Yun’s Office

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Fixers aren't any better than Syndicates when it comes to greed.

Roland, Yun’s Office Episode II, Pre-Battle

Yun’s Office is a Grade 7 Office comprised of low-ranking Fixers. Just one of the countless Fixer Offices trying to survive in the City, Yun’s Office is among the less fortunate. Struggling just to cover basic expenses, Yun's Fixers are forced to take on dull tasks like looking for lost cats, and this has strained relations between Yun and his Fixers.[1]

The Office is the first Fixer group contacted by the Invitation and the second Guests to enter the Library, making up CanardIcon.png Canard Chapter 2.


Character Description
Grade 9 Yun’s Fixer
A Grade 9 Fixer working under Yun’s Office who holds little respect for Yun's authority. Wears a black jacket and carries a bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Character Description
An optimistic young man, Finn is a Grade 9 Fixer of Yun’s Office who hopes to move up in the world purely through hard work. Unlike most of the Office's other Fixers, he is highly loyal to Yun and will do whatever Yun tells him to. According to Yun, he is merely mediocre, and won't last long as a Fixer due to refusing body augmentations and lacking raw talent.[2] In combat, Finn wields a serrated shortsword.

Character Description
Yun is the Operator of the eponymous Yun’s Office. He's a sharp-tongued man who's willing to exploit even his most devoted employees for the sake of his Office. Despite this, the hard times his Office has fallen on has made most of his Fixers disobedient to him, and Yun no longer tries to rein them back in, either.[1] In combat, Yun fights with his bare hands.

It's revealed in his Key Page story that Yun didn't dislike Finn, despite sending him to die. While he liked his passion, his rationale was that Finn would have gotten himself killed eventually.[2]

Eri is a Fixer of Yun’s Office who has recently been promoted to Grade 8. In combat, Eri uses a large chainsaw that she obtained from a Workshop, which she can wield one-handed thanks to body strength modifications.
Yun’s Fixer
A Fixer of Yun’s Office who wears a dark green jacket and carries a spiked bat.
Yun’s Fixer
A Fixer of Yun’s Office who wears a dark brown jacket and carries a sword/baton.


Episode 1

The scene starts with Finn and two fellow Fixers of Yun’s Office looking for a lost cat in the Backstreets. While searching, the pair of Fixers complain about how their Office only receives garbage requests. Finn stays optimistic and expresses his hope that their work will eventually lead them to a promotion, a better position in another Office, or even a place in an Association, but Finn's coworkers reject this. Suddenly, Finn finds an Invitation to the Library in his pocket. Though he intends to report this to the Office Operator, Yun, the others choose to take it and go off on their own instead of getting clearance first.

Back in the Library, Angela asks Roland whether he knows the Fixers they saw, as a former Fixer himself. Roland explains that he doesn't, as Fixers are so common in the City that Angela's question is comparable to asking two random strangers whether they know each other. Angela concludes from Roland's statement that she will see many different types of Fixers in the future.

Episode 2


After Finn's coworkers fail to return, Yun and Finn discuss the circumstances surrounding the Library, such as how a door appeared out of nowhere when the Fixers signed the invitation. Yun dismisses Finn's concerns and says that his Office is not up to tasks like going to the Library without clear evidence. Halfway through the conversation, an Invitation finds its way onto Yun's desk. He tells Finn to stay out of the room, to then communicate with an unknown person, possibly from an Association; to report to and take out a loan from them to hire some muscle for the case. The contact tells Yun to confirm the situation one more time, and with some reservation, he sends Finn ahead to scout out the Library knowing that Finn is not likely to return.

Back in the Library, Angela notes how Fixers have to take orders from their Office. Roland affirms this, noting that his one-man Office allowed him to have some more freedom. He explains that Fixers can be as greedy as Syndicates, and then points out how Yun is using Finn as bait. Shortly after, Finn arrives at the Library's entrance and motivates himself to do his best. He is greeted by Angela, who confirms the legitimacy of the Invitation and the promised Books. She then allows Finn to enter the Library.


After Finn is defeated, Roland voices his displeasure at having to end the life of a young rookie like Finn. Angela points out Roland's earlier comment on the Library's relative fairness compared to other entities in the City, justifying their actions by stating that all Guests, including Finn, enter the Library of their own volition and without any outside coercion, knowing their life is at risk. Roland concedes the point, but his attitude on the matter doesn't change.

Episode 3


Angela greeting Yun

Understanding that Finn has fallen in the Library, Yun meets up with Eri, a recently promoted Grade 8 Fixer of his Office. Yun expected Finn's failure, and Eri says that she'll miss his cutesy attitude, but agrees with Yun's assessment. Yun congratulates Eri on her promotion, and in response, Eri flaunts her higher value and offhandedly remarks on Yun's poor financial state. Yun places his last hopes in the Library's case by sending the entire Office out to enter the Library.

Inside the Library, Roland and Angela talk about the Library being targeted by a full Office for the first time. Roland asks about the possible worst-case scenario of the Fixers reaching Angela's room. She replies that the Library will prevent them from doing so, along with the fact that she can defend herself, while also pointing out how Roland was somehow able to appear right inside her room uninvited.

After entering the Library, Yun and his Fixers are greeted by Angela, who tells them of Finn's fate of being turned into a Book. Noticing Yun's hesitation, she remarks on the hypocrisy of Yun acting sentimental about Finn when he was responsible for sending Finn to his death in the first place. Yun retorts that everyone gets exploited and abandoned at some point in their lives, and with nothing else to add, Angela allows Yun’s Office to enter their Reception.


Angela congratulates Roland and comments on the potential value of Yun's Book. Roland notes how all the guests end up blindly throwing their lives away in pursuit of the Library's books. Angela quotes Hokma on the addictive nature of desire, but wonders whether such desire is true to a person's heart. Roland sarcastically points out Angela's sudden verbosity, stating that "a certain librarian" he knows "would have taken an arm and a leg off if she heard that." Angela tells him off.


Yun’s Office is made up of low-grade Fixers, whether they are novices like Finn or simply individuals who don't have the capability to reach higher.[3] Its initial success in the competitive Fixer market came from its Operator, Yun, who relied on his large network of contacts to pull in requests for his Office. However, as of recently this system has stopped providing the Office with work, forcing Yun and his Fixers to seek out even the most mundane tasks like searching for lost pets or blocking mouse holes in a house, just to recoup their monthly expenses.

With this instability and seemingly dead-end work, most of Yun's Fixers have become dissatisfied with Yun and act on their own, disobeying his authority. Yun is aware of this, but has given up on trying to regain authority and is instead focused on making sure he can stay afloat,[1] as his personal financial state is as desperate as that of his Office.

Key Page stories

Note: A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 2 and A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 3 are unobtainable in-game. They are included here because they were originally obtained from the Yun’s Fixer enemies.

Finn’s Page

It’s been a while, sis. Actually… I talked to you some time ago. By myself, of course. It sounds a bit lonely… But I’m fine! Today’s not gonna be the same as the days before; I have good news. I finally joined an Office run by this guy named ‘Yun’ and officially became a Fixer. You’re proud to see your precious little younger brother grow up and make it, aren’t you? Isn’t it cool? I told you there’s no need to worry about me.

Oh, about Yun’s Office… I think it’s a really nice place. No, I’m not lying. Our operator Yun is a bit cold, but he teaches me a lot of things, and there’s also Eri, who’s my senior. I’ve yet to be friends with her… but she seems like a good person, too. For now, they’re giving me small jobs like searching for lost cats. Maybe they’re worried I’m too inexperienced to handle tougher stuff. It’s not really fancy, but… If I start out with small tasks like this and work up slowly, I’m gonna be a great Fixer one day, yeah? My heart is already pumping with excitement…

When I become a proud and dashing Fixer, I’ll buy a Nest migration ticket and get a nice new home for you. I could buy my gear at a workshop thanks to your help, and all that… Though that’s not all. You always looked after me, sis. …It’s kind of embarrassing to talk about this. Anyway, don’t worry about me, and do the things you want to do. I know you were always too busy caring for me to pursue your own interests. You offered to give me a prosthetic body or even a minor procedure the last time we met, but… I’m doing fine without any of that stuff. And you got money to earn for yourself. Hngh, chaa… I’m tired, so I’ll be going now. I ran around the whole town chasing a cat all day… Night, sis. I hope we see each other again.

Eri’s Page

You have lots of things to prepare before you can jump into the Fixer business. Starting with choosing equipment, you’ll need clothes to protect your bodily accessories, et cetera… But, before any of that, body augmentation comes first. There’s no point having masterful skills or fancy equipment if your body can’t keep up, y’know? And training hard isn’t gonna do it. There’s a limit to training your body, and the fittest body is still no match for mechanical prosthetics or bionic organs. You gotta be able to keep your body intact to do anything, so you’re pretty much forced to spend a fortune on it.

There’s a ton of methods to enhance your body. Exoskeletons, bionic surgeries, nano-tattoos, prosthetic body parts… You name it. Deciding what workshop tech to employ is up to preference and purpose. Some would want insane muscular strength that could let them carry a power pole one-handed, and others would want ludicrous speed, quick enough to skip over multiple blocks in a split second. It’s so diverse, I could go on forever. You need any ability, they’ve got you covered. The only hurdle is money. In the City, money is what gets you power. That’s why the first thing we notice when we assess our foes is how much they’ve spent on their bodies… Oh, of course, some technologies patented by closed groups like certain Syndicates or Wings are hard to get your hands on even if you have all the cash in the world.

Just look at me, though! It took a teensy little procedure for me to lift this humongous weapon with one hand. This is the kind of power you can get, you see? Body augmentation is more of a necessity than an option these days, so you’ll want to study up on that. You don’t wanna stay a weakling when everyone else’s getting their augmentations, now do you?

Yun’s Page

Finn was bungling in many ways. He had no talent, he refused to take modification procedures, all he armed himself with was a tiny weapon. I didn’t exactly dislike him, though. They say a delicate person like him is nothing short of pathetic here, but he had passion regardless, and he was going to be our colleague from now on. Besides, it’s not too common to see such a passionate fellow in this grueling mess of a City. He was an interesting one.

Then why did I exploit him? …“Exploit” is a rather harsh word to describe it, if you ask me. A sloppy kid like him would’ve gotten killed anyway, abducted in the Backstreets and fading away while witnessing his innards getting ripped from his body. And that’s one of the tamer examples I could give. In this City, worse things are happening here and there on a daily basis. If he didn’t die there, he could’ve faced a much more terrible fate somewhere else, isn’t that right? …Nevermind, this is all but rationalization. Think what you want.

A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1

The society of Fixers is built entirely up on meritocracy. The greater you are, the higher you can climb. On the other hand, if you don’t have the capability, you should be thankful for any org that accepts you and stay low. Thing is, ‘capability’ can mean many things. For some, it could be physical strength, and others might have superior intellect. It seems kinda unfair to me that they make arbitrary evaluations of a concept that can be taken in so many different ways. Not that I think I have some hidden talent that deserves a better grade or anything, though. I do feel a bit upset, but I think I’m at the right place. The jobs I usually do are looking for lost cats at night… You can tell how low my spot is, yeah?

I’m not a huge fan of the jobs I’m doing right now, of course. I mean, sure, I wouldn’t say no to some flashier requests. I just accepted to carry on with my life.

A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 2

The Backstreets are alleyways densely spread across the city. They’re entangled like spiderwebs, and spread far and wide, so it is virtually impossible for one to know every single thing that occurs in the Backstreets. And they’re populated with all sorts of people.

Examinee towns where people preparing for entrance exams in hopes of getting into a Nest have gathered; Syndicates and Fixers thirstily looking for business; workshops that benefit from their conflicts, crafting various tools and gadgets… It’s a disorderly lump of all kinds of desires for wealth and dreams.

People think Fixers are “good guys” who fight off bad guys here, but they’re just humans in reality. They’re simply doing their jobs to make a living. Some clients look at us with sparkly eyes like we’re heroes or something. This might seem funny to you, but things get troublesome if we don’t fulfill their requests. They give us a disappointed look, yell profanities at us… Turn into rude customers before leaving.

A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 3

A hotshot Fixer gets all the push they can get from their Office. And an Office housing competent Fixers can get sponsorships from Associations, Wings, or workshops. The same can be said for individual Fixers; the spicy ones are sought after by many firms. But that won’t be you guys. Most of us have to purchase equipment with our own budget. Insane things happen in the City, and even Rats could tear you a new one if you haven’t got any useful gadgets or procedures.

And how do you get the money for that? Duh, you’re supposed to earn it, isn’t that obvious? …Funny, isn’t it. You jump into the Fixer business trying to earn money, but you need to get into debt and spend money to be able to do proper work. How ironic is that? This world’s one giant hamster wheel.

Resolvable Books & Pages

Book of a Grade 9 Fixer

The Book of a Grade 9 Fixer can be obtained by defeating the generic Fixers of Yun’s Office in Episodes I and III, with slightly different drop chances between Episodes. This Book is used for inviting Yun’s Office Episode II, Yun’s Office Rookie.

Image Key Pages

Combat Pages


A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1 (2)

Dodge and Strike (2)
Thrust (2)
Quickness (2)
Wallop (2)
Preemptive Strike (2)
Preparation (2)

Book of Finn

The Book of Finn can only be obtained by defeating Finn in Yun’s Office Episode II. This Book is used in the Invitation of Yun’s Office Episode III, Yun’s Office.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

Finn's Page (4)

Dodge and Strike (2)
Thrust (2)
Quickness (2)

Wallop (2)
Preemptive Strike (2)
Preparation (2)
Struggle (6)

Book of Yun’s Office

The Book of Yun’s Office is dropped by Eri and Yun in the third Episode and contains Combat Pages from both their pools. This Book is used for the Invitation of the following chapter, the BrotherhoodofIronIcon.png Brotherhood of Iron.

Image Key Pages

Combat Pages


A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1 (5)
Finn's Page (3)
Eri's Page (3)
Yun's Page (2)

Preparation (5)
Time for a Little Test (5)
You're Too Slow (3)
Feelin' Good (3)
Struggle (2)
Commandeering (2)

Book of Eri

The Book of Eri can only be obtained by defeating Eri in Episode 3, Act 2.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1 (2)
Eri's Page (4)

Dodge and Strike (2)
Thrust (2)
Quickness (2)
Wallop (2)
Preemptive Strike (2)
Preparation (2)
Time for a Little Test (2)
Feelin' Good (6)

Book of a Yun

The Book of Yun can only be obtained by defeating Yun in Episode 3, Act 2.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1 (2)
Yun's Page (3)

Dodge and Strike (2)
Thrust (2)
Quickness (2)
Wallop (2)
Preemptive Strike (2)
Preparation (2)
You're Too Slow (6)
Commandeering (3)

Book of a Novice Fixer (Unobtainable)

The Book of Novice Fixer was an alternative Book dropped by Finn. It wasn't used in any Story Invitations. Although it was removed, if it was obtained in previous versions, it can still be burned or used.

Image Key Pages Combat Pages

A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1 (5)
Finn's Page (4)

Dodge and Strike (5)
Thrust (5)
Quickness (5)
Wallop (5)
Preemptive Strike (5)
Preparation (5)
Struggle (6)

Battle Symbols

There are 2 Battle Symbols related to this guest group.

Battle Symbol Name Slot
Yun’s Office Representative BattleSymbol.png Yun’s Office Representative Mouth
1% chance to boost Evade dice power by +1
Win 1 Battles with Yun's Key Page equipped.

Unskilled Amateur BattleSymbol.png Unskilled Amateur Nose
HP +1, Stagger Resist -1
Take 3 hits with Finn's Key Page equipped.*

* Specifically, this means exactly three hits in one reception.



  • Eri is the first character introduced to be a Grade 8 Fixer.
  • Finn has dialogue for when one of his teammates is defeated. However, he fights alone in his Reception, so these lines are never displayed.
  • Eri and Yun both have special lines for when the other one of them is defeated, as well as standard teammate death lines. However, none of these are displayed.


Receptions Yun’s Office Fixers - Yun’s Office Rookie - Yun’s Office
Characters Finn - Eri - Yun
Key Pages A Yun’s Office Fixer, Page 1 - Finn’s Page - Eri’s Page - Yun’s Page
Combat Pages Preparation - Time for a Little Test - Feelin’ Good - You’re Too Slow - Struggle - Commandeering
Wings A Corp. • B Corp. • C Corp. • F Corp. • G Corp. • H Corp. • I Corp. • J Corp. • K Corp. • L Corp. • M Corp. • N Corp. • O Corp. • P Corp. • R Corp.T Corp. • U Corp. • V Corp. • W Corp. (WARP Cleanup Crew)
Syndicates Five Fingers (The ThumbThe IndexThe MiddleThe RingThe Pinky) • Finger Subsidiaries (Stray DogsKurokumo ClanNight AwlsRumanos CartelRamier Family) • Independent (Brotherhood of IronMusicians of BremenAxe GangThe CarnivalSmiling FacesRusted ChainsBlade LineageThe Reverberation EnsembleLittle Piggy's)
Associations Hana AssociationZwei AssociationTres AssociationShi AssociationCinq AssociationLiu Association (Liu Association Section 1Liu Association Section 2) • Seven AssociationDevyat AssociationDieci AssociationÖufi Association
Offices Yun's OfficeHook OfficeStreetlight OfficeMolar OfficeFull-Stop OfficeDawn OfficeGaze OfficeJeong's OfficeWedge OfficeCane OfficeThe Udjat • Bayard's Office • Clam Office • Charles' Office • Moses' Office • Ame Office • Dou Gui Combat Office • Rusk's Office • Bloom Office
Workshops Leaflet WorkshopYuRia Atelier • Allas Workshop • Zelkova Workshop • Old Boys Workshop • Ranga Workshop
Others RatsBackstreets Butchers (Pierre's Bistro) • The Eight Chefs • The Church of Gears • Love TownSweepersThe 8 o'Clock CircusPuppetsMirae Life InsuranceThe Head • The Eye • The Claw