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"We will spend our days in yet grander debauchery. We're happy, though. We can wet ourselves in new colors every day, unlike the rest of you."
- Bremen's Page

Bremen, also known as the Musicians of Bremen and originally known individually as Doodle-doo, Heehaw, and Woof, is a Distortion comprised of three former founding members of the MusiciansofBremenIcon.png Musicians of Bremen in one body, later becoming members of the TheBlueReverberationIcon.png The Reverberation Ensemble.


Bremen is the fusion of three people in one conjoined body: Doodle-doo, the magenta-stained rooster; Heehaw, the green-stained donkey; and Woof, the indigo-stained dog. Each head emerges from the neck and is stained by substances of their respective color—which constantly drips off their faces and sprays as they move.

The body they share is clad in the Reverberation Ensemble's signature suit, decorated with blue swirls, as they tuck their arms behind their back while holding a cane.


Not much is known about Bremen's personality due to their unintelligibility, only being able to communicate through loud and frenzied animal noises representative of their individual titles (rooster crows, donkey neighs, and dog barks.) However, their Key Page Story and fighting mannerisms indicate that they are highly hedonistic, constantly seeking greater and greater pleasures and willing to go to any lengths in the pursuit and performance of their "art."


Key Page story

Bremen’s Page

Let’s go on an adventure—a world that changes with every step. The me that changes after each step I take. My eyes dazzled by colorful light, I pursue pleasures that I don’t have. Don’t scold us because you can’t understand our pursuit. You just happen to be one of the many who feel joy from common things. We—on the other hand—don’t see any colors in those. You’re the ones drenched in nasty pleasures. We’re simply looking for what we lack. But complete satisfaction will never come; it’ll only sink deeper in the raging thirst. We will spend our days in yet grander debauchery. We’re happy, though. We can wet ourselves in new colors every day, unlike the rest of you.

Combat Info

The Musicians of Bremen
HPIcon.png 900 StaggerIcon.png 60 SpeedIcon.png 2~6
SlashResistIcon.png Ineffective

PierceResistIcon.png Ineffective
BluntResistIcon.png Ineffective

SlashStgResistIcon.png Ineffective

PierceStgResistIcon.png Ineffective
BluntStgResistIcon.png Ineffective

Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Nuovo Fabric
Take 1-2 less damage and Stagger damage from attacks.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Woof ruff! Doodly-doo? Heehaw~!
On a successful Blunt attack, deal 1-2 bonus Stagger damage.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Shimmering
At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Triarchy
The first three Speed dice use Combat Pages that belong to specific heads.
SkillPurpleIcon.png From the Top
Every Scene, one head becomes active. Each head uses different Combat Pages.On certain Scenes, uses special Combat Pages that inflict the target with 'Tagged', a status effect that allows them to gain a copy of a Combat Page after winning a clash against it.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Busted Chops
When Staggered, the Speed die that belongs to the currently active head will break, and the character will recover from Stagger next Scene.When all heads are destroyed, the battle progresses to the next phase.
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Barkruff! BARK~!!!

Page Cost Description
0 MeleeIcon.png Combat Start Inflict 2 Feeble this Scene
BlockDiceIcon.png 4~8 
SlashDiceIcon.png 7~10 
BlockCounterDiceIcon.png 4~9  On Clash Win Inflict 1 Feeble to a random enemy next Scene
Barkruff! BARK~!!!
0 MeleeIcon.png SlashDiceIcon.png 5~9  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind and Disarm next Scene
SlashDiceIcon.png 5~9  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind and Disarm next Scene
0 MeleeIcon.png Can Target Ally;Combat Start If target is an ally, give 2 Strength this Scene
PierceCounterDiceIcon.png 6~10  On Clash Win Give 1 Strength to a random ally next Scene
EvadeCounterDiceIcon.png 6~10 
0 MeleeIcon.png Combat Start Give 1 Strength to all allies
EvadeDiceIcon.png 7~10 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~8 
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~7 
0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 12~12  On Hit Give ‘Tagged’ next Scene
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 4~7 
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 4~7 
0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 6~9  On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 6~9  On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
BluntDiceIcon.png 6~9 

Combat Dialogue
Combat Entrance
  • Woof woof! Cockadoodledoo~ Heehaw~!!
Victory Cry
  • Cluck… BAWBAWK~!!
On Ally Death
  • Eeyore.
  • Bawk… Bawk…
  • Arf!
On Kill
  • Ruff roof ruff!! GROWL RUFF RUFF!!!
  • BAWK~!! BOWWOW!!!
  • NEIIIIGH~!!!

The Musicians of Bremen
HPIcon.png 200 StaggerIcon.png 60 SpeedIcon.png 1~5
SlashNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntEndureIcon.png Endured

SlashStgNormalIcon.png Normal

PierceStgEndureIcon.png Endured
BluntStgEndureIcon.png Endured

Passive Abilities
SkillOrangeIcon.png Shimmering
At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Martial Song of the Battlefield
While this character is alive, give an ally a random positive status effect. (Strength, Endurance, or Haste) The amount given equals the amount of Light this character has.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Beklemmt Resolve
Loses all Light when Staggered.
SkillPurpleIcon.png Erlöschend Dirge of a War Grave
Upon death: all enemies gain 3 Strength, Endurance, and Haste next scene.
Does not drop books.
Combat Bookshelf
[Switch to Table/Grid]
Menacing Noise
Fanciful Tune
Music Therapy

Page Cost Description
Menacing Noise
0 MeleeIcon.png BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind and 1 Feeble
BluntDiceIcon.png 4~8  On Hit Inflict 2 Bind and 1 Feeble
0 MeleeIcon.png Combat Start;Target Ally If target is an ally, give 2 Haste this Scene
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 4~10  On Clash Win Give 1 Strength to 2 random allies next Scene
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 4~10 
Fanciful Tune
0 MeleeIcon.png PierceDiceIcon.png 5~9  On Hit Inflict 1 Feeble next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 4~10  On Hit Inflict 1 Feeble next Scene
PierceDiceIcon.png 5~12  On Hit Recover 5 HP for two random allies
Music Therapy
0 MeleeIcon.png Combat Start;Target Ally If target is an ally, they recover 20 HP
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 5~11  On Clash Win Give 2 Protection to the ally with the lowest HP next Scene
0 MeleeIcon.png Combat Start;Target Ally If target is an ally, all allies gain 1 Strength and recover 20 HP
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 4~8 
BluntCounterDiceIcon.png 4~8 

Combat Dialogue
Has no combat dialogue.


  • Bremen's donkey head, Heehaw, was one of the confirmed female co-founders of their group alongside Meow.
  • Their style and posture is reminiscent of vaudevillian aesthetics, fitting Library Of Ruina's Art Deco inspirations.
  • As with other Ensemble members, Bremen has certain parallels with their Sephirah counterpart Netzach. In this case, their drive to find a purpose for their previously aimless life through somebody else, with the former trying to find it through The Pianist and the latter through Carmen.
Main Story Angela - Roland - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma
CanardIcon.png Canard (Pete - Lenny - Mang-chi) • (Finn - Yun - Eri) • (Mo - Consta - Arnold) • (Taein - McCullin - Naoki)
UrbanMythIcon.png Urban Myth (Pierre - Jack) • (Mars - Lulu - San)
UrbanLegendIcon.png Urban Legend (Walter - Isadora - Julia) • (Dino - Gyeong-mi - Zulu) • (Olga - Mika - Rain)
UrbanPlagueIcon.png Urban Plague (Alpha - Beta - Gamma) • (Sayo - Yang - Gin) • (Tamaki - Stephan - Liwei) • (Philip - Salvador - Yuna) • (Dalloc - Alloc - Bono) • (Meow - MuMu - Oink) • (Oscar - Pameli - Pamela) • (Tommy - Merry - Jae-heon - Elena - Tomerry) • JikanHanafuda
UrbanNightmareIcon.png Urban Nightmare (Valerie - Lyla - Anton) • (Yujin - Valentin - Tenma - Thelma) • (Oswald - Emma & Noah) • (Jin - Mi - Wang) • (Rose - Sen - Lesti) • DanteBamboo-hatted Kim
StarCityIcon.png Star of the City (Kalo - Katriel - Denis - Boris) • (Lowell - Cecil - Mei - Xiao - Miris - Chun) • (Nemo - Bada - Martina) • (Nikolai - Maxim - Rudolph - Myo) • (Yan - Esther - Hubert - Gloria - Moirai - 얀샋ㄷ요무) • Dong-hwanAllenBayardIrinaYae
ImpuritasIcon.png Impuritas Civitatis (Mirinae - Harold - Olivier) • (Zena - Baral - Luda)
Colors The Blue ReverberationThe Purple TearThe Red MistThe Black SilenceThe Vermilion Cross
The Reverb Ensemble The Conductor - Church of Gears Leader - Yesterday's Promise - L'heure de Loup - The 8 o'Clock Ringmaster - The Crying Children - The Puppeteer - Blood-red Night - The Eighth Chef - The Musicians of Bremen
Others The PianistAngelica • (Ayin - Carmen - Enoch) • ??? • (Astolfo - Ogier - Naimon - Renaud)
The Distortion Detective City Inhabitants:
Moses - Ezra - YuRia - Vespa Crabro - Han Hee-joon - Dias
The Photographer - The Mock Exam - Laundry of Dreams - The Human Thunderbolt - Marksman of the Mist - Larierre