top of her physical excellence, the Red Mist's deeds were nothing short of heroic; that was enough for her to be held up as an idol by many. Besides, not every Color behaved the way the Red Mist did. I never got to see her at that time since her area of activity was too far away from mine, but having met her in person here, I can say she's actually pretty cool. I see how she could be so powerful, too. I guess some things matter more than sheer strength.

LiuAssociationIcon.png Liu Association South Section 1

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 396

In this City, acting on your feelings has consequences for both you and the people around you. A lot of matters involve groups rather than individuals, after all. It goes without saying that you have to be more careful if you're a leader. That's why most Fixers try not to get attached to each other; too many couples end up losing their significant others sooner or later. But, once you feel the warmth of someone precious, you can't easily let them go. I sometimes wonder what the right thing to do is, if you lose someone who naturally became a huge part of your life.

RCorpIcon.png R Corp's 4th Pack

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 404

If you ask what R Corp. does, most people would describe it as a massive mercenary company. In addition to the capability of the soldiers themselves, R Corp's biggest strength lies in its ability to replenish its ranks in no time, no matter how many casualties it suffers. Another point of note⋯ is that all of its teams have a name associated with animals. Each team excels in unique areas. Also⋯

IndexProselytesIcon.png The Index

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 408

In the Index, there are a number of roles people are placed into: the commoners, who follow the Prescripts they receive; Proselytes, who perform their duties guided by the Prescripts; Messengers, who deliver the Prescripts; Proxies, who act on behalf of the Prescripts⋯ and last of all, Weavers, the only ones who know the true identity of the Prescripts. It seems like they guard the spinning wheels and looms where the Prescripts are made.

I doubt anyone knows how many Weavers are in the City or what kind of people they are. Even the Weavers themselves are likely clueless. I guess that's why they stay at their post the Prescripts led them to, because they fear that another Weaver in some other place will send a Prescript their way if they don't obey them. That's the idea⋯ So, if you ever happen to run into a Weaver, it might be a good idea to listen to what they have to say before you start blaming them for everything. They aren't all that different from the other followers of the Prescripts.

YanIcon.png 얀샋ㄷ요무

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 410

It sounds like there are beings comparable to gods in the City, such as the Prescripts. I think I've seen 'em a few times myself⋯ although they're not memories I want to revisit. Anyway, they're apparently products of the long-cherished desires the City's denizens hold. That would make the Prescripts of the Index⋯ a coalition of wishes to have a purpose in an aimless life. It did make those wishes come true in a way, but whether it's a good or bad thing⋯ is not something I can say.

What does it feel like to defy a greater flow? Is that action meaningful enough to risk your life, or is it just tomfoolery? Well, I guess that's beyond our judgement.

ThePurpleTearIcon.png The Purple Tear

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 416

She observes the possibilities of numerous worlds using a power of unknown origin to leap across dimensions. What does the Purple Tear wish for; is it a world where her long-lost son still exists? Or one where she could revive that son? Welp, I guess no one else will know. The Purple Tear is so tight-lipped about it, she wouldn't tell anyone. The only thing I know for sure is that she said she's starting to get closer to the answer after searching for so long. I know this is a pointless thing to think about, but I kinda wonder what other choices I would've made and⋯ how different I would look compared to now if I had followed another path. Not that it matters.

XiaoIcon.png Liu Association Section 1

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 420

I must wonder how it feels to be able to cherish something. To make choices for one purpose and even forfeit everything else in order to protect what's precious. To restrain yourself from grieving for the deaths of the few to save the many who live on; to risk all you have for the sake of your loved one.

I suppose it's not the most unusual feeling. Everyone vaguely senses it, but no one bothers to delve into it. How could one name it⋯ love? Sympathy? I don't think it will ever be possible to define this with a single word. A simple word wouldn't do it justice, either. Nevertheless, it is a matter worth considering time after time.

RCorpIcon.png R Corp's 4th Pack

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. I pg. 426

⋯⋯the Singularity of R Corp. was the technology of human cloning. That was how they were able to send in constant reinforcements during missions to fill in for fallen comrades. Of course, regulations exist to prevent the abuse of the technology, and with the fall of Lobotomy Corp, the major energy supplier, it can no longer be utilized indefinitely. To have the clones fight each other until only the strongest survives⋯ While I doubt that other Wings are any better, I nonetheless find it hard to hold such inefficient and barbaric scenes in high regard.

ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis

HanaAssociationIcon.png Hana Association South Section 3

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. II pg. 6

There are twelve Fixer Associations in the City, each serving specific roles. And the Hana Association's role is to manage the overall system of Associations. The Hana Association wields the authority to handle the fundamental groundwork for Fixer activities, such as assigning grades to hazards in the City. Oh, I suppose it's worth mentioning that the Association's power isn't absolute; there are certain matters even the Hana has no say in. Perhaps there are reasons why the Head should exclusively take care of those affairs.

BlackSilenceIcon.png The Black Silence

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. II pg. 12

Charles' Office. A band of myself and the eleven Fixers who followed my lead, despite all my shortcomings⋯ Being in the northern part of the City meant many of us had pretty extravagant outfits. I remember laughing at the way Astolfo dressed, too. We were together for quite a long time, and it felt like our company would last forever, but here we are now, going our separate ways. This wasn't an unexpected outcome, though. I'd wonder if they're alive and well from time to time, and it was good to see Olivier at the very least. I sometimes miss those simpler times when I could just focus on the now and live in the moment.

TheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation Ensemble

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. II pg. 16

I must wonder what music means to them. Is it a pleasant melody that simply echoes through the air? Or an act of art, with the purpose of expressing the joy of stepping towards freedom in its rawest form? Could it be a medium for conveying certain truths? Who knows. Even if some fail to understand your approach, that's simply a difference of perspective; it's hard to argue that there is such a thing as a wrong method. I've realized that trying to distinguish between right and wrong holds little weight in this City.

TheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation Ensemble Distorted

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. II pg. 84

Unlike the Distortions we saw before, these people were able to maintain reason and capably control their powers. It's similar to how one would wield well-refined emotions. There isn't much I can add for them. I can only hope that they have no regrets with their choices to chase what they desire until the last moment and their consequences.

InterrogationIcon.png The Head • The Eye • The Claw

Library Of Ruina Art Book vol. II pg. 108

The effective governing body, overseeing the City as a whole. It's such a secretive organization, next to nothing is known about it. As such, there's pretty much no record of them that I could leave here. Ah, if there is one thing I can say about the Head⋯ It's that if someone violates the rules of the City that they lay down, the transgressor will be taken care of in ways unique to them. For what reasons did they establish those rules, and what ethical and moral standards do they hold⋯ I do find myself wondering the answers to these questions. Maybe one day I will find out in my pursuit of knowledge.
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MalkuthIcon.pngFloor of History - YesodIcon.pngFloor of Technological Sciences - HodIcon.pngFloor of Literature - NetzachIcon.pngFloor of Art
Characters Main Characters / Patron Librarians:
Angela - Roland - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma
LibraryIcon.png Terminology:
Locations The City (Districts - Nests - Backstreets) - Outskirts - Ruins - The Library - The Great Lake - The Black Forest - HamHamPangPang
Lore Abnormalities - Distortions (Bloodfiends) - E.G.O. - Cogito - Night in the Backstreets - Seed of Light - Smoke War - White Nights and Dark Days - Singularity - The Rules - The Hunt - The Taboo - Humans - Artificial Intelligence Ethics Amendment
Factions Fixers - Offices - Workshops - Associations - Syndicates - Five Fingers - The Head - The Eye - The Claw - Wings
FerventAdorationIcon.png Music:
Albums Original Soundtrack
Songs "String Theocracy" - "From a Place of Love" - "And Then is Heard No More" - "Iron Lotus" - "Children of the City" - "Gone Angels" - "Poems of a Machine" - "Salt, Pepper, Birds, And the Thought Police"
LobCorpIcon.png Other:
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company
Development Voice Actors - AGF 2019 LoR Q&A Session Compilation - Library Of Ruina Art Book