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I-I said I'm just doing my job. It's not like I'm doing you a favor or anything.


Isadora is a Fixer of Section 6 of the ZweiAssociationIcon.png Zwei Association's Southern Branch. She is first heard in the introduction story of UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth, and is formally introduced during UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend, in Episode 1 of the Zwei Assocation.


Isadora has black hair tied back into twin pigtails. She wears the uniform of the Zwei Association, this being a pale collared shirt and a black tie, tucked into black pants secured with a silver belt, as well as black boots. Over all this, she wears a marine blue Zwei coat. In combat, she uses a black Zwei sword.


Isadora tries to remain impassive and professional as an Associate Fixer, acting strictly by-the-book even to those she considers close friends. Nevertheless, she is highly reliable both in her work and to her friends, and will work as hard as possible within official capability to help them. Despite her seemingly harsh attitude, she is also easily flustered by her friends.



Isadora and San are close childhood friends, having grown up together in the Backstreets of District 21 together. At one point, the two faced a serious danger in the streets at night, and San attempted to protect Isadora with a tree branch despite being equally as frightened as her; this amused Isadora, and the memory stuck closely with her, though not the details of how they managed to survive.

Isadora and San became Fixers at the same time and even ended up being assigned to the same Office, where they met Julia, who was also a first-time Fixer assigned to the Office. The three quickly befriended each other, with Isadora even trusting Julia enough to tell her about San's cowardly past. They eventually left the Office and parted ways; Isadora and Julia joined the Zwei Association and ended up in Section 6 of its Southern Branch, while San created his own Office, StreetlightOfficeIcon.png Streetlight Office, and became an affiliate of the Zwei. Isadora was assigned to office work in Section 6's headquarters, and has not seen field work for a length of time.

Urban Myth

In the introduction of UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth, Isadora is heard being asked for updates on the DistortionIcon.png Distortion Phenomenon by her superior Walter. She replies that Zwei Section 1 and the HanaAssociationIcon.png Hana Association have listed the Laundry of Dreams, Yesterday's Promise, and The Church of Gears as potential suspects. After she adds that the Library, only an Urban Myth at the time, is also being considered as a suspect, Walter scoffs at their superiors' seeming cluelessness and use of "random guesses."

Zwei Association

In Episode 1 of the ZweiAssociationIcon.png Zwei Association, Isadora and Julia are seen meeting with San as he requests the Association's help in entering the Library and recovering his deceased subordinates' Books. Despite pleas from Julia to help him as a friend, Isadora first rebukes and reprimands him for breaking Association procedure before finally acquiescing, revealing that she was already laying the groundwork to help him through official means; collecting information on the Library to have the Hana Association raise its threat grade to UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend so that the Zwei can formally investigate it, which is a success. This leads both San and Julia to thank her profusely, which flusters her slightly. She then passes an Invitation from San along to several Zwei Crewmembers, who use it to enter the Library.

In Episode 2 of the ZweiAssociationIcon.png Zwei Association, Isadora addresses San and Julia, informing them that they are part of the Zwei search team which is set to enter the Library. She urges them to collect as much information (via Books) from the Library as possible despite the mission's main objective being to recover the StreetlightOfficeIcon.png Books of Lulu and Mars. San then questions why the Zwei is organizing such a mission despite its purpose being peacekeeping; Isadora answers by asking San why he came to the Zwei if he knew that and why he did not ask his brother Bada for help. San refuses to speak of his brother and lets the matter drop, but Isadora decides to reveal the truth: the Zwei Association is investigating the Distortion Phenomenon to try and prevent further incidents like the Pianist, and they believe the Library may hold clues. After Julia notes that she has heard of related incidents and San indicates that he understands, Isadora concludes that the Library is still only one of the Zwei's suspects and thus there will not be any higher-graded Fixers helping investigate it for the time being. Afterwards, San and Julia prepare to leave for the mission and thank Isadora for her help, causing her to stutter and deflect what she did for friendship onto her work once more.

In Episode 3 of the ZweiAssociationIcon.png Zwei Association, Isadora is seen in her superior Walter's office, trying to convince him to have Zwei South Section 6 keep investigating the Library after San and Julia fail to return, detailing the Library's modus operandi and even claiming that it is connected to the Distortion Phenomenon based on the Zwei's inability to analyze it. Walter notes that it is rare for Isadora to make "baseless" claims, and hints that Isadora simply wants revenge on the Library for her friends' fates. He refuses her request, citing the many more urgent requests Section 6 already has to handle, and tells her to remember the Zwei's purpose. However, this changes after he finds an Invitation in his desk with the DistortionIcon.png Book of the Distortion on it, and he quickly reverses his decision, assembling a new team including himself and Isadora to enter the Library - the first field mission either of them have received in some time. Inside the Library, Walter is self-assured, commenting on their chance to elevate their careers, complete their mission, and satisfy Isadora's revenge all at the same time, but Isadora is hesitant and does not like the situation. When greeted by Angela, Walter goads her over her true nature as an AI, and Isadora tries to convince him that it is unwise to do so.

Ultimately, Isadora falls during the Reception and is turned into the ZweiAssociationIcon.png Book of Isadora, losing her chance to avenge her friends.

Key Page story

Isadora’s Page

San and Julia are old Fixer friends of mine. And San’s from the streets of District 21, the same place I grew up in. This is a secret I’ve only told Julia, but San actually used to be a huge coward. It’s probably not that surprising to you since he still acts like a coward from time to time. Thinking about the old days makes me laugh, though? He’d always “train” himself so he “doesn’t lag behind” and end up getting scars on his face. And one time, he walked into a dark alleyway, saying exploration shouldn’t be a problem for a brave person even though his face was already full of fear, and then ran back to me in less than a minute.

We almost got into serious danger one time. The two of us were hanging out until after dark, and ran into something nasty in a remote street. It happened when I was a little kid, so my memory of that is blurry… All I can remember is looking at San’s back, standing in front me holding a tree branch he hurriedly picked up. My heart was racing with fright, but looking at his shivering legs made me chuckle a little on the inside. I don’t really remember what happened after that, as I said.

Why am I bringing this up all of a sudden? I don’t know. I was just reminded of the old times seeing San kneel down for the sake of his Office juniors. He never changes, huh?

Combat Info

Isadora appears in Episode III of the ZweiAssociationIcon.png Zwei Association chapter, entering during Act 2 along with Walter and a generic Zwei Crewmember.
HPIcon.png 39 StaggerIcon.png 17 SpeedIcon.png 2~5
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntNormalIcon.png Normal

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgVulnerableIcon.png Fatal
BluntStgNormalIcon.png Normal

Passive Abilities
SkillBlueIcon.png Minimum Offense
Slash Stagger Damage +1
Zwei South Section 6 50% 33% 0% 0%
Book of Isadora 50% 66% 100% 100%
Count 3 3.2 3.6 4
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Combat Preparation ×2
Blade Whirl
Avert ×2
Law and Order ×2

Page Cost Description
Combat Preparation
(2 Copies)
2 MeleeIcon.png On Use Give 2 Endurance to all allies next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~4 
BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~8 
Blade Whirl
2 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 3~6  On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 2~5  On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 1~2 
(2 Copies)
1 MeleeIcon.png BlockDiceIcon.png 2~4 
SlashDiceIcon.png 3~5  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
3 MeleeIcon.png EvadeDiceIcon.png 1~10  On Clash Win Boost next die’s max value by +3
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~5 
PierceDiceIcon.png 3~4 
(2 Copies) 0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 2~6  On Clash Win Deal 2 damage to opponent

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • …You must be one of the clique that took San and Julia.
  • They don’t really look tough, but they did annihilate the previous group…
  • I’m not willing to forgive you at all.
Victory Cry
  • We’ve won… San, Julia, I avenged you.
  • …I’m partially responsible for your deaths, so let’s say that we evened up the score with this.
  • Dammit… I’m still not done with my revenge…!
  • Please, just give me just another chance…
On Ally Death
  • I should do my job, whether anyone else dies here or not.
  • …I’m still not fully accustomed to this.
  • We have a man down! We need… assistance.
On Kill
  • Director, I’ve dealt with a hostile on my end.
  • Think of this as the rightful retribution for all the killing you’ve done.
  • You should’ve blocked the attacks better.

Receptions Zwei Crewmembers - Zwei Association Ⅰ - Zwei Association Ⅱ
Characters Julia - Isadora - Walter
Key Pages A Zwei Fixer’s Page - Julia’s Page - Isadora’s Page - Walter’s Page
Combat Pages Law and Order - Avert - Your Shield - Retaliate - Blade Whirl - Suppress - Fence - Combat Preparation - Guardian
Main Story Angela - Roland - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma
CanardIcon.png Canard (Pete - Lenny - Mang-chi) • (Finn - Yun - Eri) • (Mo - Consta - Arnold) • (Taein - McCullin - Naoki)
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth (Pierre - Jack) • (Mars - Lulu - San)
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend (Walter - Isadora - Julia) • (Dino - Gyeong-mi - Zulu) • (Olga - Mika - Rain)
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague (Alpha - Beta - Gamma) • (Sayo - Yang - Gin) • (Tamaki - Stephan - Liwei) • (Philip - Salvador - Yuna) • (Dalloc - Alloc - Bono) • (Meow - MuMu - Oink) • (Oscar - Pameli - Pamela) • (Tommy - Merry - Jae-heon - Elena - Tomerry) • JikanHanafuda
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare (Valerie - Lyla - Anton) • (Yujin - Valentin - Tenma - Thelma) • (Oswald - Emma & Noah) • (Jin - Mi - Wang) • (Rose - Sen - Lesti) • DanteBamboo-hatted Kim
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City (Kalo - Katriel - Denis - Boris) • (Lowell - Cecil - Mei - Xiao - Miris - Chun) • (Nemo - Bada - Martina) • (Nikolai - Maxim - Rudolph - Myo) • (Yan - Esther - Hubert - Gloria - Moirai - 얀샋ㄷ요무) • Dong-hwanAllenBayardIrinaYae
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis (Mirinae - Harold - Olivier) • (Zena - Baral - Luda)
Colors The Blue ReverberationThe Purple TearThe Red MistThe Black SilenceThe Vermilion Cross
The Reverb Ensemble The Conductor - Church of Gears Leader - Yesterday's Promise - L'heure de Loup - The 8 o'Clock Ringmaster - The Crying Children - The Puppeteer - Blood-red Night - The Eighth Chef - The Musicians of Bremen
Others The PianistAngelica • (Ayin - Carmen - Enoch) • ??? • (Astolfo - Ogier - Naimon - Renaud)
The Distortion Detective City Inhabitants:
Moses - Ezra - YuRia - Vespa Crabro - Han Hee-joon - Dias
The Photographer - The Mock Exam - Laundry of Dreams - The Human Thunderbolt - Marksman of the Mist - Larierre